
Saturday, December 7, 2024

Aleppo Has Fallen - Damascus, Homs In Terrorist Sights

Brandon Turbeville

In what seems like out of nowhere, years of stalemate between the Syrian government and the terrorists known by mainstream media channels and Western governments as the “Syrian opposition” was broken by a massive push on the part of terrorist forces toward Aleppo. After capturing numerous areas surrounding the city, Aleppo itself was overrun.  

It seemed like no one saw the terrorist onslaught coming and, when they did, it doesn’t appear that anyone – Syria, Hezbollah, Iranian-backed militias, or Russian forces – could stop them. The terrorists took only hours to capture what it took Syrian forces years to liberate.

Now, with the city of Aleppo once again teeming with the extremists of ISIS, Al-Nusra Front, and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, these same terrorists are now knocking loudly on the doors of Damascus and Homs as well. Indeed, the Syrian government has not found itself in such dire straits since the beginning of the conflict in 2011. Once again, Western governments and mainstream media outlets are discussing the potential “fall of Assad” almost as if the “fall” is a foregone conclusion.

If Assad does fall, it will be a massive boon to Israel which has long desired to break the “Shiite Crescent,” the land bridge between Iran and Lebanon that runs through Iraq and Syria, allowing Iran to ship equipment and personnel back and forth to the Israeli border. It will also have succeeded in removing a government unwilling to cooperate with its projects or look the other way in regards to its war on the Palestinian people and its desires for a “Greater Israel.” In addition, a neighbor of petty, squabbling micro states of extremists has long been the desire of the Israeli government since weak extremists, to Israel, is more palatable than a strong secular one.

Globalist elements in the Western world will also be pleased when the goal they have maintained since 2011 is realized, i.e. the fall of the Assad government and replacement with these same extremists or, at the very least, the breakup of Syria into several impotent ethno-states.

The losers? Syria, of course. Most notably the Syrian people who will have their living standards, already slashed to below third world status after 13 years of war and crippling sanctions, lowered even further. That is, for those who are not beheaded, tortured to death, or shot for violating some absurd tenet of Sharia Law.

Russia also loses its strategic port and military bases, global influence and stature, and the rights to mines and minerals that it has wrested from the Syrian government as a result of its entrance to the Syrian war. Iran and Hezbollah not only lose their land bridge, but Hezbollah is left to wither on the vine as Israel continues to pick it apart. Iran only has to wait its turn before Israel, most likely via the United States, picks a war with it, now isolated and broken as well.

In this fight, it seems the Syrian government is largely alone. To be clear, one cannot accuse Russia, Hezbollah, or Iran of abandoning Syria as an ally. Hezbollah is currently locked in a war with Israel, a war, it might be added, it is clearly losing. Iran also is engaged not only in Lebanon (via Hezbollah) and Syria but it is also engaged in tit for tat sparring with Israel, having to remain incredibly careful not to provoke the war into a direct one, particularly one that will drive the United States to “defend” Israel by attacking Iran.

Likewise, Russia is bogged down in Ukraine, facing not just a battle with Ukraine but with the entirety of NATO by proxy. It seems Russia simply doesn’t have the capability to recommit troops or equipment to Syria while leaving its front line (or its rear guard) depleted on the European front.

For what it’s worth, Russia is assisting Syria with airstrikes. Russian and Syrian state media have reported hundreds of militants killed and dozens of vehicles destroyed in airstrikes and operations. Their message is simply “Stay calm. We’ve done it once and we can do it again.” For the sake of the Syrian people, we can only hope this is true.

I have written three books and voluminous amounts of articles on the matter of who is funding, training, and directing the terrorists operating in Syria in the past. The culprits are Western countries, the EU, United States, Gulf Cooperation Council, Turkey, and Israel. I invite any reader to take a look at my past work to see the evidence for these claims. Needless to say, these nations have not given up their plot even amidst the several years of stalemate.

Yet, the levers of power, at least in the United States, will look a bit different come late January, 2025. Donald Trump, largely seen as the peace candidate in the 2024 elections, will take office and, if there is anything left of Syria or the world when he does, Trump will have quite the dilemma on his hands regarding Syria. Indeed, Syria will be one of many crises he will have to face on Day 1. If we want a window into what the incoming President thinks of the Syrian war, perhaps we can look at his December 7, 2024 post on X where President Elect Trump wrote:

On December 7, 2024, President Elect Donald Trump posted the following on X:

Opposition fighters in Syria, in an unprecedented move, have totally taken over numerous cities, in a highly coordinated offensive, and are now on the outskirts of Damascus, obviously preparing to make a very big move toward taking out Assad. Russia, because they are so tied up in Ukraine, and with the loss there of over 600,000 soldiers, seems incapable of stopping this literal march through Syria, a country they have protected for years. This is where former President Obama refused to honor his commitment of protecting the RED LINE IN THE SAND, and all hell broke out, with Russia stepping in. But now they are, like possibly Assad himself, being forced out, and it may actually be the best thing that can happen to them. There was never much of a benefit in Syria for Russia, other than to make Obama look really stupid. In any event, Syria is a mess, but is not our friend, & THE UNITED STATES SHOULD HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. THIS IS NOT OUR FIGHT. LET IT PLAY OUT. DO NOT GET INVOLVED!

As someone who has covered and researched the Syrian crisis for 13 years, the United States must act immediately to defend not just Syria or American interests, but world civilization. I humbly submit my own proposal:

The United States President must immediately call the Russian President and express a desire to discuss the Syrian crisis. The deconfliction channel must be restored immediately with no preconditions. The United States must make clear that it does not want escalation nor a continued war in Syria and that it does not desire conflict with Russia.

At the same time, the United States must covertly begin contact with the Syrian government and begin negotiations. The United States should ask that the Syrian government agree to the following terms:

1.) Restoration of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Syria.

2.) That the United States may be involved in the rebuilding effort.

3.) To end cooperation with Iranian or other militias that target American service personnel.

In return, the United States must do the following:

1.) Restore diplomatic relations between the United States and Syria, reopening embassies in both countries.

2.) Facilitate Syria’s return to the “international community.”

3.) Immediately remove the sanctions imposed on Syria from 2011 to the present.

4.) Argue for the readmittance of Syria into the Arab League.

5.) Remove American soldiers from Syrian soil. This includes all bases and outposts in Syria.

6.) End support for ISIS/al-Qaeda terrorists and other “Syrian opposition” fighters operating in Syria.

7.) Provide coordinates to the Syrian government (and/or Russia) regarding the whereabouts of these terrorists so they may be eliminated.

8.) Abandon the fanatical Kurdistan project and the Kurdish fighters in Syria. There may be a discussion of the manner in which the Kurdish fighters may end their experiment such as withdrawal, surrender, exit, and/or repatriation. However, the Kurdish experiment must be ended and the land seized by Kurdish militias must be returned to Syria.

9.) The United States must also reach out to Turkey, preferably in tandem with Russia, in order to negotiate an end to Turkeys’ support for terrorists in Syria, particularly in Idlib. The end to the Kurdish experiment will serve as an enticement for such an agreement.

10.) Take part in the rebuilding effort of Syria. Through a radically adapted version of the Marshall Plan, the United States may engage in rebuilding the country. This will provide Syria with a hand to play at the table of negotiations with Russia and China during the course of any future development, allow the United States its desired level of economic and political influence in the country, and allow another market for American businesses. For any type of “aid” or “rebuilding assistance” given to Syria, the United States may send equipment instead of money so as to cut down on the likelihood of corruption.

Furthermore, the United States must end its enabling and facilitation of Israeli aggression in the Middle East that is destabilizing the region and putting not only the counties next to it in danger, but also putting the United States itself in danger. The United States must make it clear to Israel that it must cease its wanton war on civilians in Gaza as well as its war on Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran or it will not continue to receive American support in any form and that it will do so at its own risk, fighting whatever battle that may come as a result entirely alone. Any Israeli attempt to test those boundaries should be met with immediate cessation of American support.

The survival of the Syrian government is not a political win or loss, it is a must for the stability of the region and the rest of the world. Terrorists cannot be allowed to control yet another country as a result of failed, imperialist, foreign policy. While the United States cannot afford and should not become militarily involved in this crisis, it must immediately end our support of terrorist forces and the forces destabilizing the region.

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