
Monday, December 16, 2024

Israel Drops 'Earthquake Bombs' In Syria While Situation On The Ground Worsens, Chaos Looms

Brandon Turbeville
December 16, 2024

While Western corporate media outlets present a picture of celebrations and parties in the street over the fall of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, the reality on the ground is a much different story.

Ever since the fall of Assad, Israel has launched an unprecedented bombing campaign all across the country, targeting Syria’s military bases, equipment, airplanes, ships, and weapons depots. The Israeli goal is to eliminate the ability of any military threat or resistance by its neighbor, regardless of who the ruling party might be. Having supported the jihadists over the entirety of the last 13 years, the Israeli government now seeks to castrate them into complete military impotence, a plan that seems to be working extremely well.

According to al-Mayadeen,

Israeli strikes in Tartus countryside caused massive explosions, Al Mayadeen's correspondent reported early Monday, as the Israeli regime continues to target and destroy Syria's military capabilities.

Several civilians were killed and injured in what has been described as the heaviest and most violent attacks on Syria since the onset of Israeli aggression. The intense bombardment on the city was so powerful that it caused an earthquake-like tremor, which residents could physically feel, according to Al Mayadeen's correspondent.

Israeli media reporting on the bombing described the aggression as a "Hiroshima in Tartus" due to the intensity of the attacks.

Our correspondent said that the strikes targeted weapons depots in several sites in western Syria. 

History Is Being Rewritten In Syria

Brandon Turbeville
December 16, 2024

History is written by the winners as they say and nowhere is there more evidence of this than the Syrian conflict, having now closed one chapter and opened another. For thirteen years, Western countries including NATO and the United States as well as the GCC and Israel, have funded, armed, trained, and directed terrorist forces of overwhelmingly foreign elements (and some Syrians) in order to overthrow the Assad government in Syria. In the course of that plot, Western media outlets demonized Assad and the Syrian Army as the epitome of evil. Every single person killed was the fault of Assad and, if you listened to Western media, you might easily be convinced Assad’s only goal was to kill every single Syrian residing in the country.

The terrorists, by contrast, despite voluminous accounts of atrocities, wholesale slaughter, beheadings, rapes, and torture, were “freedom fighters,” “peaceful protesters,” “rebels,” and the “Syrian opposition.” They never killed anyone except in self-defense and only wanted freedom and prosperity for all.

This was the mainstream media account from Western countries but it wasn’t at all the truth.

Over those 13 years, the alternative media revealed and, in some instances, even forced the mainstream media to reveal, the level of horror these terrorists inflicted upon the Syrian people. In fact, as time went on, the idea that the “opposition” was anything but a ruthless gaggle of religious extremists became something western governments were less and less able to peddle successfully. But they gave it a good college try. That is, in between the moments where they admitted the terrorist nature of the “opposition” in order to justify bombing various targets in Syria.  

During the course of this 13 year war, however, the alternative media was successfully purged from the scene due to changes in online search algorithms (reducing visibility), massive purging on social media platforms, and a campaign labeling anyone countering the State Department nonsense as “disinformation,” or “malinformation.” As a result, MSM was largely allowed to continue peddling its propaganda with little challenge and only those who were savvy enough to discover new media outlets during the short window of competitive alternative press were able to obtain a different view.

Monday, December 9, 2024

All Signs Point To Major Deal By World Powers Over Syria

Brandon Turbeville
December 19, 2024 
For 13 years, the Syrian Army fought valiantly, and terrorists backed by Israeli, Turkish, and American air power were beaten back and held to a standstill. Then, all of a sudden, in a matter of three days, terrorists led by Hayit Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) overran first Aleppo, then every other major city in Syria. They met little to no resistance save for a few bombs launched toward Idlib by the Syrian and Russian Air Force battalions who didn’t get the memo that they were not supposed to do anything to stop the onslaught. According to some reports, these fighters captured Damascus in about 60 seconds. The lighting speed of the terrorist operation caught everyone by surprise, even those of us who have paid close attention to the conflict for years.

The Syrian Army didn’t run. They were ordered to stand down.

Bashar al-Assad fled Syria with his family and headed, allegedly, to Moscow. Syria - its military and civilians – were left to the mercy of some of the most merciless fighters of the 21st Century.

Abu Mohammed al-Julani, the leader of HTS (aka, al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra Front, Jobhat al-Nusra) is now giving speeches from the Umayyad Mosque while green flag waving militants fire wildly into the air in celebration. The Presidential Palace has been looted and the statue of Hafez al-Assad has been torn down, dragged through the street, and beheaded.

The entirety of the Sednaya prison has now been emptied. Sednaya contained large numbers of terrorists who are now roaming free but it also contained innocent people who never should have been caged in the first place.

Millions of Syrians - some who supported the government, some who were apolitical – are now in fear for their lives, waiting to hear if they must be veiled or if the new “government” will simply exterminate them.

If one observes the proceedings of the previous week, it is beyond clear that an international deal was made between Russia, the United States, Turkey, Israel, Assad, Hezbollah, and leader of the army of fighters inside Syrian territory.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Aleppo Has Fallen - Damascus, Homs In Terrorist Sights

Brandon Turbeville

In what seems like out of nowhere, years of stalemate between the Syrian government and the terrorists known by mainstream media channels and Western governments as the “Syrian opposition” was broken by a massive push on the part of terrorist forces toward Aleppo. After capturing numerous areas surrounding the city, Aleppo itself was overrun.  

It seemed like no one saw the terrorist onslaught coming and, when they did, it doesn’t appear that anyone – Syria, Hezbollah, Iranian-backed militias, or Russian forces – could stop them. The terrorists took only hours to capture what it took Syrian forces years to liberate.

Now, with the city of Aleppo once again teeming with the extremists of ISIS, Al-Nusra Front, and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, these same terrorists are now knocking loudly on the doors of Damascus and Homs as well. Indeed, the Syrian government has not found itself in such dire straits since the beginning of the conflict in 2011. Once again, Western governments and mainstream media outlets are discussing the potential “fall of Assad” almost as if the “fall” is a foregone conclusion.

If Assad does fall, it will be a massive boon to Israel which has long desired to break the “Shiite Crescent,” the land bridge between Iran and Lebanon that runs through Iraq and Syria, allowing Iran to ship equipment and personnel back and forth to the Israeli border. It will also have succeeded in removing a government unwilling to cooperate with its projects or look the other way in regards to its war on the Palestinian people and its desires for a “Greater Israel.” In addition, a neighbor of petty, squabbling micro states of extremists has long been the desire of the Israeli government since weak extremists, to Israel, is more palatable than a strong secular one.