
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Yes, We Can End The Ukraine War In 24 Hours - Here's How

Brandon Turbeville
July 17, 2023

As the United States Presidential Primaries are now in full swing, there is much talk about the future of the American-Ukraine-Russian entanglement. Should the United States be sending more assistance to Ukraine? Less? Are we moving fast enough? Should we be moving at all? These are the questions that are beginning to show the dividing lines in both parties between the anti-war and pro-war camps and, thus, the oligarchy’s approved candidates and those who are more outside the acceptable reigns of modern politically established candidates.

I will remind my own readers that, in 2013, when the Obama administration overthrew the Yanukovich Presidency in Ukraine, I wrote numerous articles not only exposing the coup for what it was but also predicting that the color revolution in Ukraine would lead to a confrontation between the United States and Russia on the battlefield of Ukraine. I was criticized for not supporting the “freedom movement” in Ukraine that soon turned into ethnic conflict and civil war. I was then criticized for opposing American “assistance” to Ukraine in the form of money and weaponry as well as training and American military personnel. I was wrong, according to my critics, for not supporting the “underdog” against the alleged aggressor who was bigger and stronger. If only my critics had reacted logically instead of emotionally and in a woefully uninformed manner, perhaps public opinion would have opposed any involvement in Ukraine and much of the needless bloodshed would never have occurred.

That’s doubtful, of course, since public opinion alone rarely makes a difference when the Great Eating Machine is hungry and has decided to march forward with a pre-ordained plan of war or economic destruction.

The vindication I feel for being right in my assessment ten years prior is no match for the disappointment I feel at watching Ukrainians being slaughtered by Russians and other Ukrainians, for Russians being killed by Ukrainians, and for the distinct possibility that American service personnel may soon be experiencing the same fate. It does not make up for the very real threat of World War Three that will effect every man, woman, and child upon the planet this time around. It also does not make up for watching Americans insulted every day by the fact that billions of dollars are routinely shipped to Ukraine while their own country falls apart at the seams.