The Organic Prepper
January 28, 2020
Year after year, the world's public is subjected to a fear campaign surrounding some frightening disease, from Zika virus to Ebola. Each year Western audiences in particular are brow beaten with fear over a disease that, one year later, is scarcely remembered. What is remembered, however, is the reaction of Federal, local, and state governments and the ever growing authoritarian "solutions" provided. The solutions always take the form of "discussions" over even greater violations of individual rights, forced vaccination, dislocation, forced quarantine, and medical tyranny.
For the purpose of this article, we will leave aside questions of how this virus suddenly appeared, its origins, real dangers, and how it is spreading so fast.
Assuming that the threat of Coronavirus is real, there are a number of solutions to the festering pandemic that are acutely being ignored. Travel bans from affected areas, greater screening at airports and other national access points, particularly the U.S./Mexico border have all been largely ignored until recently. A comprehensive policy of treatment and containment of the disease that does not entail the implementation of martial law and the violation of Constitutional rights also appears to be nonexistent.
Yet there is also a more long term set of solutions that must be implemented in order to prevent the disease from spreading and to prevent its appearance in the first place. The end of austerity, the rebuilding of economic opportunity, access to proper nutrition, and the progress and development of the American health system are all essential to treating and preventing Coronavirus and outbreaks from diseases like it.
Assuming that the threat of Coronavirus is real, there are a number of solutions to the festering pandemic that are acutely being ignored. Travel bans from affected areas, greater screening at airports and other national access points, particularly the U.S./Mexico border have all been largely ignored until recently. A comprehensive policy of treatment and containment of the disease that does not entail the implementation of martial law and the violation of Constitutional rights also appears to be nonexistent.
Yet there is also a more long term set of solutions that must be implemented in order to prevent the disease from spreading and to prevent its appearance in the first place. The end of austerity, the rebuilding of economic opportunity, access to proper nutrition, and the progress and development of the American health system are all essential to treating and preventing Coronavirus and outbreaks from diseases like it.
Austerity begets disease
Throughout history, plagues and disease epidemic can be traced directly to austerity, low living standards, and/or poor sanitation conditions often coupled with inadequate nutrition and lack of available treatment. War and periods of struggle are also precursors to epidemics. Any one of these conditions can themselves beget plague and disease. Yet, when taken together, they are a recipe for devastation and plague.