Activist Post
October 25, 2018
Author’s Note: Please access Vanessa Beeley’s article, “SYRIA EXCLUSIVE: Vanessa Beeley Meets the White Helmets and Armed Group Leader in Dara’a Al Balad,” for the full story, photos, and videos.
If you have been reading mine or Vanessa Beeley’s articles regarding the nature of the White Helmets, you already know the piles of evidence documenting the fact that the alleged “humanitarian” organization is nothing more than a propaganda wing of al-Nusra Front used to beat Western audiences over the head and pull at their already-manipulated heart strings into supporting American military intervention in Syria.
Vanessa Beeley of 21st Century Wire and The Wall Will Fall has been the spearhead of information regarding the White Helmets since day one and, with her recent article, has once again driven another nail in the fake first responders’ coffin.
During her recent visit to Syria, Beeley was amazingly able to snag an interview with an actual active member of the White Helmets still functioning in Daraa al-Balad. Despite her reputation as a critic of the group, her qualifications as a “British journalist” seemed to reassure the group members that she was a “friendly.” Indeed, such is the nature of Western mainstream journalism that terrorist groups find these outlets to be comrades in arms.
Daraa al-Balad, while technically under the control of the Syrian government, is in the midst of a fragile “cease-fire” type agreement established in July, 2018 and negotiated by the Russian Reconciliation team whereas the Syrian military controls the territory but a variety of “rebel” groups still operate there as well. Conditions of the cease-fire were that the terrorist groups surrender their heavy and medium weapons and that the Syrian army has the right of admission to liberated areas. In addition, extremist groups were to withdraw from areas close to the Jordanian border. Many of these extremist groups accepted the terms of reconciliation but many, such as those in Dara’a al-Balad, chose to continue their “policy of confrontation.”
A separate deal was offered by Russia to Hayat Tahrir al Sham, a rebranded Nusra Front faction, which occupied areas of Dara’a. According to reports, Abu Jaber, the former Emir of HTS, turned down the proposal. Interestingly enough, Jaber was one of the founding commanders of Ahrar al Sham, which itself was responsible for brutal ethnic cleansing campaigns. Despite a horrific attack in al Zara, Homs, where Ahrar al Sham slaughtered a number of Alawite women before standing on their corpses and taking photos, the United States refused to label them a terrorist group.