Activist Post
January 15, 2018
Keegan McInroe just released a brilliant protest album and, chances are, you’ve never heard of it. During the course of about half an hour, McInroe takes on a number of important issues in a serious (and sometimes satirical) fashion. The album is aptly titled “A Good Old Fashioned Protest.”
But there are a number of reasons you’ve probably never heard of the album or possibly even of Keegan. Quite simply, he’s not part of the music industry establishment selling fluff, idiocy, and ignoring anything of relevance to the human experience. His protest also isn’t the token “courageous” stand against Trump that is so “courageous” it’s a virtual pre-requisite to even entertain discussion in popular circles. Nor is it a powdery presentation of any of the trendy issues that galvanize a portion of the population to send up innumerable hashtags and irritate their friends at dinner.
Granted, his songs are indeed about all those things and they do stand against Trump. But they also stand against the wars started by Democrats. McInroe’s album is not about Conservative or Liberal politics, parties, or trendy issues. On the contrary, it’s about very real issues. Indeed, the artist who wrote “A Good Old Fashioned Protest” is obviously more aware than someone sitting home and watching CNN. This is clear to anyone who listens to any of the songs on the album. The lyrics to the songs contain very obvious mentions of the fact that Libya and Syria are proxy wars against governments outside of the Western system as well as the fact that the United States is taking part in the worst humanitarian crisis of the 21st Century in Yemen. He’s aware North Korea is a major distraction from other issues and that virtually every mainstream production is disinformation. He also tackles surveillance, GMOs, the war on drugs, and the war on terror. Not your average album of the so-called”resistance.”
In the opening track, “Talking Talking Head Blues,” McInroe resurrects the ghost of Woody Guthrie and very early Dylan mastering the “Talking Blues” form to a tee. McInroe tackles a myriad of issues with a healthy dose of humor throughout this song which is one of the most comprehensive of those of the album and it sets the tone to be followed by the rest with lyrics criticizing the war on terror and war propaganda like “They hate all our churches and movies and music / They hate you for not bowing five times in public. / Gonna win this War On Terror!” / I noticed he didn’t mention all our bombs or coups or drones or secret prisons or CIA or killin’ / They must like them just fine.”
The mainstream “fake news” epidemic and “Russian meddling” hysteria are also mentioned when he sings,
Give me more of these smoke and mirrors. / I think I just saw Edward Bernays laughing doing somersaults in the parking lot of a Ford dealership! // He shouted: “Now listen up friends ‘cause this is important! / There’s unsanctioned news, and it’s spreading like poison. / So if you don’t hear it from this horse’s mouth / Or if it conflicts with what I spit out / Just know it’s fake! / Yeah the worlds amuck with truth-threatening conspiracy theories, foreign propaganda, and the meddlings of Russian secret agents like that albino pederast Julian Ass-ange! /
The second track on the album, "Big Old River," is only slightly more covert in its political message but the tone is also much more serious, couched in a war drum rhythm with vocals and an organ that build as the song moves along. If there’s a single on the album this is it, but something tells me mainstream radio isn’t interested in the message.
One of the most cleverly constructed songs on the entire album, however, is “The Ballad of Little Timmy Johnson's Living Brother,” the story of a fictitious boy in America in a world where Egypt is a superpower, conducting drone strikes and air raids in other countries as a part of their war on terror. The song takes the listener through a litany of losses, Timmy Johnson, his family, his dog, his neighbors. The song forces the listener to ask the question, “What if we were the people being bombed on a daily basis and it was our families being murdered?” by its chorus that repeats “What a catastrophe! / Can you imagine such a world / Where such a thing could ever be viewed normally? // Or justified! / Could it really be the people / There’s lives are worth so much more than mine? / How is this civilized?”
The biggest surprise of the album is a three minute poem called “Nietzche Wore Boots” with surreal imagery and fat with metaphor.
Keegan McInroe is now a rising star in a growing community of Conscious musicians and this album is one that is desperately needed at this time.
A Good Old Fashioned Protest can be purchased at KeeganMcInroe.com or downloaded from the website. The latter option allows you to “set your own price” at purchase. Follow the link here and make sure to catch Keegan McInroe when he travels to your area. Check his tour schedule here.
Brandon Turbeville writes for Activist Post – article archive here – He is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President, and Resisting The Empire: The Plan To Destroy Syria And How The Future Of The World Depends On The Outcome. Turbeville has published over 1000 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is BrandonTurbeville.com He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) gmail.com.
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