Syrian Girl
December 23, 2018
Monday, December 24, 2018
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Donald Trump Announces "Full" And "Rapid" Withdrawal Of American Troops From Syria
December 19, 2018
US President Donald Trump shocked the world today in a surprise announcement that the United States was pulling its troops out of Syria. What began with reports from mainstream media sources citing unnamed "defense officials" was finally confirmed by the President in a video where he took credit for defeating ISIS which, according to him, was his "only reason for being there."
The announcement flies in the face of Trump's advisers, his cabinet, the Pentagon, the majority of the US Congress, the entirety of the Western corporate press, and the multitude of think tanks, prominent Republicans, leftists, and celebrities who are predictably whining and crying over the terrible prospect of peace. The majority of the American public, however, is likely greeting the announcement of an end to yet another horrific, immoral, and counterproductive US military adventure.
According to CNN, planning for the pullout is already underway.
CNN stated that Trump ordered a "rapid" and "full" withdrawal.
After historic victories against ISIS, it’s time to bring our great young people home!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 19, 2018
The announcement has understandably drawn massive praise from the pro-Syria and anti-war communities centered within the alternative media.
Brandon Turbeville,
Donald Trump,
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
After Ghaddafi Murder, Weapons Shipped To Syria Via al-Qaeda, Qatar, US

Activist Post
December 18, 2018
While the United States continues to deny providing support to terrorists in Syria in terms of money, training, or weapons without the “rebels” first being “moderate,” the truth is that it has been proven time and time again that the US did indeed arm jihadists in Syria from the very beginning and even before the alleged “protests” began in 2011.
Even taking the admitted 2013 arming of terrorists out of the equation - the infamous initiative that took place after the Obama administration cocked up an accusation that the Syrian government used “chemical weapons” on civilians in Ghouta that year - the evidence is clear that the United States had been arming fighters before that time. This is clearly seen when anyone follows the trail of weapons that found their way into Syria early on.
For instance, one need only take a look at the article by C.J. Chivers, Eric Schmitt, and Mark Mazetti published in the New York Times in 2013 and entitled, “In Turnabout, Syria Rebels Get Libyan Weapons.” In this article, Chivers, Schmitt, and Mazetti attempt to portray a network of Syrian and Libyan militias cooperating with one another to loot Ghaddafi’s military stores in order to support one another in an ideological war against secular governments (but also somehow in the service of democracy). Qatar is fingered as one of the fall guys in the story as well.
However, what is also exposed, albeit unintentionally, is the fact that the United States itself was initiating and facilitating these transfers.
Brandon Turbeville,
State Sponsored Terrorism,
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Wikileaks Emails Reveal Western Special Ops In Syria At The Start Of The War

Activist Post
December 11, 2018
Despite Western claims that the armed invasion against the legitimate and secular Syrian government was organic native to Syria, the facts have repeatedly proven just the opposite. For instance, it has long been known that, from day one, armed groups had been organized, trained, armed, and directed by the intelligence services of Western countries.
One such revelation was made in 2012 when emails from the “global intelligence” company Stratfor were procured and subsequently released by Wikileaks which revealed that Western intelligence agents were on the ground in Syria training armed jihadists for sectarian and destabilization purposes long before it was actually admitted by the respective governments.
The emails recovered by Wikileaks span a period between July, 2004 and December, 2011.
Stratfor, posing as an “intelligence publisher” provides confidential intelligence services to government agencies like the US Marines, US Department of Homeland Security, and the US Defense Intelligence Agency as well as large corporations such as Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co.
Wikileaks claims that the string of emails show Stratfor’s “web of informers, pay-of structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.”
One of the emails sent internally in December, 2011 within the corporation entitled “INSIGHT - military intervention in Syria, post withdrawal status of forces,” deals with the subject of special ops being involved in Syria specifically. During the course of a meeting with “four other guys at the Lt. Col. Level, including one French and one British representative who are liaising with the US currently out of DC,”
Brandon Turbeville,
Special Forces,
Special Ops,
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
The Riots in France Are NOT Just About Taxes

December 10, 2018
The recent protests in France seem to have caught everyone by surprise, particularly the French government. Macron’s government seems to have underestimated the demonstrations and the determination of the protesters.
The Western media seems confounded in their attempts to understand or explain them and the rest of the world appears surprised that, in a “rich” Western nation, people could be so discontented over something that doesn’t involve race, gender, or whatever other flashpoint of social justice is being fed to them by MSM and academia, that they would take to the streets for weeks on end.
Every indication we have at this point shows that the French people have finally and legitimately had enough of being oppressed by the government. Still, no one fully knows where the protests are going or how the government is going to react. There has been talk of more and bigger demonstrations with concerns over greater violence and the government has hinted at the possibility of imposing martial law.
As of the writing of this article, there has essentially been a war on the streets of Paris all day and it seems that war is going to continue throughout the night.
The Official Story Of The Protests
The recent protests in France seem to have caught everyone by surprise, particularly the French government. Macron’s government seems to have underestimated the demonstrations and the determination of the protesters.
The Western media seems confounded in their attempts to understand or explain them and the rest of the world appears surprised that, in a “rich” Western nation, people could be so discontented over something that doesn’t involve race, gender, or whatever other flashpoint of social justice is being fed to them by MSM and academia, that they would take to the streets for weeks on end.
Every indication we have at this point shows that the French people have finally and legitimately had enough of being oppressed by the government. Still, no one fully knows where the protests are going or how the government is going to react. There has been talk of more and bigger demonstrations with concerns over greater violence and the government has hinted at the possibility of imposing martial law.
As of the writing of this article, there has essentially been a war on the streets of Paris all day and it seems that war is going to continue throughout the night.
The Official Story Of The Protests
French Protests,
Robert Wheeler,
Yellow Vests
Monday, December 3, 2018
Please President Assad, Arm The Protesters In France To End This 'Brutal Crackdown'" [Satire]

Activist Post
December 3, 2018
After weeks of massive protests taking place in France, one thing is clear; the French people have had it with the current regime. After decades of oppression by an increasingly out of touch elite, economic stagnation, a repressive police state, and now rising fuel prices, the French people are finally standing up and demanding that the status quo give way to the ever burgeoning concept of democracy.
Almost as soon as the protests began, the Macron regime launched a brutal crackdown on protesters, even going so far as to use chemical weapons against unarmed people in their attempt to stifle the sparks of democracy. Hundreds of innocent people have been injured at the hands of the regime’s security forces. Dozens of arrests have also been made with victims presumably being taken to Macron’s torture chambers.
The recent Macron regime attempt to raise fuel prices yet again seems to be the straw that broke the camel’s back and, combined with images of Macron jetting across the world, eating decadent meals, and parading himself in his life of luxury, the distance between the regime and the people has been demonstrated for all to see.
But raising fuel taxes is only one of many crimes of the regime against the French people. Willful shipping of French industry to third world countries has left many French people unemployed while the regime continues to confiscate the wealth of those fortunate enough to have work through exorbitant taxation. In addition, the regime crushes any dissent without hesitation after having disarmed the population in order to make resistance even less of a possibility. Free speech and even free thought does not exist in France where the regime punishes questioning state narratives with jail time and any political opposition figures are forced to undergo psychiatric evaluation.
Brandon Turbeville,
Yellow Jackets
'Mysterious Helicopters' Rescuing ISIS And al-Qaeda - A Brief Timeline

Activist Post
November 29, 2018
Although the United States government routinely denies that it in any way cooperates with ISIS, reports continue to manifest themselves demonstrating exactly the opposite, particularly in Syria. Over the course of the war and ever since the emergence of the terrorist organization on the world scene, there have been a number of “mysterious helicopters” that extract ISIS fighters from battlefields in which they are facing imminent defeat either by the legitimate government of the countries in which they are fighting, pro-government militias, or even ahead of “anti-ISIS” strikes by the alleged “anti-ISIS coalition.”
While not attempting to go in to a detailed explanation or analysis of each incident, below are a number of reports of such “airlifts of evil” that have surfaced over the last two years. The Pentagon, as mentioned above, has repeatedly denied these reports.
November 10-11, 2018 – SANA reported that a US-led aircraft landed in Deir ez-Zour Province, near the outskirts of al-Susah, taking away three ISIS members.
October 7, 2018 – SANA quoted residents of the town al-Shaafah, who reported that American helicopters had evacuated ISIS commanders from Abu Kamal in Deir ez-Zour province. There was no word as to where the fighters were taken.
September 22, 2018 – SANA reported that the US-led coalition carried out an “air landing operation” on the outskirts of al-Mrashde village, which was located in the same area where ISIS militants had spread out. This area is in the southeastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor. The report claimed that the flights transferred a number of ISIS commanders.
August 23, 2018 – TASS reported that Russia had recorded mysterious helicopter flights to ISIS units in Afghanistan which transported weapons to the militants.
Brandon Turbeville,
State Sponsored Terrorism,
These Countries Are Quickly and Quietly Dumping the Dollar

November 29, 2018
Over the past few months, there has been a steady uptick in the number of countries dumping significant portions of their dollar holdings. This is causing many people to worry whether or not the US economy is in for a massive shock sooner, later, or somewhere in between.
While American corporate media outlets either ignore the developments entirely or claim that there is nothing to worry about, the reality is that the dumping of the dollar is a process that is clearly underway. More than that, it appears it is a process that is at least partially coordinated by a number of countries that have been targets of American sanctions and financial bullying in the “post 9/11 world.”
Thus, while corporate media outlets ignore the vanishing dollar dominance and reassure their hapless audience that everything is fine, alt media outlets are predicting a second Weimar Republic, this time in North America.
But what is really going on with the recent dollar dumping? Who is actually dumping the dollar and what kind of effects could we really expect to see in America if the dollar is truly abandoned?
Who Is Dumping The Dollar?
Since the dollar currently enjoys its status as the world’s reserve currency, it is constantly being bought and sold by nations across the entire planet. This arrangement is essentially what is keeping the dollar strong even after the United States embraced neo-liberal Free Trade policies that saw the greatest economic system the world has ever known turned into a shell of its former self. This arrangement allows the United States to sell its “debt” to the rest of the world, which other countries are willing to buy because of the stability of the American governmental system and the fact that America is still an economic powerhouse.
Over the past few months, there has been a steady uptick in the number of countries dumping significant portions of their dollar holdings. This is causing many people to worry whether or not the US economy is in for a massive shock sooner, later, or somewhere in between.
While American corporate media outlets either ignore the developments entirely or claim that there is nothing to worry about, the reality is that the dumping of the dollar is a process that is clearly underway. More than that, it appears it is a process that is at least partially coordinated by a number of countries that have been targets of American sanctions and financial bullying in the “post 9/11 world.”
Thus, while corporate media outlets ignore the vanishing dollar dominance and reassure their hapless audience that everything is fine, alt media outlets are predicting a second Weimar Republic, this time in North America.
But what is really going on with the recent dollar dumping? Who is actually dumping the dollar and what kind of effects could we really expect to see in America if the dollar is truly abandoned?
Who Is Dumping The Dollar?
Since the dollar currently enjoys its status as the world’s reserve currency, it is constantly being bought and sold by nations across the entire planet. This arrangement is essentially what is keeping the dollar strong even after the United States embraced neo-liberal Free Trade policies that saw the greatest economic system the world has ever known turned into a shell of its former self. This arrangement allows the United States to sell its “debt” to the rest of the world, which other countries are willing to buy because of the stability of the American governmental system and the fact that America is still an economic powerhouse.
Dollar Collapse,
Economic Collapse,
Robert Wheeler
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Friday, November 16, 2018
Leaked 2009 Cable Labels Saudi Arabia 'Most Significant Source Of Funding To Terrorist Groups Worldwide' - Exposes Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, And Pakistan

Activist Post
November 15, 2018
While the Saudi military continues to besiege Yemen and create the worst humanitarian crisis on the planet today, the United States also continues to arm and abet KSA in their war against the Yemeni people. Yemen, of course, is nothing more than a proxy war against Iran and a geopolitical chess move on the part of both the Saudis and the Americans and, for that reason, no amount of war crimes and intentional targeting of civilians has warranted anything more than a tepid criticism of the Saudis by the current US administration.
The Saudis, because of their oil and money, are untouchables. KSA can kill journalists in an open and brutal fashion, chop off heads in the city square, oppress its female population like no other country in the world, and launch unjustified wars with no consequence. KSA can even fund and direct terrorist organizations across the world with very little restraint.
That the United States has been well aware of the Saudi financing of terrorist organizations is no secret and has been revealed on numerous occasions. It has also been documented that the United States works closely with Saudi Arabia and other Gulf State feudal monarchies in the use of those terrorists around the world to further its own political and geopolitical aims.
In terms of money alone, however, Saudi Arabia is unparalleled in the ranks of nations that finance terrorism. In fact, in a leaked 2009 State Department cable and published by Wikileaks, the United States referred to KSA as the “most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.”
The cable, signed by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, states that Saudi Arabia “remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaida, the Taliban, LeT and other terrorist groups.” See “Terrorist Finance: Action Request For Senior Level Engagement On Terrorist Finance.”
"Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide," the cable states.
Janice Kortkamp Interview Former Ahrar al-Sham Sniper In Syria

November 16, 2018
Find Janice on Facebook
Al Waer suburb, Homs, Syria
Interview with Adnan, former sniper with Ahrar al Sham "rebel" terrorist group.
I was offered the opportunity to interview this man and was thankful for it because this gets into the very heart of the conflict here. The "moderate rebels", the "freedom fighters" ... those armed groups that have been directly supported by my government.
It is ironic perhaps that the group this guy was in is Ahrar al Sham. On my first trip in May 2016, I was heading from a village near Homs to the city. The road at that time was quite dangerous and 'hot' because the whole plain from the hills where I'd been to Homs was scattered with ISIS, al Qaeda and many other groups who controlled different villages in the area.
We passed right by a power station on the road and just beyond it is/was an Alawite village called al Zara that was pointed out to me. That morning the people of al Zara were going about a typical day. I remember I waved towards it and said "hello al Zara" for some reason.
We got to Homs. Next day that village was attacked by Ahrar al Sham and al Nusra together. A massacre. Men and women and children slaughtered. One report from someone I consider credible and who has proven accurate always, said the terrorists hung some children up after they had witnessed their parents being killed. They burned them to death.
On another trip, while in Aleppo, was scheduled to go to a refugee center to meet with people coming from eastern Aleppo. The day before we went, Ahrar al Sham and al Nusra bombed buses of Shiite villagers leaving the terrorist-beseiged villages of Kefraya and Foua in Idlib as a prisoner swap deal. 5,000 people were being transported but as a final gesture by the "rebel" terrorists who love "freedom and democracy" they arranged bombs to target some of the buses. They killed over 100 - mostly children. The survivors were brought to the refugee center we were visiting and we got to speak to them. Vanessa Beeley was also there and did important interviews and articles about it.
'The West Needs To Understand Our Suffering And Bring It To An End' - Powerful Interviews With Syrians By Vanessa Beeley
Follow Vanessa Beeley on Facebook and Twitter
From the video posted on Vanessa's Facebook page, written by Vanessa Beeley:
Sabah Hassoun's son Mohammed Fahim Shaaban was only 24 years old when he was martyred fighting with the Syrian Arab Army in Tal Kurdi in Eastern Ghouta. On the 13th August 2013, terrorist snipers shot Mohammed in the stomach. He was rushed to Harasta hospital but he died during surgery.
Sabah's husband told me:
"Our martyrs are in heaven, the martyrs who defend the terrorists and murder our people for Gulf money are in Hell. Our soldiers are defending their people, their country."
Sabah told me that Mohammed was her youngest son. She said:
"We give our children for #Syria because our country is precious but we pray that this crisis will end soon. Syria deserves the blood of our children but please God may this conflict end soon.
We wish Western countries would support us, put themselves in our shoes, not for the whole 7 years, just for one year. America, for example, just please put yourself in our shoes for one year and see what we have to live with. This is enough, this is enough"
Sabah's husband said:
"We are so proud of the SAA defending our honour, our land and our right to choose our destiny. We say to all the countries conspiring against Syria - enough! Syria's victory will be for their people, their army and their refusal to be defeated."
Follow Vanessa Beeley on Facebook and Twitter
What’s the Truth About Those “Re-education” Camps in China?

November 13, 2018
With the recent media coverage surrounding China’s alleged re-education camps, many Americans are having a knee-jerk reaction, both pro and con, to the claims by Western MSM outlets regarding the nature of the Chinese police state in Xinjiang.
Is China really operating a network of concentration camps or is it really just arresting terrorists and trying to get a handle on the growing terrorist threat in the province? Is it really providing “vocational” training or is it attempting to push state indoctrination into the minds of an entire ethnic group?
For those Americans who see China as their country’s greatest threat, bent on destroying America’s way of life, the answer is clear – the re-education camps are real and they contain a million human beings who were only guilty of being Uyghur ethnic minorities. To those individuals who see China as an honorable opponent of American imperialism, the Asian giant is doing nothing but defending itself from foreign-backed terrorism through means of education.
It is well-known that anything coming from the Western mainstream press is propaganda. It is also well-known that China is nothing if not a violator of human rights that is willing to enact any policy in order to push its own geopolitical or political agenda. Both the American press and the Chinese government are incessant propagandists attempting to push their own agendas forward. So, with all this in mind, how are we to know what is happening and for what reasons?
The fact is that there are more issues than the simple ones presented by either actor – China or the United States – when it comes to this issue.
With the recent media coverage surrounding China’s alleged re-education camps, many Americans are having a knee-jerk reaction, both pro and con, to the claims by Western MSM outlets regarding the nature of the Chinese police state in Xinjiang.
Is China really operating a network of concentration camps or is it really just arresting terrorists and trying to get a handle on the growing terrorist threat in the province? Is it really providing “vocational” training or is it attempting to push state indoctrination into the minds of an entire ethnic group?
For those Americans who see China as their country’s greatest threat, bent on destroying America’s way of life, the answer is clear – the re-education camps are real and they contain a million human beings who were only guilty of being Uyghur ethnic minorities. To those individuals who see China as an honorable opponent of American imperialism, the Asian giant is doing nothing but defending itself from foreign-backed terrorism through means of education.
It is well-known that anything coming from the Western mainstream press is propaganda. It is also well-known that China is nothing if not a violator of human rights that is willing to enact any policy in order to push its own geopolitical or political agenda. Both the American press and the Chinese government are incessant propagandists attempting to push their own agendas forward. So, with all this in mind, how are we to know what is happening and for what reasons?
The fact is that there are more issues than the simple ones presented by either actor – China or the United States – when it comes to this issue.
The Claims: China’s Internment Camps
In September of 2018, a United Nations “watchdog committee” accused China of holding over a million Uighurs and Muslim minorities in political “re-education” camps located in the countries’ Western Xinjiang region.
Concentration Camps,
Robert Wheeler,
It’s Spreading: Now the British Media Is Pushing Microchipping In The UK

The Organic Prepper
November 13, 2018
It’s no coincidence that a veritable public relations advertisement concealed as an article in the Daily Mail regarding the microchipping of thousands of Swedish people would soon be followed up by an article announcing yet more microchipping of employees and individuals in the UK. But that is just what is happening now in an article by the Guardian entitled “Alarm over talks to implant UK employees with microchips.”
Although both articles present the idea of microchipping as something that is new and rarely done, the truth is that neither the technology nor the process is new and the practice is actually growing across Europe and North America at an alarming rate.
As a result, Britain’s largest “employer organization” and “main trade union body” is now speaking out over the prospect of British companies implanting their employees for security purposes.
According to the Guardian, BioTeq, a UK firm, has already implanted 150 microchips in the UK. The company offers the chips to both businesses and individuals and the implants are being marketed mainly for convenience and the ability to access secure locations or even simply to start their car with a wave of their hand. The chips can also store medical data and are similar to the ones implanted in pets.
These chips are so tiny that they can be implanted between the thumb and forefinger while others, such as the ones offered by Biohax of Sweden, are about the size of a grain of rice. Biohax was one of the topics of a recent publicity push in the European media to promote (by cover of an article) the process and the company in general. It is thus not surprising that the company is back in the news this time around or that it is now in discussions with several British financial and legal firms regarding the possibility of implanting their employees with microchips. One of those companies has hundreds of thousands of employees.
Adam Palmer,
Brain Chips,
Friday, October 26, 2018
BOMBSHELL: Vanessa Beeley Interviews White Helmets Members Who Admit Nusra, Extremist Connections, Israeli Assistance To Terrorists

Activist Post
October 25, 2018
Author’s Note: Please access Vanessa Beeley’s article, “SYRIA EXCLUSIVE: Vanessa Beeley Meets the White Helmets and Armed Group Leader in Dara’a Al Balad,” for the full story, photos, and videos.
If you have been reading mine or Vanessa Beeley’s articles regarding the nature of the White Helmets, you already know the piles of evidence documenting the fact that the alleged “humanitarian” organization is nothing more than a propaganda wing of al-Nusra Front used to beat Western audiences over the head and pull at their already-manipulated heart strings into supporting American military intervention in Syria.
Vanessa Beeley of 21st Century Wire and The Wall Will Fall has been the spearhead of information regarding the White Helmets since day one and, with her recent article, has once again driven another nail in the fake first responders’ coffin.
During her recent visit to Syria, Beeley was amazingly able to snag an interview with an actual active member of the White Helmets still functioning in Daraa al-Balad. Despite her reputation as a critic of the group, her qualifications as a “British journalist” seemed to reassure the group members that she was a “friendly.” Indeed, such is the nature of Western mainstream journalism that terrorist groups find these outlets to be comrades in arms.
Daraa al-Balad, while technically under the control of the Syrian government, is in the midst of a fragile “cease-fire” type agreement established in July, 2018 and negotiated by the Russian Reconciliation team whereas the Syrian military controls the territory but a variety of “rebel” groups still operate there as well. Conditions of the cease-fire were that the terrorist groups surrender their heavy and medium weapons and that the Syrian army has the right of admission to liberated areas. In addition, extremist groups were to withdraw from areas close to the Jordanian border. Many of these extremist groups accepted the terms of reconciliation but many, such as those in Dara’a al-Balad, chose to continue their “policy of confrontation.”
A separate deal was offered by Russia to Hayat Tahrir al Sham, a rebranded Nusra Front faction, which occupied areas of Dara’a. According to reports, Abu Jaber, the former Emir of HTS, turned down the proposal. Interestingly enough, Jaber was one of the founding commanders of Ahrar al Sham, which itself was responsible for brutal ethnic cleansing campaigns. Despite a horrific attack in al Zara, Homs, where Ahrar al Sham slaughtered a number of Alawite women before standing on their corpses and taking photos, the United States refused to label them a terrorist group.
Brandon Turbeville,
Vanessa Beeley,
White Helmets
Thousands Are VOLUNTEERING to Be MICROCHIPPED in Sweden: Can the Rest of the World Be Far Behind?

The Organic Prepper
October 25, 2018
Once, people who warned that the world was entering a time when all citizens would be microchipped, tracked, and traced were laughed at, mocked, and labeled religious fundamentalists, or crazy conspiracy theorists. Such a world would never take shape we were told and the people warning of it were paranoid and delusional. Fast forward a decade and the people who warn about human microchipping are still maligned as conspiracy theorists but the microchipping is most certainly taking place.
In an article published in the Daily Mail, lacking shock or warnings of growing technological fascism, we see the revelation that thousands of Swedish people are now voluntarily being implanted with microchips that contain information regarding their identity. More than 4,000 Swedish citizens are “taking the chip,” demonstrating that, although it is not a mass movement, the coverage from mainstream media will ensure that it soon will be.
The microchip “bypasses the need for cash, tickets, access cards and even social media,” according to the Daily Mail.
BioHax International, started in 2013 by Jowan Osterlund, a former professional body piercer, is now the market leader in the industry of civilian microchipping. But it’s not just BioHax that is involved in promoting the technology and springboarding it into society. In June, 2017, SJ Rail, the Swedish train operator, announced that 100 people were using microchips for train rides, obviously indicating that the rail system was already set up to handle the payment system before anyone was ever microchipped.
For this system, passengers with a microchip in their hand have their ticket loaded directly onto the device and the train conductor can read the chip with a smartphone to confirm payment.
The Daily Mail paints the chip in a positive light, recounting the opinion of Szilvia Varszegi, 28, who said the chip “basically solves my problems.” The “problems” Ms. Varszegi is referring to is apparently the “problem” of manually purchasing a ticket or engaging in a phone-based transaction.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Putin: In a Nuclear Holocaust “We Will Be Martyrs, They Will Drop Dead”

The Organic Prepper
October 22, 2018
Ever since the Euromaidan color revolution in Ukraine, the threat of a thermonuclear confrontation between Russia and the United States has been steadily growing. With the United States and NATO forces having pushed their proxy fighters literally to the border with Russia, the world’s second superpower finally became directly involved in Syria, saving the country from the impending defeat by the Gulf Cooperation Council, NATO, Israel, and American terrorists being funded, trained, and armed for the purpose of destroying the secular government of Syria.
This provided two war fronts where American and Russian soldiers could potentially engage in a direct military clash with one another that itself could potentially escalate to a nuclear war if taken to its logical conclusion.
While Western media promoted each act of war on the part of the West as a valiant fight for freedom and every Russian response as aggression, alt media, MSM, and social media were all nonetheless alight with the stark reality that WW3 could very well have broken out at any minute if the Americans pushed too far or if the Russians failed to respond with their typically cool heads.
MSM, of course, took every chance it could to portray the Russians as aggressive, bent on world domination and the domination of American elections and, thus, if a world war did take place, America would be on the right side of history, even if the earth was uninhabitable.
Recently, however, there have been more rumblings of WW3, with warnings from Russia and concerns from American servicemen and women who are worried that the US is rushing headlong into a world-ending confrontation. Oddly enough, those concerns and worries have not been receiving as much attention in the world press as they have in the past.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
West, GCC, Israel Fear “Shiite Crescent” Turning Into “Full Moon” According To Leaked 2009 Cable

Activist Post
October 3, 2018
On May 8, 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump announced that the United States will be pulling out of the “Iran Nuclear Deal” which was struck under the Obama administration, a deal that he has repeatedly called a “bad deal” and even “the single worst deal I’ve ever seen drawn by anybody.”
“The so-called Iran deal was supposed to protect the United States and our allies from the lunacy of an Iranian nuclear bomb, a weapon that will only endanger the survival of the Iranian regime,” the President said. “In fact, the deal allowed Iran to continue enriching uranium and over time reach the brink of a nuclear breakout.”
He added that “Today, we have definitive proof that this Iranian promise was a lie.”
Yet there was absolutely no evidence to back Trump up on his claims. Even Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats have stated in the past that Iran was living up to its commitments. Still, Trump argued previously that, while Iran may be sticking to its commitments, it was violating the “spirit” of the agreement by “fostering discord” in the region.
This is highly ironic considering that the United States is the single biggest fosterer of discord in the Middle East alongside Israel. It’s also false that Iran had been “fostering discord” and that it was not living up to its end of the deal. It should also be pointed out that Iran was doing nothing wrong in terms of its nuclear program before the deal and should never have been bullied into signing it to begin with.
NASA Space Images Show Dark Polluted Water Spilling From Carolina Rivers Into Ocean

October 3, 2018
Satellite imagery has discovered Carolina rivers so polluted their streams appear dark from outer space. These streams, unfortunately, are not only polluting and damaging water quality throughout the Carolina’s but also pouring into the ocean.
As Abbie Bennett of the Herald Sun wrote,
Satellite imagery has discovered Carolina rivers so polluted their streams appear dark from outer space. These streams, unfortunately, are not only polluting and damaging water quality throughout the Carolina’s but also pouring into the ocean.
As Abbie Bennett of the Herald Sun wrote,
A NASA satellite is tracking flooding in the Carolinas following Hurricane Florence, and its images show dark, polluted water flowing from rivers into the Atlantic Ocean.
Nearly 8 trillion gallons of rain fell across North Carolina during the storm, according to the National Weather Service in Raleigh’s estimate.
That rain led to catastrophic flooding across the state, and has polluted rivers, streams, creeks and their outflows along the coast, NASA’s satellite images show.
One image captured on Sept. 19 shows the New River, White Oak River and Adams Creek south of Cape Lookout and the deeply discolored water that appears dark brown — or even black.
The color of the water in the image “reveals how soils, sediments, decaying leaves, pollution, and other debris have discolored the water in the swollen rivers, bays, estuaries, and the nearshore ocean,” according to NASA.But that isn’t the only material floating in North and South Carolina’s rivers. Floodwaters from Hurricane Florence were also responsible for the deaths of 3.4 million chickens and thousands of pigs in the state’s notorious factory farm system. While many Americans were horrified to see that these animals were left to suffer and drown, an admittedly horrible and inhumane fate, the issue of factory farming in general was ignored, i.e. the reason why millions of chickens and thousands of pigs were housed in giant factories to begin with.
Will South Carolina Leave The Stone Age And Allow Medical Marijuana?

October 3, 2018
As the rest of the country moves forward without it, some residents of South Carolina are starting to believe that marijuana may be legalized in the state by 2019. Medical marijuana that is.
For many who live in South Carolina, the idea that legalized marijuana in any form would ever exist in the state was a pipe dream that people would be quick to scoff at. However, that was before the Compassionate Care Act, a medical cannabis bill, made it all the way to the floor of the State House and Senate in 2018.
As is typical, the legislative session ended before it could be voted on, but some advocates believe they may have the votes from politicians they need to pass it in 2019.
“People understand that it is inhumane to withhold from people medicine that can really help them,” state senator, and founder of the Compassionate Care Act, Tom Davis said.
Even the former Executive Director of the South Carolina Sheriff’s Association has changed his tune regarding the benefits of medical marijuana.
What is not surprising, however, is that a Winthrop poll reported that 78% of people in South Carolina believe medical marijuana should be legal.
South Carolina has a history of holding out on rights despite the people of the state openly desiring them. The very fact that CBD is legal in South Carolina is amazing in and of itself.
Still, South Carolinians are hopeful that the state ends its grossly unproductive police state war against a harmless plant and focuses on other issues such as violent crime, crumbling infrastructure, the worst education system in the country, or ridiculously low wages.
As the rest of the country moves forward without it, some residents of South Carolina are starting to believe that marijuana may be legalized in the state by 2019. Medical marijuana that is.
For many who live in South Carolina, the idea that legalized marijuana in any form would ever exist in the state was a pipe dream that people would be quick to scoff at. However, that was before the Compassionate Care Act, a medical cannabis bill, made it all the way to the floor of the State House and Senate in 2018.
As is typical, the legislative session ended before it could be voted on, but some advocates believe they may have the votes from politicians they need to pass it in 2019.
“People understand that it is inhumane to withhold from people medicine that can really help them,” state senator, and founder of the Compassionate Care Act, Tom Davis said.
Even the former Executive Director of the South Carolina Sheriff’s Association has changed his tune regarding the benefits of medical marijuana.
What is not surprising, however, is that a Winthrop poll reported that 78% of people in South Carolina believe medical marijuana should be legal.
South Carolina has a history of holding out on rights despite the people of the state openly desiring them. The very fact that CBD is legal in South Carolina is amazing in and of itself.
Still, South Carolinians are hopeful that the state ends its grossly unproductive police state war against a harmless plant and focuses on other issues such as violent crime, crumbling infrastructure, the worst education system in the country, or ridiculously low wages.
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Benefits Of CBD And Questions You Should Ask Before Buying
October 3, 2018
As America continues to wage its disastrous war on drugs, the question of whether or not a human being living in a supposedly free society has the right to consume plants of their choice continues to be argued in every state in the nation.
However, after decades and decades of fighting for the most basic rights, Americans (at least at the state level) are now able to access CBD. Still, tragic ignorance on the part of government, especially law enforcement, as well as the general public has resulted in many Americans still being unable to access the medicine they desperately need if that medicine is or is derived from a virtually harmless plant.
That ignorance stems from nearly a hundred years of horrific propaganda drilled into the minds of American citizens every day. As a result, many Americans cannot distinguish between CBD and THC, much less understand just how CBD benefits health, the difference in CBD products, or how to consume it.
What’s It Good For?
Because of the disastrous war on drugs, research into the benefits of CBD has not taken off to the levels necessary to fully understand the potential this substances holds for healing. However, just a few benefits of CBD are that it can:
- Improve the symptoms of schizophrenia
- Fight cancer
- Reduce anxiety and depression
- Relieve pain
- Reduces risk of diabetes
- Act as an acne treatment
- Helps treat and reduce seizures and other neurological disorders
- Helps reduce nausea
- Helps reduce the symptoms of multiple sclerosis
- What’s the Best Form of CBD
Brandon Turbeville,
Drug War,
Natural Health,
War On Drugs
Friday, September 28, 2018
State Dep't Cables Show US Support For Propaganda Television Stations In Syria Before The

Activist Post
September 24, 2018
Recently, I wrote an article entitled “Secret US 2006 Gov't Document Reveals Plan To Destabilize Syria By Using Extremists, Muslim Brotherhood, Elections,” where I detailed discussed the 2006 revelations made by TIME Magazine revealing a leaked two-page document circulated among key figures in the Bush administration that openly stated that the U.S. was “supporting regular meetings of internal and diaspora Syrian activists” in Europe. The document made no bones about expressing hope that “these meetings will facilitate a more coherent strategy and plan of actions for all anti-Assad activists.”
The document was a plan to destabilize the Syrian government by creating discord and distrust over the integrity of Syrian elections as well as by using extremists and Muslim Brotherhood activists to break the Syrian government apart and install a more “cooperative” regime in its place.
This document, however, dovetails with a report regarding classified documents released by Wikileaks in 2011 which revealed a US State Department program of funding and operating anti-Syrian government television channels in order to sow the seeds of destabilization among the population long before the proxy war of Western-backed terrorists and open violence began to take shape in 2011.
Surprisingly, CBS News actually covered the revelation in an article by Craig Whitlock entitled “Wikileaks: U.S. Secretly Backed Syrian Opposition.” In this article, Whitlock wrote,
The State Department has secretly financed Syrian political opposition groups and related projects, including a satellite TV channel that beams anti-government programming into the country, according to previously undisclosed diplomatic cables.
Barada TV,
Brandon Turbeville,
State Department,
Friday, September 7, 2018

Syrian Perspective
September 3, 2018
These are wild and wooly days in Syria. The Russian Navy is poised to give ground support to the Syrian Army with the missile cruiser, the Ustinov. (Not named after British actor, Peter Ustinov). The Russian Air Force is ready to provide air cover out of the now sprawling Humaymeem Air Base which used to be Latakia’s International Airport. Near Slinfeh, my wife’s home town, are hundreds of committed fighters from Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran. Their presence has resulted in the closure of one of my favorite Syrian restaurants just west of the town, Qahwat Al-Dhay’ah Al-Mansiyya (The Forgotten Village Cafe).
If the French, British and Americans engineer a false flag event, such as the use of CW, it will not be easy to justify any kind of assault on Syrian government forces while the Russians are so visible militarily. It is clear today that President Putin wants to bring this war to an end and get his troops mostly back to Russia. That will not happen unless a campaign to oust the terrorists is begun. Previous denials by the Kremlin and the Russian Defense Ministry as to the assault on Idlib were meant as red herrings. The very fact that the 4th Mechanized Armored Division is on the Idlib border alongside the Tiger Force is proof positive that this will not be some “phased invasion”, but, something more like a Syrian “shock and awe” episode. T-72 tanks and T-90 tanks all are equipped with the Saraab 1 and 2 anti-armored rocket deflecter system and render the TOW platform about as useful as lipstick on an armadillo.
Bristling with arms and top-heavy with manpower, the Syrian Army is now at its very best. I am also pleased to inform my readers that members of the FSA who volunteered to fight with the SAA are doing exactly that and have complemented our capabilities with much knowledge about how the terrorists function after training with British and American spooks. Their role is invaluable and their loyalty is not in question any longer.
Brandon Turbeville,
Syrian Perspective,
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Terrorists In Syria Receive Chemicals, Victims, UK Training For Upcoming False Flag Chemical Attack

Activist Post
August 28, 2018
History repeats itself and, sometimes, it doesn’t even need generation gaps to do so. In the modern day West, it only needs a space of a few days or weeks. This is why the US, UK, and French governments feel so confident in their ability to launch airstrikes against Syria for the third time under the Trump administration on the basis of false chemical weapons claims .
As the Syrian military prepares for perhaps the biggest and most bloody battle of the war – the battle to liberate Idlib – it appears that the West is preparing to make a stand of its own in defense of the head choppers and “moderate” cannibals it has supported since 2011. But while the US has twice used disproven claims of chemical weapons in Syria as a pretext to launch strikes against Syria, both of those strikes were relatively minor in terms of the damage they caused. However, America’s seemingly independent-of-the-executive branch military is already preparing for the possibility of strikes against Syria, having known this moment was coming now for months.
And it is not only the alternative media that is warning of the possibility of strikes. The Russian government is sounding the alarm also.
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the US and its allies are preparing new strikes against Syria. The MOD also stated that the terrorists in Idlib are preparing to stage a chemical weapons attack in order to place the blame on the Syrian government and provide a pretext for a Western attack on the country.
The staged attacks are allegedly being prepared by al-Nusra Front (Tahrir al-Sham) in Idlib. The MOD has stated that, in order to stage the attack, around eight canisters of chlorine have been delivered to a village near Jisr al-Shughur city. Another group of terrorists, who have allegedly been trained and prepped by private British security company Olive, have also recently arrived in the area. The group is to be disguised as White Helmets volunteers and will simulate a rescue operation involving locals who will be purportedly injured in the alleged attack.
Brandon Turbeville,
Chemical Attacks,
Chemical Weapons,
False Flag,
White Helmets
Recent Attacks In Syria Shows US Still Supporting ISIS

Activist Post
August 24, 2018
If there was any doubt that the United States is supporting terrorists in Syria, neo-con fop John Bolton’s recent statements threatening the Syrian government over its upcoming offensive to liberate Idlib should have removed it. Bolton, of course, was speaking in Jerusalem before his colleagues in the Israeli government. He stated that the U.S. would respond “very strongly” if the Syrian government used “chemical weapons” in the offensive.
“We now see plans for the Syrian regime to resume offensive military activities in Idlib province,” he said. “We are obviously concerned about the possibility that Assad may use chemical weapons again.”
Bolton warned, “Just so there’s no confusion here, if the Syrian regime uses chemical weapons we will respond very strongly and they really ought to think about this a long time.”
In other words, Bolton just encouraged al-Qaeda terrorists to stage a chemical attack so that, once again, Trump will be “forced” to react militarily to please leftists and neo-cons despite the fact that cognizant Americans would prefer to stay out of the whole affair. If that statement isn’t a statement of pretext, an incentivization to stage a chemical weapons attack and blame in on the government of Syria, I don’t know what is.
The build-up to yet more strikes against the legitimate and secular government of Bashar al-Assad aside, however, US support for terrorists in Syria and ISIS specifically has been well-documented.
Likening ISIS to the pirates of times past, 21st Century Wire’s Patrick Henningsen wrote,
They’re being paid for, and directed at the highest levels by powers outside of Iraq and Syria. So it’s no surprise that the US, UK, Saudi, Qatar and Turkey all share the exact same objective as ISIS – the destabilization of secular nation states in the Middle East and the removal of Bashar al Assad in Syria. With the same objectives and agenda, the Western Coalition and ISIS work together like a well-oiled machine.
Brandon Turbeville,
State Sponsored Terrorism,
Thursday, August 23, 2018
New 'Humanitarian' Tech Program In Syria 'Invented' By Former State Dep't, Arab Spring Participants

Activist Post
August 22, 2018
It’s been a few months since mainstream media has presented its audience with a State Department super hero acting as a “humanitarian” in Syria. But, never to disappoint, Andrew Gold of Wired as well as a host of other writers (at the same time) have been extolling the virtues of three new tech heroes who have designed an app to allegedly protect Syrian civilians from becoming victims of airstrikes.
In the Wired article, “Saving Lives With Tech Amid Syria’s Endless Civil War,” Gold first narrates the story of Abu al-Nour, an alleged Syrian civilian who lives in Idlib province, the last major stronghold of America’s “moderate cannibals.” Gold does not tell us of any crimes by the “rebels” nor does he suggest al-Nour has any reason to fear them. Instead, the sole evil in the article is Assad and Putin and the airstrikes against terrorists represented by Gold as airstrikes on civilians.
The story takes us through an airstrike that al-Nour narrowly survives but only as a result of a new technology designed and created to help protect innocent people from becoming victims of Russian and Syrian (but not American or Israeli) airstrikes.
To be clear, regardless of which side you stand with, one can scarcely argue with helping innocent people escape being caught in the crossfire between the terrorists and the government. However, one need only read a little further to see the real purpose behind the new tech, a portion of which is illuminated by the individuals who created it. Indeed, there are scarcely any lines to read between in order to see that this new tech is devised not to help civilians but terrorists evade Russian and Syrian airstrikes. If it saves a civilian life in the process, that’s just good press. Ultimately, however, the Sentry system is nothing but another tool to assist intelligence assets and terrorists on the ground in Idlib.
Brandon Turbeville,
Sentry System,
Genocide For Profit - How The Gov't, Big Pharma, Psychiatry, And DSS Are Conspiring To Destroy Native American Culture

Natural Blaze
August 13, 2018
From the first moments Europeans landed on the shores of North America, a war was waged against the indigenous people who lived there. That war took the form of deceptive agreements, settlements, outright violence, genocide, and, after defeat on the battlefield, an attempt to erase Native American culture and history from the minds of the victims. This war on Native Americans has never ended. Instead, it has only intensified with the lessons learned from the indoctrination and police state techniques used on the majority American population via television, law enforcement brutality, austerity/dependency, and of course medical tyranny, psychiatric fascism, and DSS/CPS.
In this new phase of the war, DSS/CPS play an important role. The separation and destruction of the family unit has continued apace with both the Native American and American populations but, in the case of Native Americans, it not only functions as a way to remove children from their families, but also a way to remove them from their culture. In this sense, DSS/CPS now functions as the old Indian Boarding Schools of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries that were devised to “civilize” and forcibly assimilate Native American people into the dominant culture.
The South Dakota Department of Social Services is working with psychiatrists and Big Pharma to engage in what can only be described as “genocide-for-profit.” It is using techniques it has learned on the American population of using “social services,” police, and the courts to separate children from their families, creating a population of people who have grown up without a stable family upbringing or who simply disappear only to turn up later in sex slavery rings or are left to some other horrible fate.
What is known about this situation is that, in South Dakota, Lakota children are being forcibly removed from their homes, put into foster care or psychiatric facilities and then over-prescribed psychiatric drugs that often rival some of the heaviest doses given to psychotic adults.
Big Pharma,
Brandon Turbeville,
Child Kidnap,
Forced Medication,
Native American,
US Gov't Moves To Allow Greater Access To Medicines Without Doctor Visit But It's Not What You Think

Natural Blaze
August 10, 2018
If the US government and the FDA have their way, Americans may soon have more access to medications and prescription drugs without having to first see a doctor. This is undoubtedly a positive step in the right direction. Unfortunately, it’s not exactly what you might think.
For those who are unaware, in the United States, an allegedly free country, American citizens no longer have the option to decide what medications they believe they need or wish to take and simply purchase those medications from a pharmacy as in times past or as in many other countries today. Instead, they are forced to make an appointment with a doctor who is considered (and considers himself) the ultimate authority on what a patient can consume, regardless of the patient’s choices. Of course, the patient has to pay for that visit and he/she may not even be prescribed the proper medicine even after begging the doctor’s permission to access it. The patient then has to go to the pharmacy and prove that he has his hall pass (prescription) in order to be receive his medication.
Now, a new draft guideline from the FDA seems to be heading in the opposite direction but “seems” is the operative word here. The FDA is looking into to how it can “lower healthcare costs” and one of the options may be opening up certain medications to potential purchase without a doctor’s visit.
But before anyone gets the idea that America is inching its way back to freedom, you might want to slow down. Independent thought and individual choice is not on the menu just yet.
One idea is that patients could answer questions on a mobile-phone app to help determine whether or not they should be able to have access to a medication without needing a prescription.
Brandon Turbeville,
Civil Rights,
Medical Access,
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Syrian First Lady Undergoing Cancer Treatment, Syrians and Admirers Show Outpouring Of Support
August 8, 2018
The media office of the Syrian Presidency announced on August 8 that First Lady of Syria, Mrs. Asmaa al-Assad had begun the initial stage of treatment for a malignant breast tumor. Thankfully, the tumor was discovered early.
“Strongly, confidently and faithfully, Mrs. Asmaa al-Assad started the first stage of treatment of a malignant tumor in the breast which was discovered in its early stage,” the office said on its Facebook page.
The announcement stated that Mrs. Assad is receiving treatment at one of the military facilities in Damascus city.
An outpouring of support for the First Lady has erupted across the internet both from Syrians in Syria and by her supporters abroad. One such statement of support came from Syrian analyst Afraa Dagher who wrote on her social media page:
Syrian first lady you are in our hearts. Syrians wish a quick recovery to the lady of Jasmine, lady of the homeland, lady of peace and courage. Syria's first lady Mrs Asama Al-Assad is under treatment for a malignant breast tumor caught in its early stages and, according to Sana news and official presidency page , Mrs Asama is getting treatment in a Syrian military hospital. We should not worry for our brave lady. She is used to facing odds of defeat and difficulty. She is a lady of Syria and she faced the war on the country by steadfastness, wisdom, and courage.
She belongs to “this people who taught the world steadfastness, strength and how to face their difficulties...”
MSM Journalist Exposes Western, Gulf Arming Terrorists In Syria

Activist Post
August 6, 2018
In August of 2017, Bulgarian reporter Dilyana Gaytandzhieva published a report in mainstream outlet Trud in her home country exposing the paper trail documenting the US, NATO, and Gulf countries were shipping weapons to terrorists in Syria. Gaytandzhieva’s reporting was the result of her own travels to Syria where she saw these documents firsthand and her subsequent follow-up investigation after her return home.
That article, “350 Diplomatic Flights Carry Weapons For Terrorists,” is still available and I highly recommend reading it now before going any further in this article.
Now, nearly a year to the day after Gaytandzhieva’s article was released (for which she was summarily fired), journalist Robert Fisk has conducted a similar investigation and come to similar conclusions. In his article for The Independent, “A Bosnian signs off weapons he says are going to Saudi Arabia – but how did his signature turn up in Aleppo?” Fisk traces back the numbers found on shell casings, mortars, and other weapons used by terrorists to their manufacturers in Bosnia and the United States. He writes,
In the basement of a bombed-out al-Qaeda arms storage building in eastern Aleppo last year, I found a weapons log book from a mortar factory in Bosnia – with the handwritten name of one of their senior officials, Ifet Krnjic, on each page. It was dispatched from the Balkans with a cargo of 500 120mm mortars in January 2016. But now, in the forested heart of central Bosnia, I have found Mr Krnjic, who says his company sent the arms to Saudi Arabia.
Sitting on the lawn of his home south of the weapons-manufacturing town of Novi Travnik, he brings his finger down onto the first page of the log book which I showed him. “This is my signature! Yes, that’s me!” Krnjic exclaims loudly. “It’s a warranty for the 120mm mortar launcher – this is Nato standard. It [the shipment] went to Saudi Arabia. It was part of a supply of 500 mortars. I remember the Saudi shipment well. They [the Saudis] came to our factory to inspect the weapons at the beginning of 2016.”
This is astonishing. Not only does Krnjic, the 64-year old newly retired weapons control director of the BNT-TMiH factory at Novi Travnik, acknowledge his signature – but he says he recalls the visits of Saudi officials and military personnel to inspect the mortars before their shipment to Riyadh, and insists all such sales were strictly in accordance with the legal end-user certificates which his company obtained from all customers, stating that the weapons were to be used only by the armed forces of the nations which purchased them.
Caravan Of Evil Reveals Evidence Of Western/Israeli Intelligence Assets In al-Qaeda, White Helmet Groups

Activist Post
July 31, 2018
As more and more information comes out regarding the Caravan of Evil (i.e. the evacuation of the White Helmets from Southwestern Syria to Jordan and Israel and then on to Europe), there is also more and more evidence backing up the suspicions by many writers in the alternative media including myself regarding the nature of the specific White Helmets being evacuated. Namely, the idea that these individuals were more than just more al-Nusra Front propagandists, but valued intelligence assets.
Although refusing to open its borders, Israel (apparently the only country in the world that is allowed to maintain borders) has allowed members of the al-Nusra Front propaganda wing known as the White Helmets to access Israeli territory on their way to resettlement in Britain, Canada, and Germany according to Jordanian officials. Jordan was also part of the Caravan of Evil.
Estimates initially put the number of White Helmets being evacuated at 800 but those numbers were soon reduced to 500. Now, as Reuters reports, the number has been reduced further to 100 White Helmets and 300 relatives.
But what is just as telling as which White Helmets members were evacuated are the members of the group who were left behind. Buried in an article by Khalil Ashawi for Reuters entitled “As Some ‘White Helmets’ Escaped Syria, most were left behind,”
Fearing for his life, Daman Ayed registered to be evacuated from Syria along with hundreds of other members of the White Helmets rescue service, hoping for a new life in Canada.
But the 20-year-old was not among the several hundred people who were spirited out of the country last weekend over the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights and into Jordan. When the list of names approved for evacuation arrived, his was not on it.
“They told us at midnight that the names had come. We were surprised how many names had not been approved,” said Ayed. Only two of the people working at his rescue center were on the list.
Activist Post,
Brandon Turbeville,
Caravan of Evil,
White Helmets
Monday, July 30, 2018
Israel, US Rescue Terrorist Leaders, Intelligence Assets From Southwestern Syria Ahead Of Liberation

Activist Post
July 26, 2018
As the Syrian government marches forward with the liberation of the southwestern front, the United States, Europe, Israel, and Jordan are coming to the humanitarian rescue. But they aren’t rescuing civilians from terrorists or even from being caught in the crossfire. Instead, these countries have identified a group of “exceptional refugees” whose lives matter much more than those of the civilians the West has wantonly slaughtered for the last seven years.
Although refusing to open its borders, Israel (apparently the only country in the world that is allowed to maintain borders) has allowed members of the al-Nusra Front propaganda wing known as the White Helmets to access Israeli territory on their way to resettlement in Britain, Canada, and Germany according to Jordanian officials. Jordan was also part of the Caravan of Evil.
Estimates initially put the number of White Helmets being evacuated at 800 but those numbers were soon reduced to 500.
In my article, “Exceptional Refugees – Israel Helps Evacuate White Helmets From Syria, Exports al-Qaeda To Europe,” I asked the question “Is the West really evacuating its own intelligence agents and intelligence assets?”
I continued by writing:
Syrian MP and Director of the Chamber of Commerce certainly seems to believe so.
His tweet read “The EU intends to evacuate about 800 White Helmets terrorists and move them to Europe before they get caught by the Syrian army as many of them MI6 operatives as all evidence in E Aleppo proved.”
So does Ziad Fadel of Syrian Perspective whose information and sources have been consistently reliable throughout the seven years of this war.
Fadel writes,
Friday, July 27, 2018
EU Rules Genetic Engineering Is Genetic Engineering

Natural Blaze
July 26, 2018
As Big Ag develops new and more effective ways of genetic engineering, it is also developing new and more effective means of marketing and propagandizing the public. For instance, while citizens across the world march against and protest genetic engineering conducted by adding a gene from one species to another, Big Ag began developing a new process that saw genes taken out. CRISPR, or gene editing, is, without a doubt, still genetic engineering. However, since the genes being engineered are being taken out instead of added in, the industry lobbied that the process is something entirely different and thus not genetic engineering.
As one might suspect, many governments across the world lept upon the claims by Big Ag so as to move ahead with approval of the products and thus make good on this opportunity to satisfy the major corporations that pay them and keep them fat in the halls of “public service.”
The question over whether or not gene editing is considered genetic engineering has been a battle that has been brewing in Europe for quite some time, with the issue making its way to the European Court of Justice. Today, that battle has seen the ECJ rule that gene editing and products made from CRISPR are indeed genetic engineering and that they are covered under the 2001 EU GMO Directive.
Member of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament and spokesperson on GMOs, Bart Staes said:
"Today's ruling is a victory for food safety and the environment. Just because the industry has come up with new ways to modify organisms does not mean that these techniques should be exempt from existing EU standards on GMOs. Recent scientific studies show that these new techniques might not be as accurate as the industry claims them to be, that's why it's essential that they come under the same labelling requirements and impact assessments as existing GMOs. These new patented organisms may have unintended effects, as well the potential to increase our dependence on the agri-chemical industry, and therefore must be stringently monitored by the European Food Safety Authority for any risks to human, animal and environmental health."
Brandon Turbeville,
Genetic Engineering,
The Bailout Bandaid - Tariffs Work But What Is The Solution For American Farmers?

Natural Blaze
July 25, 2018
Despite the tense nature of American politics in 2018, there are a number of issues both Republicans and Democrats can agree on. Namely, support for Israel, police state measures, and foreign wars. But, recently, another issue of mutual agreement has popped up in the news - the issue of tariffs. After decades of watching Free Trade gut the American economy until it has become nothing more than a shell of its former self, virtually all Republicans and Democrats can agree that what America needs is more Free Trade.
That’s right. After decades of jobs being shipped overseas, lower wages, longer hours and general living standards plummeting in America, Republicans and Democrats claim that tariffs or (*shudders at the word*) “protectionism” could lead to disaster, i.e. job loss, lower wages, longer hours and general living standards plummeting in America. Never mind that tariffs and (here’s that scary word again) “protectionism” led to the creation of the greatest economic system in recorded history. Never mind that Free Trade has all but destroyed the greatness of that system. Just keep “thinking globally” even if your own home is falling apart at the seams.
Thus, hysteria over Trump’s tariffs has erupted from all quarters of the US government, particularly Congress, a collection of people who are well known to be the property of major corporations who, coincidentally, benefit from the lack of tariffs, cheap foreign labor, and low living standards among the working class.
After having rushed full steam ahead into the “global system” and internationalism, any hint of putting one’s own national economy first is met with hyperventilation and hysteria. Naturally, other countries like China who have been benefiting from internationalist policies (i.e. Free Trade) have responded in kind in order to keep the gravy train coming, imposing tariffs of their own and even taking their cases to the World Trade Organization.
In a cunning move to pressure US President Trump over the issue of tariffs, China responded by imposing tariffs of its own. The difference, however, is that China targeted industries specific to Trump’s base in the working class and agricultural sectors hoping that the pain of tariffs would hit Trump supporters specifically and thus force Trump to back off his policies.
American System,
Big Ag,
Brandon Turbeville,
Donald Trump,
Farming Bailout,
Exceptional Refugees – Israel Helps Evacuate White Helmets From Syria, Exports al-Qaeda To Europe

Activist Post
July 23, 2018
As the Syrian government marches forward with the liberation of the southwestern front, the United States, Europe, Israel, and Jordan are coming to the humanitarian rescue. But they aren’t rescuing civilians from terrorists or even from being caught in the crossfire. Instead, these countries have identified a group of “exceptional refugees” whose lives matter much more than those of the civilians the West has wantonly slaughtered for the last seven years.
Although refusing to open its borders, Israel (apparently the only country in the world that is allowed to maintain borders) has allowed members of the al-Nusra Front propaganda wing known as the White Helmets to access Israeli territory on their way to resettlement in Britain, Canada, and Germany according to Jordanian officials. Jordan was also part of the Caravan of Evil.
All in all, around 800 White Helmets were evacuated from Syrian territory.
As Zero Hedge reported,
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed Israel's spearheading the move at the request of the United States and European governments. The dead of night operation comes a week after reports first surfaced that serious discussions were held on the matter during the July 11-12 NATO summit in Brussels.
The IDF official twitter account posted the following statement: "Following an Israeli Government directive and at the request of the United States and additional European countries, the IDF recently completed a humanitarian effort to rescue members of a Syrian civil organization and their families."
The IDF further called the effort "an exceptional humanitarian gesture" and additionally confirmed that the White Helmets were transferred "through Israel".
US officials including the State Department spokesperson have this summer made it a key talking point to warn of White Helmets being in "imminent danger" throughout Syria and face the threat of assassination especially in the country's southwest, as pro-government forces have now nearly completed their successful campaign to take back all of Daraa and Quneitra provinces.
Brandon Turbeville,
Southwestern Syria,
White Helmets
Monday, July 16, 2018
Congressional Committee Investigation Exposes History Of Testing On American Soldiers

Natural Blaze
July 13, 2018
In 1995, a PH.D candidate in Maritime Studies (specifically Chemical
Pollution), by the name of H. Lindsey Arison III, wrote a report entitled “The ‘Cover-Upof Gulf War Syndrome’ A Question of National Integrity,” where he discussed the
toxic chemicals that American service personnel were exposed to during the
first American invasion of Iraq and how that exposure may have been the cause
or one important contributing factor to the mysterious Gulf War Syndrome that
plagued so many soldiers and their families upon returning home.
Dr. Arison concluded:
The Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Department of Veterans Affairs have been lying to the U.S. Congress, Gulf War veterans, and the American people about coalition forces' exposure to chemical and biological agents during the war.
This criminal, reprehensible, shameful, dishonorable, and egregious act on their part has caused incalculable pain and suffering, caused many who risked their lives for our flag to die, inflicted severe financial hardships, caused many veterans' children to be born deformed and disabled, caused many veterans' children to become diseased, destroyed marriages and families, and eroded the trust of the American people in the institutions they once revered.
Gulf War veterans are truly the victims of patriotism. What they have suffered is the great American tragedy.
Those who have perpetrated and perpetuated this lie must be held fully accountable.It should be noted that Dr. Anison was an aide to the Undersecretary of the United States Air Force at the Pentagon.
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