Activist Post
October 25, 2017
While the U.S. media is busy weeping over the defeat of ISIS in Syria, the slow death of Kurdistan, and the inevitable victory of the Syrian government over Western-backed proxies, one story that has remained quiet at least in terms of its possible significance is the fact that the United States is giving the go ahead for around 3,500 troops to be moved into Afghanistan under the guise of fighting terrorism and helping stabilize the situation on the ground.
Back in September, Secretary of Defense James Mattis announced that “he had signed deployment orders for some of the troops but would not make an announcement on the specific numbers until after he briefed Congress.”
The 3,500 troops would bring the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan to around 14,000 according to official numbers.
In August, President Trump gave a speech in which he seemed to indicate the indefinite continuation of the war in Afghanistan, against his own instincts to pull out, stating that “conditions on the ground — not arbitrary timetables” would determine the end of the war.
Yet, while Americans debate (or not) the merits of remaining in Afghanistan, there remains a question that few have even entertained – that perhaps the real reason for the troop increase has more to do with Iran than Afghanistan.
After weeks of incessant threats to “tear up the Iran deal” by Trump and the neo-cons surrounding him, it is very possible that the troops being placed in Afghanistan are merely being placed there strategically. It is, in effect, a cleverly disguised troop buildup surrounding Iran. These troops can then be called up on if a strike is ordered or the Israelis attack drawing the United States in.