Activist Post
August 21, 2017
As America once again picks up the rubble from one of its regularly scheduled race riots, the hatred and anger felt by the participants is spreading throughout the country. Black/White Left/Right division is now at one of the highest levels in recent years, again drawing Presidential commentary and endless coverage in the mainstream corporate press.
Social media is on fire with every inflammatory opinion one can imagine. All social ills are being placed on the shoulders of whites, blacks, Democrats, Republicans, and people long dead. Today, lines are being drawn between racial groups, political identities, genders and the average person doesn’t have a say in the matter. Those lines are being drawn for them. At times, they are drawn by the media other times by radical fanatics in the street hurling insults, fists, and feces at anyone that dares disagree or even dares not to agree with them. They are also drawn by the average American themselves, glued to their television screens and subjected to the “other” dealing verbal abuse and violence on the “us.”
Everyone is either denouncing white supremacy, white racism, and nazis or they are bashing “commies,” blacks, and anyone on the left. Everyone is joining their “team” and preparing for battle, as if some racial or ideological coup will result in the betterment of their situation. Keyboard commandoes are typing away that if the “us” can rid ourselves of the “other” we will somehow reach a new utopia. Fanatical ideologues from both the left and the right are in the streets preaching the same message.
Donald Trump has a role to play in this but it’s not what you think. Trump, whatever he may be, has been linked with white supremacy, white nationalism, and general racism when nothing in his campaign or his presidency has ever suggested that this is the case (except, perhaps, for the nomination of Jeff Sessions who is now going after “nazis” when he himself was once considered to racist for 80s Kansas Republicans). The “left” in America immediately linked Trump with the Unite the Right Activists and demanded that he condemn only the right wing troublemakers. Trump, to his credit, denounced racism, hatred, and violence on both sides. For the “left,” however, that was not enough. Nothing is ever enough. Trump had to call out only whites and right wingers or he is a Nazi.
As a result of political pressure itself a result of insanity and culture creation, Trump finally condemned the white protest groups and only the white protest groups, announcing a violation of the First and probably the Fourth Amendment should his new policy be taken to its logical conclusion. But that was not enough for the “left” because, like flag worship and worship of military “service” on the right, nothing is ever enough. But it might be enough to initiate an impeachment proceeding at some point in the future if he goes ahead with plans to target participants. Once again, it looks like Trump has been routed by the Deep State. Expect more foreign policy aggression and more domestic oppression in the very near future as the Deep State grabs the wheel and helps Trump keep it between the lines.
There are a number of questionable aspects to this event that should make people take a step back and think hard about what is happening here. The police, despite the violence and despite expecting the violence, stood down and let it continue. The car crasher narrative is full of fishy details such as his actual connection to white nationalist groups and a personal history that might raise red flags. Many white nationalist activists were not only from out of state but of questionable loyalties (from the point of view of the group itself) and Antifa had a very well coordinated presence. Both sides were stacked with bodies from outside of Charlottesville.
And then came Boston. Once seen as the city where the concept that would be considered free speech was birthed, it may now be the city in which free speech comes to die. After all, it was recently the scene of 40,000 protesters who came to march against the concept of free speech itself, claiming free speech is just a cover for “nazism.”
Ironically, most of the particpants in the counter-rally in Boston were just typical Democrats and “leftists” who put about as much effort into research as one does choosing a breakfast cereal from the cabinet. Reading emotional headlines on facebook about the Free Speech Rally which was really a gathering of scary “fascists,” “Nazis,” and “White Supremacists,” these individuals rushed out to save the world from non-violent demonstration and expression. Of course, the event was not a white supremacist rally. It was a rally to re-affirm the concept of free speech. It had individuals from every walk of life, race, gender, and political ideology. Black Lives Matter was invited to speak but BLM refused to do so. Instead, BLM joined Antifa and other violent groups to attack the particpants and engage in violence to make sure that free speech, not racist ideologies, is put back in the closet. No doubt most of the participants in the counter protest thought they were fighting nazis and the KKK. Antifa and BLM, however, were there to fight free speech.
It’s also ironic that so many radicalized leftists are now arguing that “free speech is just a cover for nazism” and warn against the dangers of becoming a “free speech fetishist.” If this doesn’t solidfy a person’s position as an enemy of free people, I don’t know what will.
There's nothing like seeing a young lesbian being labeled a bigot and symbol of "nazi hate." There's nothing like seeing a self-described "radical feminist" from the 60's being shouted down as a "nazi" by man proclaiming to be fighting for "women's rights." Watching the live stream, I saw this very “radical feminist from the 60’s” trying to reason with unreasonable people, pointing out that, without free speech, she would never have been able to speak out for her cause decades ago. She was immediately decried as a fascist by the very group of people who are trying to eleminate her right to free speech. Is this not a hallmark of fascism? This level of cognitive dissonance is scarcely conceivable.
In another example of cognitive dissonance, the radicals of the “revolutionary left” claim that “free speech” is cover for nazism and, since nazism killed 6-14 million people, free speech should not allowed in their case. However, following that logic, shouldn’t we prioritize banning the free speech of Antifa and BLM? After all, Communism killed at least 150 million people in two countries alone. Wouldn’t Communism then be the greater danger?
Obviously, free speech is free speech. So long as speech doesn’t become an overt act of violence (saying we should do something is different from actually doing it) or restriction of rights, etc., it must be allowed and protected. This is the case for BLM, Communists, flag burners, and yes, even Nazis. Freedom of Speech is the most basic human and civil right. It is the last line of defense for anyone with a grievance and for any oppressed minority. It must be protected and defended at all costs.
What is clear though is that Love did not Trump Hate in Boston. Hate and Fascism Trumped Freedom and Free Speech.
It is also important to point out that, while 40k leftists found it possible to march in the streets against nazis that were never even there, they were quiet as mice for eight years as their messiah bombed the shit out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Pakistan, destroyed Ukraine, and aided in the bombing and destruction of Yemen. Even now, with the ultimate orange haired Satan in office, leftists still can’t find it in their hearts to oppose bombing any of the aforementioned countries.
So congratulations to all the protesters who flooded the streets to protest free speech and have the most basic of human rights dismantled. You have made yourself the enemy of free people and of oppressed minorities everywhere.
Make no mistake, the events in Charlottesville and Boston are only the beginning of what is coming to America. This is not the result of two opposing sides at the grass roots, it is the Hegelian dialectic playing out once again and the American people, true to form, are falling for it. Out of this problem, we have already seen the reaction and, soon, we will see a solution. Of course, that solution will come from the top down. I, personally, am convinved that these marchers, rallies, and events have been carefully constructed to achieve an ultimate goal. The overwhelming majority of white supremacist groups have long been infiltrated and controlled by agents of the federal government and there is scarcely a leftist group that can survive longer than two weeks without a paycheck from George Soros.
America is falling apart at the seams. It may soon become an unlivable country. As its empire continues to spread across the world and as the once most powerful economy on the face of the earth continues to hemorrhage jobs, the junk heap of infrastructure that was once the envy of the world is now the scene of skirmishes between increasingly radicalized people, hyped up on political and racial ideology, gender issues, sexuality, and religion. Unlike Rome, America won’t need Barbarians to crash its gates. They’re already inside.
The country that baptized itself in blood from the very beginning and has created entire generations of bloodthirsty citizens will then see the chickens of war and collapse come home to roost.
Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 andvolume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President, and Resisting The Empire: The Plan To Destroy Syria And How The Future Of The World Depends On The Outcome. Turbeville has published over 1000 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST atUCYTV. His website is BrandonTurbeville.com He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) gmail.com.
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