Activist Post
October 28, 2016
As the United States marches forward with its war of terror abroad it is, as predicted by researchers and informed observers many years ago, clamping down on the domestic population at home. Indeed, it is virtually inevitable that the great eating machine of the empire returns home to be turned on the people who ignored it while it was grinding up so many innocent lives overseas.
So as the war drums beat louder and as America eeks closer toward the impending Clinton coronation and the possibility of the declaration of yet another “no fly zone,” this time over Syria, becomes more and more likely, it is poetic justice that a no-fly zone is being declared inside the United States.
While Russia stands in the way of America’s march to create Libya 2.0 in Syria, there is no one willing and virtually no one able to stand in the way of America’s declaration of war on itself, personified by the vicious police state brutality being visited upon the protestors at Standing Rock – indigenous and otherwise – and the crackdown on virtually every amendment to the Constitution including the arrest of demonstrators and journalists, some of whom are facing incredibly ridiculous amounts of time in jail.
Indeed, the United States has even declared a no-fly zone over the protest area, preventing media coverage of the ensuing bravery of the protestors and brutality of the “Serve and protect” crew who are willing to bash every skull and crush every human right in the quest to “just do their jobs.”