Brandon Turbeville
September 27, 2016
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - September 26, 2016
Brandon discusses the Kratom ban, action alerts, Syria, geopolitics, and the Charlotte shooting. Brandon also discusses Farm Aid.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Report: Syrian Government Says It Has Audio Recording Of U.S. Conversation With ISIS Before Attack On Syrian Military

Activist Post
September 26, 2016
According to a report from Russian news agency, Sputnik, Syrian intelligence possesses an audio recording of a conversation that took place between the United States military and ISIS fighters shortly before the U.S. airstrikes on Syrian government positions in Deir el-Zour that.
Likewise, the speaker of the People’s Council of Syria stated as much on Monday.
"The Syrian Army intercepted a conversation between the Americans and Daesh before the air raid on Deir ez-Zor,” said Hadiya Khalaf Abbas as quoted by Al Mayadeen.
These statements appear to suggest that the conversation recorded by the Syrian government will definitively show coordination between the U.S. and ISIS against the Syrian military.
Indeed, during her visit to Iran, the head of the Syrian Parliament stated that, after the coalition airstrikes on Syrian government troops, the U.S. military directed the ISIS attack on the Syrian army that saw the terrorist organization temporarily gain territory surrounding Deir el-Zour.
If the claims of the Syrian officials quoted above are true, then we strongly encourage Syria to release the audio recordings for the world to hear.
That the United States has been responsible for the creation, support, direction, arming, and facilitation of ISIS has long been known in informed circles. However, an audio recording of cooperation between the U.S. and ISIS would effectively drive the last nail in the coffin of American credibility any semblance of honesty and logic in is “war on terror” that is, in reality, nothing but a “war of terror” against the world’s people.
Brandon Turbeville,
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Western Media Blames Russia, Syria For Attack On UN Convoy; Video And Photos Tell Different Story

Activist Post
September 24, 2016
Throughout the entirety of the Syrian crisis, Western media outlets have misrepresented facts and presented outright lies to their audiences regarding virtually every aspect of the war but, particularly when it comes to specific occurrences used to gin up support for greater Western intervention in Syria, these outlets kick it up a notch, launching flurries of disinformation and misinformation designed to leave imprints of false narratives in the minds of half attentive audiences. Incidents such as the Ghouta chemical weapons attack, little Omran, and, now the alleged attack on a U.N. convoy are now parts of a larger narrative and, no matter how much they are debunked, confusion and distortion leave behind traces of the narrative embedded in the mind of the consumer.
Still, it is important to point out the false narratives where they do exist in order to deconstruct them as much as possible.
For instance, the recent hysteria over an alleged attack on a U.N. convoy by “either Syrian or Russian jets” (because it couldn’t have been the U.S. of course), has been used as an attempt to paint Russia and Syria as violators of a ceasefire and states so evil that they would dare attack the sacred U.N. who only ever provides food to hungry people and candy to children. Yet the entire incident, which the West is attempting to use as a political hammer, exists only through the channels and pages of Western media. In reality, however, not so much.
The story being peddled to the American people is that, even as the ceasefire was still in effect (from the point of view of the United States despite the fact that its terrorists never abided by one principle or obligation of the ceasefire from the very beginning), either Russia or Syria bombed a U.N. aid convoy on its way to deliver supplies to civilians.
Brandon Turbeville,
UN Aid Convoy,
United Nations,
Urm al-Kubra,
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Why Is Environmental Damage Of War Considered A Taboo Subject?
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Diane Mantzaris ©
‘Garden of Eve: the Ages of Inhumanity’ 2012
206cm (Height) x 120cm (Width)
C-Type Photograph
Diane Mantzaris
September 21,2016
This resistance to speak out occurs even after the RAAF bombing massacre of a few days ago.
Those who remain silent continue to use the excuse of war complexities and "regime change" propaganda in the disinformation spread that travels from the US/UK to Australia - the disinformation shoved under our noses everyday.
At least Ann Wright of Consortium News has the courage to ask these questions. As Wright reports in her article, "Greenwashing Wars And The U.S. Military,"
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has come in for criticism due to its lack of attention to the detrimental effects of wars and military operations on nature. Considering the degree of harm to the environment coming from these human activities, one would think that the organization might have set aside some time at its World Conservation Congress this past week in Hawaii to specifically address these concerns.
Diane Mantazaris,
Neil Young Slams Obama, Bayer, Says Fuck Monsanto!

September 22, 2016
In addition to providing a stunning performance during the 31st Farm Aid concert in Bristow, VA Neil Young stole the show at the press conference before the event began.
While Farm Aid has always been focused on saving family farmers who are in distress, decades of corporate control and monopolization of the American food supply has forced the organization to also move toward helping restart the tradition of family farming and facilitating the good food movement. Obviously, GMOs have become a major issue as a result. So when it came time for Young to speak at the press conference, the godfather of grunge didn’t hold back.
Speaking fresh on the heels of the Bayer/Monsanto merger, Young spoke about the growing concern over corporate control over the food supply and the fact that this merger is a frightening new development in the corporate war on American agriculture. He also took aim at Barack Obama who has supported, facilitated, and pushed corporate control since the day he took office.
Young stated:
In addition to providing a stunning performance during the 31st Farm Aid concert in Bristow, VA Neil Young stole the show at the press conference before the event began.
While Farm Aid has always been focused on saving family farmers who are in distress, decades of corporate control and monopolization of the American food supply has forced the organization to also move toward helping restart the tradition of family farming and facilitating the good food movement. Obviously, GMOs have become a major issue as a result. So when it came time for Young to speak at the press conference, the godfather of grunge didn’t hold back.
Speaking fresh on the heels of the Bayer/Monsanto merger, Young spoke about the growing concern over corporate control over the food supply and the fact that this merger is a frightening new development in the corporate war on American agriculture. He also took aim at Barack Obama who has supported, facilitated, and pushed corporate control since the day he took office.
Young stated:
We have just begun. This is a revolution. And we will look back on this one way or the other in ten or fifteen years and see what folks like this are doing. We recently have seen giant corporations that are selling for billions and billions of dollars that are joining together and we heard just a few minutes ago about how somebody was eating bad food and got sick and had to take a lot of drugs and now they are eating good food and are starting to not take so many drugs. And you have to notice that one of the biggest drug companies on the planet and one the largest pesticide providers on the planet, Monsanto and Bayer, have just joined together.
Barack Obama,
Brandon Turbeville,
Farm Aid,
Food Freedom,
Neil Young
Powerlessness And Accountability

September 21, 2016
Op-ed by Lanaria Amberkira, The Netherlands
I often wonder, when I am watching the news, or a documentary, what can I do to end all this misery? When again bombs are thrown, when people blow themselves up and take others with them, when refugees drown, or wash ashore, saved or to be left to their own fate, with little help moving forward, then I ask myself, what can I do?
When Mother Earth shows again how deathly ill SHE is, when old lonely people get little or no attention or care, when hard-working people work longer, harder and for less or the same wages as modern slaves, when there is child labor or child abuse, human trafficking and oppression, where there is no freedom, I ask myself quite often, what can I do???
Volunteer work? Donate to charity? Go into politics? Should I try to help people in Calais, help refugees, or visit old people and possibly help, demonstrate, organize, anywhere and everywhere? I could always write about the abuses, and try to make people wake up. This I could possibly do, but would that change anything at the structural level?
Op-ed by Lanaria Amberkira, The Netherlands
I often wonder, when I am watching the news, or a documentary, what can I do to end all this misery? When again bombs are thrown, when people blow themselves up and take others with them, when refugees drown, or wash ashore, saved or to be left to their own fate, with little help moving forward, then I ask myself, what can I do?
When Mother Earth shows again how deathly ill SHE is, when old lonely people get little or no attention or care, when hard-working people work longer, harder and for less or the same wages as modern slaves, when there is child labor or child abuse, human trafficking and oppression, where there is no freedom, I ask myself quite often, what can I do???
Volunteer work? Donate to charity? Go into politics? Should I try to help people in Calais, help refugees, or visit old people and possibly help, demonstrate, organize, anywhere and everywhere? I could always write about the abuses, and try to make people wake up. This I could possibly do, but would that change anything at the structural level?
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Action Alert!!! 9-21-2016 - Help Stop The DEA's War On Kratom!
September 20, 2016
The DEA has recently made an emergency decision to place Kratom on the Schedule I list of controlled substances.
Find more information about the issue here:
DEA Adds Kratom To Schedule I List Alongside Heroin
Kratom Now Schedule 1: Cartel Sex Scandal Shamed DEA Suppresses Herb Imports
Kratom Movement Draws Attention From Congress And More On The DEA's Plan To Schedule 1 - Forbes
What You Can And Need To Do:
1.) Contact your Congressmen and Senators (locate them by using this link) and ask them to sign on to the Pocan/Salmon Dear Colleague Letter.”
Instructions as posted from the Botanical Education Alliance are as follows:
1. MOST IMPORTANT - Call your Congressmen TODAY!
1) Find your representative with your zip code -
Brandon Turbeville On It's The Empire, Stupid
September 21, 2016
Brandon Turbeville as guest on It's The Empire, Stupid with Phillip Farruggio. Brandon and Phillip discuss the Syrian crisis, geopolitics, and the American elections as well as the absence of the American left in opposition to the war.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
War Of Words Between Russia, U.S. After Emergency UNSC Meeting - Zakharova To Power, 'Come To Syria If You Want To See Embarrassment:'

Activist Post
September 20, 2016
The American airstrikes on Syrian forces in Deir al-Zour on Saturday have produced a chain reaction throughout the diplomatic world with Russia calling an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council regarding the attacks and causing a war of words between Russian and American ambassadors.
After Russia responded to the U.S. bombing by calling for an urgent meeting of the UNSC, the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. and notorious humanitarian bomber Samantha Power ranted and raved about the “embarrassment” that Russia was bringing on itself by daring to question the U.S. prerogative to bomb any and everywhere it wants.
“Why are we having this meeting tonight? It is a diversion from what is happening on the ground. If you don't like what is happening on the ground then you distract. It is a magician's trick… we encourage the Russian Federation to have emergency meetings with the Assad regime and deliver them to this deal," Power said.
"What Russia is alleging tonight is that somehow the United States is undermining the fighting against ISIL. The Russian spokesperson even said that the United States might be complicit in this attack… This is not a game," she exclaimed.
Chelsea Bombing Suspect Investigated By FBI Two Years Ago, Turned In By Father

Activist Post
September 20, 2016
As has become the norm in terrorist attacks in the Western world, reports are now coming from the mainstream media that the suspect in the recent Chelsea bombing in New York and New Jersey, Ahmad Rahami, was known to the FBI before conducting his attacks over this past weekend.
Interestingly enough, the first acknowledgement of the fact that Rahami was known to the FBI came from Rahami’s father who cryptically shouted to reporters that he reported his son to the FBI two years ago.
As The Guardian reports,
The father of the man suspected in bombings in New York City and New Jersey contacted the FBI following a 2014 stabbing to express concerns that his son was a terrorist, he told reporters on Tuesday.
“Two years ago I go to the FBI because my son was doing really bad, OK?” Mohammed Rahami told the New York Times. “But they check almost two months, they say, ‘He’s OK, he’s clean, he’s not a terrorist.’ I say OK.”
He added: “Now they say he is a terrorist. I say OK.”
Farm Aid 2016: A Revolution In Food And Farming Is Brewing

Natural Blaze
September 20, 2016
The 31st Farm Aid benefit concert opened with a press conference made up of individuals from a number of different areas. Notably, the performers – Willie Nelson, Sturgill Simpson, Neil Young, Dave Matthews, Lukas Nelson, Jamey Johnson, John Mellencamp – joined farmers, activists, and Farm Aid representatives on stage to tell their stories and announce why the concert was being held and the types of projects and results the organization has seen in the past and hopes to see in the future.
The press conference began with words from Dorothy McAuliffe, the first lady of Virginia. When Willie Nelson was asked about the 31st hallmark of what should never have been necessary in the first place, Nelson characteristically responded with a short and chill line: “We’re glad to be anywhere thirty one times.”
John Mellencamp took the mic as well and stated that he is constantly surprised when he tells people he is off to go do the Farm Aid concert and is asked “You guys still doin’ that?” He says he always responds with a question: “You guys still eatin’?”
But it was Neil Young who stole the show at the conference. Young did not simply make a few comments and pass the mic, he addressed the corporate control over food and the recent merger between Bayer and Monsanto. He also sharply criticized Barack Obama.
Video Shows American Soldiers Posing As “Rebels,” “Fleeing” Jihadists In Syria

Activist Post
September 19, 2016
In a series of reports floating around even some of the mainstream press organs, a video has emerged that reportedly shows U.S. “commandos” fleeing U.S.-backed rebels in the northern part of Syria.
The video shows what appears to be American soldiers riding in the backs of white Toyota pickups leaving the area that Turkish troops, with FSA terrorists in tow, recently conquered from “ISIS” militants. While many of the reports suggest that the soldiers are “fleeing” the scene, the men in the footage seem incredibly nonchalant for those who are trying to escape. Instead, they seem calm, even waving at the FSA terrorists shouting abuse at them as they drive away.
Other reports claim that the commandos entered the town of al-Rai, fighting alongside the Turks and FSA but were soon forced out by the terrorists. But, as mentioned, the Americans do not seem as if they are under attack but as if they are simply leaving the scene.
As Raf Sanchez writes for the Telegraph,
Video footage appears to show US commandos fleeing a Syrian town under a barrage of abuse and insults hurled at them by fighters from the American-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebel group.
The video appears to be the first evidence of US special forces cooperating with Turkish troops in their battle against Islamic State (Isil).
Brandon Turbeville,
Free Syrian Army,
Monday, September 19, 2016
Russia Calls For 'Emergency' UN Security Council Meeting Regarding US Bombing Of Syrian Military

Activist Post
September 18, 2016
After the United States launched an attack against Syrian forces in Deir al-Zour early on Saturday morning, Russia is now calling for an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council and an immediate explanation from the United States.
The Americans claim that the bombing was merely a mistake, however it is hard to make that claim when the two sides were in battle with one another at the time of the airstrikes. In addition, the United States did not inform the Russians of the attack plan and thus Russia was not able to inform the U.S. that the Syrian forces were in that location. As a result, many may legitimately wonder whether or not the U.S. did not contact the Russians in order to maintain plausible deniability.
“If previously we had suspicions that Al-Nusra Front is protected this way, now, after today's airstrikes on the Syrian army we come to a really terrifying conclusion for the entire world: The White House is defending IS [Islamic State, formerly ISIS/ISIL]," said Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova in an interview with Rossiya 24.
“We demand a full and detailed explanation from Washington. That explanation must be given at the UN Security Council,”Zakharova added.
“[US coalition] strikes have cleared the way for ISIS fighters to take over Deir ez-Zor city now,” said Syrian Minister of Defense Fahd Jassem al-Freij. “It is only because of Russian Air Force support [that] the offensive of the terrorist group was stopped. We request that the air support for the Syrian armed forces be continued by the Russian air force in order to destroy the terrorists.”
Brandon Turbeville,
United Nations Security Council,
U.S. Attacks Syrian Military, Protects ISIS In Deir Al-Zour, Thardeh Mountains

Activist Post
September 18, 2016
If there was ever any doubt that the United States was supporting and protecting the most feared terrorist organization in the world, that doubt is now erased as a result of the recent U.S. strike on Syrian military forces in Deir al-Zour on Saturday.
The attack took place as a battle between the Syrian military and ISIS forces was raging in Deir al-Zour when the United States swooped in with air strikes against Syrian military forces killing “dozens” of Syrian soldiers, allowing ISIS to advance. Some outlets put the death toll as high as 80 while others suggest 62 soldiers were killed.
The United States claims that it did not knowingly strike the Syrian military and that it confused the SAA with ISIS fighters. However, illegal violations of Syrian national sovereignty aside, claims that the United States could not decipher SAA forces from ISIS forces is hardly plausible since the former is easily identified by the fact that it is in battle with the latter.
Either the United States is incredibly incompetent or it intentionally targeted the Syrian military in order to act as the ISIS Air Force such as it has been since the terror group’s creation.
This time, the U.S. bombing allowed ISIS to take control of the Thardeh Mountains. As al-Masdar reported at the time:
The U.S.' airstrikes on the Syrian Arab Army's positions allowed the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) to capture the strategic Thardeh Mountains that were originally under government control.
Brandon Turbeville,
Deir al-Zour,
Thardeh Mountains,
Regulatory Watchdog Calls On DEA To Halt Kratom Ban, Calls On OMB Intervention

September 16, 2016
On September 12, the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness, an independent think tank and regulatory watchdog organization, wrote an open letter to the DEAregarding the notoriously corrupt and rights-crushing agency’s recent ban onkratom. In this letter, the CRE has made a number of recommendations to the DEA that would at least put an element of logic to the agency’s actions.
The CRE points out that the DEA’s policy on kratom is in conflict with the policy of a number of other federal agencies and, thus, the legality of kratom falls under the jurisdiction of the Office of Management and Budget whose job it is to settle inter-agency conflicts of policy.
The letter reads:
However, in this instance, the DEA action to ban kratom, the conflict is considerably wider in scope. In this instance there is a sharp disagreement among a number of federal agencies. Consequently if there were ever a time for an OMB intervention this is it.
The CRE’s letter also calls into question the shaky “science” used by the DEA in order to push its ban when it states:
On September 12, the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness, an independent think tank and regulatory watchdog organization, wrote an open letter to the DEAregarding the notoriously corrupt and rights-crushing agency’s recent ban onkratom. In this letter, the CRE has made a number of recommendations to the DEA that would at least put an element of logic to the agency’s actions.
The CRE points out that the DEA’s policy on kratom is in conflict with the policy of a number of other federal agencies and, thus, the legality of kratom falls under the jurisdiction of the Office of Management and Budget whose job it is to settle inter-agency conflicts of policy.
The letter reads:
The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) has been described as the cockpit of the regulatory state. It is an organization that has a statutory mandate to manage and oversee the flow of regulatory actions taken by federal agencies. In the discharge of these duties OIRA is often involved in one-on-one discussions with agency personnel to resolve potential conflicts with OMB personnel.
However, in this instance, the DEA action to ban kratom, the conflict is considerably wider in scope. In this instance there is a sharp disagreement among a number of federal agencies. Consequently if there were ever a time for an OMB intervention this is it.
The CRE’s letter also calls into question the shaky “science” used by the DEA in order to push its ban when it states:
Friday, September 16, 2016
DEA War On Drugs, Kratom Once Again Puts America On The Wrong Side Of History

September 16, 2016
Yes, let us, as a nation, be on the wrong side of history yet again. Let us imprison generations of working, law-abiding citizens for their use of a harmless ancient medicine. Let us take their possessions when the users are arrested. (To be clear, the wealthy will continue to have access to any medicine they choose, natural or synthesized.) The black market criminals love a new source of profit and power.
Yet-to-be-born Americans will judge this generation of American lawmakers and law enforcement harshly, if M. Speciosa is scheduled as a "controlled substance." This scheduling will be viewed much as the American and European witch trials, viewed like the racist and classist prohibition of cannabis. It will be viewed as ignorant, xenophobic farce, and class warfare in addition. It will be viewed as greed and will be upheld tragi-comically, obvious to future gradeschoolers as corruption, obvious to future historians as a grim list of the evils of power imbalance.
The postponement of scheduling kratom would allow for public and private institutions to at least begin, if not complete, the studies necessary for a more complete picture of this plant medicine.
This medicine will be vindicated.
Kratom has not killed a single person. Ever.
If kratom is to be scheduled, postponement would hopefully allow for patients with chronic conditions to find a replacement. I pray the replacements will not be the toxic and ineffective opioids and dirty black market substances but, be assured, American government officials that have our best interests in mind, the replacements will be none other than those listed. People use kratom because conventional medications and the institution of conventional medicine itself, has already failed them. Humans cannot be flattened and sedated into productive and worthwhile living. The pharmaceutical and therapeutic offerings simply do not work for many suffering people.
Yes, let us, as a nation, be on the wrong side of history yet again. Let us imprison generations of working, law-abiding citizens for their use of a harmless ancient medicine. Let us take their possessions when the users are arrested. (To be clear, the wealthy will continue to have access to any medicine they choose, natural or synthesized.) The black market criminals love a new source of profit and power.
Yet-to-be-born Americans will judge this generation of American lawmakers and law enforcement harshly, if M. Speciosa is scheduled as a "controlled substance." This scheduling will be viewed much as the American and European witch trials, viewed like the racist and classist prohibition of cannabis. It will be viewed as ignorant, xenophobic farce, and class warfare in addition. It will be viewed as greed and will be upheld tragi-comically, obvious to future gradeschoolers as corruption, obvious to future historians as a grim list of the evils of power imbalance.
The postponement of scheduling kratom would allow for public and private institutions to at least begin, if not complete, the studies necessary for a more complete picture of this plant medicine.
This medicine will be vindicated.
Kratom has not killed a single person. Ever.
If kratom is to be scheduled, postponement would hopefully allow for patients with chronic conditions to find a replacement. I pray the replacements will not be the toxic and ineffective opioids and dirty black market substances but, be assured, American government officials that have our best interests in mind, the replacements will be none other than those listed. People use kratom because conventional medications and the institution of conventional medicine itself, has already failed them. Humans cannot be flattened and sedated into productive and worthwhile living. The pharmaceutical and therapeutic offerings simply do not work for many suffering people.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Kratom, A Personal Story

September 14, 2016
The "emergency" scheduling of M. Speciosa is a gross abuse of power.
The "emergency" scheduling of M. Speciosa is a gross abuse of power.
M. Speciosa is a mild herbal medicine, with fewer side effects than many prescribed medications, and greater effectiveness than those same chemicals. The tea may compete with the pharmaceutical makers of opiates, ssri's, and narcotics prescribed for anxiety, but with less harm than those dangerous pills.
I have personal experience with the danger of the psychiatric drugs, having lost years - over half my life - to the physical and mental adverse reactions of such accepted interventions. I was a diligent patient, committed to following the instructions and to using the best modern medicine could allow. Modern medicine failed me and my family. M. Speciosa helped me become a positive, contributing member of my daughter's school community where I tutored children struggling with reading. M. Speciosa also helped me maintain the calm demeanor to maintain a volunteer position in the Girl Scouts. I was able to begin to take post-university classes again, all by stabilizing my PTSD symptoms with a consistent dose of M. Speciosa.
So, why is there a rush to schedule?
So, why is there a rush to schedule?
This decision reeks of corruption, with the acting the institution protecting only itself. Consumers should have a choice, beyond harsh and ineffective prescriptions from the physician's office.
I do not think America needs to be, yet again, on the wrong side of history concerning the War on Drugs, which has decimated generations of families and communities across all socioeconomic and professional backgrounds. The cost in terms of human suffering and lost civic productivity has been enormous, its origins and perpetuation unethical.
Brandon Turbeville,
Drug War,
Jennifer Aldridge,
M. Speciosa,
War On Drugs
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Is The Syria Ceasefire Actually A Good Thing?

Activist Post
September 12, 2016
As the US-Russian-backed “ceasefire” plan begins to take effect in Syria today, much of the world is holding its breath in hopes that all guns fall silent and that a “political solution” is found. Despite the fact that virtually everyone expects the ceasefire to fall apart within a short amount of time, the Western media is hailing the agreement as a diplomatic victory for the United States while many alternative media outlets are representing the agreement as a victory for the Russians.
The ceasefire deal, brokered between Russia and the United States, is made up of a number different facets. First, Russia is required to pressure the Syrian government to stop its military combat activities against what is considered “moderate” US-backed rebels. On the other side, if the ceasefire holds for at least seven days, the United States is supposed to join Russia in military operations against Jobhat al-Nusra (Jobhat Fatah al-Sham). The U.S. will also have to be more clear which “rebels” are “moderate” cannibals and which ones are “extremist” cannibals and, as John Kerry admitted, it will require “some sharing of information” with the Russians.
"This requires halting all attacks, including aerial bombardments, and any attempts to gain additional territory at the expense of the parties to the cessation. It requires unimpeded and sustained humanitarian access to all of the besieged and hard-to-reach areas, including Aleppo," said US Secretary of State John Kerry.
Kerry also stated that the agreement would prevent the Syrian military from flying combat operations against “moderate” rebels and anywhere the “opposition” publicly deemed legitimate by the United States is present. He called this provision the “bedrock of the agreement” and stated that "That should put an end to the barrel bombs, an end to the indiscriminate bombing of civilian neighborhoods."
Brandon Turbeville,
Syria Ceasefire,
DEA Adds Kratom To Its War On Drugs Even As Health Researchers Cite Benefits

Activist Post
September 12, 2016
In the so-called freest country in the world, it is an unfortunate reality when human beings are thrown into cages simply for possessing or ingesting a plant. It is even more a tragedy when those individuals locked away are sick or ill and when the plant they are being locked away for possessing could have aided, controlled or even cured their infliction.
More and more Americans, despite the panic of organizations like the FDA and Big Pharma, have been turning to natural supplements or natural substances such as cannabis to provide them with the treatment and assistance they need to get by from day to day. While those seeking help from cannabis run the risk of imprisonment, the destruction of their lives and even death - not from the plant but from law enforcement personnel and the legal system - there are some alternative natural substances and plants which have grown in popularity. One of these substances is known as Mitragyna Speciosa or Kratom.
Mitragyna Speciosa aka kratom is a tropical evergreen tree in the coffee family which is native to Southeast Asia. Although not an opiate itself, kratom can be used to manage pain and anxiety as well as alcohol dependence. It is possible to use kratom recreationally but the effects are generally too mild to classify it as anything resembling a drug.
Kratom, although not an opiate, does function in a similar manner to opiates i.e., attaching to activating opioid receptors. Studies in mice have actually demonstrated impressive results in overcoming addiction to cocaine. Many kratom users have also sung the plant's praises in regards to heroin addiction. Kratom users also claim that the substance is an excellent substitute for prescription pain medication as well as the addiction that comes with prescribed opiates.
Brandon Turbeville,
Drug War,
Kra Thum Khok,
War On Drugs
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - September 12, 2016
September 12, 2016
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - September 12, 2016
Brandon discusses the Kratom ban, action plan, marching orders, strategy, also Monsanto's battle in India, SC's war on bees, psilocybin, the Syrian ceasefire, and 9/11.
Action Alert,
Brandon Turbeville,
South Carolina,
Strategy Points,
Syria Ceasefire,
Truth on the Tracks,
Scientist Group Slams GMO-Pushing Nobel Laureates In Damning Letter

September 12, 2016
In late June 2016, over 100 Nobel laureates signed a letter attacking the environmental organization Greenpeace and calling on the group to end their opposition to GMOs.
The letter asks Greenpeace to end its attempt to block golden rice from being introduced into the developing world. “We urge Greenpeace and its supporters to reexamine the experience of farmers and consumers worldwide with crops and foods improved through biotechnology, recognize the findings of authoritative scientific bodies and regulatory agencies, and abandon their campaign against ‘GMOs’ in general and golden rice in particular,” states the letter.
Spearheaded by Richard Roberts, chief scientific officer of New England Biolabs and Phillip Sharp, the 1993 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology and Medicine for the discovery of the genetic sequences known as entrons, the campaign has a website which includes a list of signatories to which it is attempting to add more names.
Roberts told the Washington Post,
In late June 2016, over 100 Nobel laureates signed a letter attacking the environmental organization Greenpeace and calling on the group to end their opposition to GMOs.
The letter asks Greenpeace to end its attempt to block golden rice from being introduced into the developing world. “We urge Greenpeace and its supporters to reexamine the experience of farmers and consumers worldwide with crops and foods improved through biotechnology, recognize the findings of authoritative scientific bodies and regulatory agencies, and abandon their campaign against ‘GMOs’ in general and golden rice in particular,” states the letter.
Spearheaded by Richard Roberts, chief scientific officer of New England Biolabs and Phillip Sharp, the 1993 Nobel Prize winner in Physiology and Medicine for the discovery of the genetic sequences known as entrons, the campaign has a website which includes a list of signatories to which it is attempting to add more names.
Roberts told the Washington Post,
“We’re scientists. We understand the logic of science. It’s easy to see what Greenpeace is doing is damaging and anti-science. Greenpeace initially, and then some of their allies, deliberately went out of their way to scare people. It was a way for them to raise money for their cause.”Roberts quote alone illustrates the religious nature of what has now become know as “scientism.” This means that there is a set of beliefs which must never be challenged and that there are individuals who represent the authority of these beliefs and who themselves must never be questioned unless they get out of line and go off script. It maintains the same cult-like following where masses of people obsessed with “science” believe what is handed down to them without critical thought and will lash out in righteous indignation at anyone who has dared not to outsource their brain so easily.
Ante Upped On Bayer Monsanto Merger – Billions On The Table

September 12, 2016
The possibility of a merger between German pharmaceutical and chemical company Bayer AG and multinational seed and pesticide corporation Monsanto Co. has just increased with the recent rounds of discussions between the two companies.
Having been in discussion regarding Bayer’s potential purchase of Monsanto for some time, Bayer has now suggested that it is now willing to offer more than $65 billion dollars. This is a two percent increase from the previous offer made by Bayer. On the other side of the deal, Monsanto has agreed to open its books for Bayer to conduct thorough checks into the company’s business status.
Bayer’s previous offer was already considered the biggest all-cash takeover bid on record. Bayer has stated that it is prepared to offer 127.50 per share – $2.50 more per share than its previous offer. “Both sides are gradually nearing consensus,” said one person familiar with the discussions and quoted by Reuters.
If Bayer does indeed purchase Monsanto it will give the company the opportunity to become one of the top dogs in the “farm supplies industry” an already highly consolidated market.
Bayer would be combining its crop science aspect with Monsanto’s near-monopoly in seeds. Monsanto has stated that it is continuing the conversation with Bayer. As well as evaluating Bayer’s offer, it also stated that it was evaluating proposals from other prospective buyers although it declined to name these other parties.
While the deal has a high probability of going through, one must also wonder what will happen to Monsanto’s shares if Bayer declines to purchase the corporation.
The possibility of a merger between German pharmaceutical and chemical company Bayer AG and multinational seed and pesticide corporation Monsanto Co. has just increased with the recent rounds of discussions between the two companies.
Having been in discussion regarding Bayer’s potential purchase of Monsanto for some time, Bayer has now suggested that it is now willing to offer more than $65 billion dollars. This is a two percent increase from the previous offer made by Bayer. On the other side of the deal, Monsanto has agreed to open its books for Bayer to conduct thorough checks into the company’s business status.
Bayer’s previous offer was already considered the biggest all-cash takeover bid on record. Bayer has stated that it is prepared to offer 127.50 per share – $2.50 more per share than its previous offer. “Both sides are gradually nearing consensus,” said one person familiar with the discussions and quoted by Reuters.
If Bayer does indeed purchase Monsanto it will give the company the opportunity to become one of the top dogs in the “farm supplies industry” an already highly consolidated market.
Bayer would be combining its crop science aspect with Monsanto’s near-monopoly in seeds. Monsanto has stated that it is continuing the conversation with Bayer. As well as evaluating Bayer’s offer, it also stated that it was evaluating proposals from other prospective buyers although it declined to name these other parties.
While the deal has a high probability of going through, one must also wonder what will happen to Monsanto’s shares if Bayer declines to purchase the corporation.
Bayer AG,
Food Freedom,
Natural Health
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Remember 9/11, The Inside Job
Brandon Turbeville
September 11, 2016
On the 15th anniversary of 9/11, we must never forget that the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon were the biggest false flag events of modern history, setting loose a cascade of constitution-crushing legislation that eviscerated civil liberties, initiated warfare across the globe, and ushered in the police state we see today.
Below are three documentaries that expose what happened on 9/11/01 and may shed some light on who was truly behind the attacks.
September 11, 2016
On the 15th anniversary of 9/11, we must never forget that the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon were the biggest false flag events of modern history, setting loose a cascade of constitution-crushing legislation that eviscerated civil liberties, initiated warfare across the globe, and ushered in the police state we see today.
Below are three documentaries that expose what happened on 9/11/01 and may shed some light on who was truly behind the attacks.
The More You Know
September 11, 2016
It's been 80 years since the release of Reefer Madness. Ah, yes. The cautionary tale of that dangerous marijuana, or as I like to call it by its scientific name: cannabis. The film claimed that cannabis made you want to go out and kill people or listen to Satan's music, aka Jazz. Good grief, Charlie Brown.
Yes, this actually happened, and while most people are smart enough now to no longer buy into that propaganda there is still a costly stigma associated with cannabis use. A stigma that seems to be falling away one state at a time. So, South Carolina, are we next?
That is certainly my goal, but in order for that to happen education needs to take place. Last year I founded Cannabis Forward to fill that very need. Our first Medical Cannabis Education Forum took place in March and was attended by over 100 people. We are hosting our next forum on September 25th at Larkin's Sawmill and we expect the attendance to be twice as many. Cannabis industry and healthcare professionals will share with you scientific facts about a simple plant with a bad reputation. The forum is open to the public. Doctors, legislators, and caregivers are strongly encouraged to attend. Since we are a 501c3 nonprofit, we do suggest a $5 donation to attend the event.
The forum will begin at 2:30 with an introduction to Cannabis by Sebastien Cotte. Mr. Cotte serves on the board of the Flowering Hope Foundation located in Denver, Co. Next you will learn about the endocannabinoid system from our Cannabinoid Educator, Joann Collins. State Representative Jonathan Hill will offer us a glimpse at what medical cannabis legislation will look like for South Carolina, and then Dr. Uma Dhanabalan will close out the day. Dr. Uma is a Cannabis Physician for Uplifting Wellness in Boston. She will be offering insight into the opiate epidemic and how cannabis can be utilized in adjunctive and conjunctive therapies. Attendees will acquire a deeper understanding of cannabis as medicine and will feel confident in sharing this science to further reduce the stigma associated with cannabis.
September 11, 2016
It's been 80 years since the release of Reefer Madness. Ah, yes. The cautionary tale of that dangerous marijuana, or as I like to call it by its scientific name: cannabis. The film claimed that cannabis made you want to go out and kill people or listen to Satan's music, aka Jazz. Good grief, Charlie Brown.
Yes, this actually happened, and while most people are smart enough now to no longer buy into that propaganda there is still a costly stigma associated with cannabis use. A stigma that seems to be falling away one state at a time. So, South Carolina, are we next?
That is certainly my goal, but in order for that to happen education needs to take place. Last year I founded Cannabis Forward to fill that very need. Our first Medical Cannabis Education Forum took place in March and was attended by over 100 people. We are hosting our next forum on September 25th at Larkin's Sawmill and we expect the attendance to be twice as many. Cannabis industry and healthcare professionals will share with you scientific facts about a simple plant with a bad reputation. The forum is open to the public. Doctors, legislators, and caregivers are strongly encouraged to attend. Since we are a 501c3 nonprofit, we do suggest a $5 donation to attend the event.
The forum will begin at 2:30 with an introduction to Cannabis by Sebastien Cotte. Mr. Cotte serves on the board of the Flowering Hope Foundation located in Denver, Co. Next you will learn about the endocannabinoid system from our Cannabinoid Educator, Joann Collins. State Representative Jonathan Hill will offer us a glimpse at what medical cannabis legislation will look like for South Carolina, and then Dr. Uma Dhanabalan will close out the day. Dr. Uma is a Cannabis Physician for Uplifting Wellness in Boston. She will be offering insight into the opiate epidemic and how cannabis can be utilized in adjunctive and conjunctive therapies. Attendees will acquire a deeper understanding of cannabis as medicine and will feel confident in sharing this science to further reduce the stigma associated with cannabis.
Drug War,
Emily McSherry,
South Carolina,
War On Drugs
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Terrorist Support Group Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize

Activist Post
September 8, 2016
As if the world couldn’t get any crazier, the committee in charge of nominating prospective recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize has recently nominated a terrorist organization for the award. The White Helmets, the notorious mop-up wing of Nusra (Jobhat al-Nusra or Jobhat Fatah al-Sham) will now be in the running for not only the cash prize that comes with winning the Nobel but also the undeserved and cult-like appreciation of winners as if, in some parallel universe, the award was actually given to people who promote peace.[1]
Indeed, it seems no one finds it noteworthy that the Nobel Prize itself is named after a man who was a groundbreaking armaments manufacturer. In the years since its existence, the Nobel Prize committee has awarded the likes of Henry Kissinger, arguably one of the greatest mass murderers of the 20th Century, Barack Obama (who had done nothing accept allegedly “give hope” to the people of the world before continuing and embarking upon a worldwide campaign of terrorism and warfare) and Al Gore who has soaked up every dollar and burned immense amounts of fossil fuel promoting neo-Malthusianism policies under the guise of protecting the climate. Shimon Peres, Jimmy Carter, and Kofi Annan (as well as the United Nations) have also received the award in the past.
Thus, it is no surprise that, with a list of recipients such as those mentioned above, the Nobel Peace Prize committee must feel that it needs to top itself.
Enter the nomination of the White Helmets.
The History And Formation Of White Helmets – The Founders And Directors
Brandon Turbeville,
Nobel Peace Prize,
White Helmets
South Carolina Prepares For Round 2 Of Bee-Killing Zika Spraying

Natural Blaze
September 7, 2016
Apparently in South Carolina, a million dead bees are not enough. Fresh on the heels of the annihilation of millions of bees in Dorchester County, as a result of the Zika hysteria, Charleston County Mosquito Control is planning to conduct aerial spraying from Sept 7 – Sept 12 “on standing water.”
According to the county’s Facebook page, the spraying will take place from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Posting a notice of their intentions to spray, county officials point out that they have been aerially spraying for years and that they will be notifying the public via email 24 hours in advance. The county also states that it will work with local beekeepers to notify them of any spraying coming up.
Mosquito Control representatives have stated that they are working on public education and have given presentations to beekeeper groups in the area and have stressed the importance of the beekeepers providing their information so it can be added to records. Interestingly enough, Mosquito Control uses Trumpet for most of its aerial “adulticiding.” Trumpet contains the active ingredient of Naled but is considered different because the product is water-based and not an oil.
As Wendell Forester noted about Naled (emphasis added):
And the description of NALED provided by the Pesticide Management Education Programme out of Cornell University has this to say about NALED:
Naled is moderately to highly toxic by ingestion, inhalation and dermal adsorption. Vapors or fumes of naled are corrosive to the mucous membranes lining the mouth, throat and lungs, and inhalation may cause severe irritation. A sensation of tightness in the chest and coughing are commonly experienced after inhalation. As with all organophosphates, naled is readily absorbed through the skin. Skin which has come in contact with this material should be washed immediately with soap and water and all contaminated clothing should be removed. Persons with respiratory ailments, recent exposure to cholinesterase inhibitors, impaired cholinesterase production, or with liver malfunction may be at increased risk from exposure to naled. High environmental temperatures or exposure of naled to visible or UV light may enhance its toxicity.
Kratom Helped Me Turn My Life Around, Now The DEA Has Banned It

September 8, 2016
My fundamental issue has always been that I was raised by physically and emotionally abusive parents in near-cult-like isolation. That compromised my social skills, ability to feel relaxed or safe in normal human circumstances, and baseline neurochemistry in regards to contentment, happiness, and pleasure . I have spent most of my life bouncing around between one addiction or compulsive destructive behavior and another, trying to find ways to temporarily fill the void I felt by being unable to see myself as a good person, feel loved, enjoy normal social activities without anxiety and self-loathing, or even keep my neurochemistry at a high enough level to avoid feeling suicidally depressed for much more than half of the time. I was bipolar, manic depressive, had multiple anxiety disorders and probably ADHD besides, and between all of those I was on a constant roller coaster of either hating being alive or madly trying to distract myself from that fact with various pleasures. I accumulated a number of different vices over the years and cycled through countless attempts to quit them, only to see myself forced to swap one for another as the underlying issues went unaddressed and seemed increasingly unaddressable.
Unlike some kratom users I never actually delved into illegal drugs, but that was more a function of lack of opportunity caused by my sheltered upbringing than anything else. Even so, I found just about every other possible way to further screw up my health, and just about the best thing I can say for myself is that being a highly empathetic person, I kept my issues to myself and for the most part suffered in my own private hell, for fear of dragging anyone else down with me. But despite various attempts at trying psychology, psychiatry, and both mainstream and alternative health advice, I did not find any relief for my issues, and eventually began to despair that I would ever become the person I felt like I was born to be, a creative and cheerful novelist with a healthy social life who makes better the lives of everyone I come in contact with.
Brandon Turbeville,
civil liberties,
Drug War,
Natural Health,
War On Drugs
My Kratom Story
September 6, 2016
I have joined the fight to save Kratom. I was addicted to Narcotic pain medications for almost 30 years. During that time I lost so much, including my beloved husband. I became a totally different person. I used to be happy, carefree and outgoing. As my arthritis pain, heel spurs, migraine pain, Pseudo gout. and Fibromyalgia got worse I was given higher and higher doses of different drugs to combat the pain and depression that went with it. At one point I was on 80 mg. Morphine 3 times a day along with 10 mg Percocet 8 times a day. I lost interest in almost every aspect of living. Let me say this right now, I never ever abused those drugs. I only took them as prescribed. But I was still addicted and they took over my life. I would fall asleep at wrong moments including while driving my car. I am a smoker and I almost burned my home down several times when I fell asleep while smoking. My floors had/ and have cigarette burns all over them. I burned holes in almost every piece of clothing I owned. I stopped wanting to go places and be around people because I just didn't have the energy to mingle and think. The sad and typical part of these drugs is that they stopped fighting my pain. The pain got worse and worse making my need for higher and higher doses due to the rebound effect. In the early 2000's I had to have both of my knees replaced. The surgeons worried that they would not be able to control my added pain, as I was already on maximum doses of pain meds. It soon became impossible for me to work any longer as I could not stand on my feet for more than 5 to 10 minutes at a time. I used to walk 10 to 15 miles a day, now I can barely walk around a store without pain.
Monsanto Backs Out Of New GM Cotton Initiative In India

September 6, 2016
In late August 2016, Monsanto withdrew its application which sought approval for its new version of genetically modified cotton seeds in India.
There has been a dispute between Monsanto and New Delhi for quite some time surrounding prices Monsanto charges for the GMO cotton seeds and the corporation’s resistance to sharing its technology with local Indian seed companies.
Monsanto spokesman stated that the withdrawal of the application was “an outcome of the uncertainty in the business and regulatory environment.” He did however provide reassurance that the decision had “no impact on our current cotton portfolio being sold in India.”
On July 5th, Maharashatra Hybrid Seeds Coltd (MAHYCO), Monsanto’s “technology partner” in India highlighted a government proposal that would have required Monsanto to share its biotechnology products with local Indian seed companies.
The letter said that the government proposal “alarmed us and raised serious concerns about the protection of intellectual property rights.”
In late August 2016, Monsanto withdrew its application which sought approval for its new version of genetically modified cotton seeds in India.
There has been a dispute between Monsanto and New Delhi for quite some time surrounding prices Monsanto charges for the GMO cotton seeds and the corporation’s resistance to sharing its technology with local Indian seed companies.
Monsanto spokesman stated that the withdrawal of the application was “an outcome of the uncertainty in the business and regulatory environment.” He did however provide reassurance that the decision had “no impact on our current cotton portfolio being sold in India.”
On July 5th, Maharashatra Hybrid Seeds Coltd (MAHYCO), Monsanto’s “technology partner” in India highlighted a government proposal that would have required Monsanto to share its biotechnology products with local Indian seed companies.
The letter said that the government proposal “alarmed us and raised serious concerns about the protection of intellectual property rights.”
Brandon Turbeville,
Natural Health
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Magic Mushrooms Treat Severe Depression In Scientific Trial

September 6, 2016
A relatively new study coming out of the UK is now using science to confirm what many people have known for centuries – that psilocybin, the hallucinogenic chemical found in magic mushrooms is able to lift and treat severe depression in humans.
At Imperial College London scientists gave 12 people high doses of psilocybin. Going into the experiment, all of the volunteers were severely depressed and were considered untreatable. A week after the experiment, however, all of the volunteers were depression free.
Three months later, five of them still had no symptoms. The results of the study were published in the Lancet Psychiatry Journal; and while the study welcomed the results, it strangely labeled them as “promising, but not completely compelling.”
The researchers are now attempting to find more funding from the medical research council as well as other sources to conduct further and more effective experiments. Scientific research has shown that psilocybin can relieve depression by targeting certain receptors in the brain and disrupting the default mode network. The DMN is responsible for a person’s sense of self and in depressed people the DMN is overactive.
But the scientists are not merely suggesting that the psychedelic experience was related only to a chemical reaction. The scientists are saying that it is possible that the trip actually produced “a spiritual awakening” in the subjects and that the awakening was responsible for the disappearance of depression.
A relatively new study coming out of the UK is now using science to confirm what many people have known for centuries – that psilocybin, the hallucinogenic chemical found in magic mushrooms is able to lift and treat severe depression in humans.
At Imperial College London scientists gave 12 people high doses of psilocybin. Going into the experiment, all of the volunteers were severely depressed and were considered untreatable. A week after the experiment, however, all of the volunteers were depression free.
Three months later, five of them still had no symptoms. The results of the study were published in the Lancet Psychiatry Journal; and while the study welcomed the results, it strangely labeled them as “promising, but not completely compelling.”
The researchers are now attempting to find more funding from the medical research council as well as other sources to conduct further and more effective experiments. Scientific research has shown that psilocybin can relieve depression by targeting certain receptors in the brain and disrupting the default mode network. The DMN is responsible for a person’s sense of self and in depressed people the DMN is overactive.
But the scientists are not merely suggesting that the psychedelic experience was related only to a chemical reaction. The scientists are saying that it is possible that the trip actually produced “a spiritual awakening” in the subjects and that the awakening was responsible for the disappearance of depression.
Turkey Calls For "Buffer Zone" In Syria As Military Seizes Territory Called For By Brookings, MSM

Activist Post
September 6, 2016
As Turkey marches forward in its invasion of Syrian territory, the true purpose for the initial invasion is becoming more and more clear. While some commentators maintain that Turkey’s recent military adventure is actually coordinated with the Russians and the Syrians, the fruit of Turkey’s labor tells a different story.
For instance, on Monday, Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan announced his intention and desire for the creation of a “buffer zone” in Northern Syria that spans over the territory recently seized by Turkish forces and, interestingly enough, also spans the same dimensions of a “buffer zone” called for by numerous military industrial complex firms, “strategy” organizations, and “think tanks” angling for the destruction of the Syrian government.
Speaking from the G20 meeting in China, Erdogan stated “We are working for this region to be declared no-fly zone. This is my proposal to Mr Putin and Mr Obama. This can be done with coalition forces.”
He added that “Now in this summit, to all of our friends, we have brought up this issue and told them this." Erdogan called for a “no-fly zone” last year at the Antalya summit and has been a cheerleader for the plan for quite some time.
The United States has been assisting the Turks in their military operations in Northern Syria by contributing airstrikes. Recently, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy to the anti-ISIS coalition tweeted “Welcome progress in sealing final 98-kilometer strip of Turkish border from #ISIL terrorists, who increasingly have no way out #ISIS #Daesh.”
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
“Pharmaceutical Kratom” Real Reason for Kratom Ban? New Opioid “MGM-15” Derived from Mitragynine

September 6, 2016
What is the true motivation behind the DEA’s decision to ban kratom? Could it be the fact that enormous swathes of researchers are trying to develop synthetic opioids, patentable, profitable drugs to replace such things as kratom or pharmaceutical painkillers?
Three synthetic opioids in particular were synthesized from the alkaloids in kratom from 2008- 2016: MGM-9, MGM-15, and MGM-16.
They were synthesized from kratom’s alkaloids Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine: to make what is essentially patentable, pharmaceutical kratom.
The first study, published in 2008, took Mitragynine and used it to synthesize “MGM-9”. The study says:
What is the true motivation behind the DEA’s decision to ban kratom? Could it be the fact that enormous swathes of researchers are trying to develop synthetic opioids, patentable, profitable drugs to replace such things as kratom or pharmaceutical painkillers?
Three synthetic opioids in particular were synthesized from the alkaloids in kratom from 2008- 2016: MGM-9, MGM-15, and MGM-16.
They were synthesized from kratom’s alkaloids Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine: to make what is essentially patentable, pharmaceutical kratom.
The first study, published in 2008, took Mitragynine and used it to synthesize “MGM-9”. The study says:
“Mitragynine is a major indole alkaloid isolated from the Thai medicinal plant Mitragyna speciosa that has opium-like properties, although its chemical structure is quite different from that of morphine. We attempted to develop novel analgesics derived from mitragynine, and thus synthesized the ethylene glycol-bridged and C10-fluorinated derivative of mitragynine, MGM-9 [(E)-methyl 2-(3-ethyl-7a,12a-(epoxyethanoxy)-9-fluoro-1,2,3,4,6,7,12,12b-octahydro-8-methoxyindolo[2,3-a]quinolizin-2-yl)-3-methoxyacrylate].”
Big Pharma,
Cassius Kamarampi,
Drug War,
Health Freedom,
Natural Health,
War On Drugs
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - September 5, 2016
September 6, 2016
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - September 5, 2016
Brandon discusses Yemen, the Turkish invasion of Syria, and the DEA Kratom ban. He also discusses ACTION ALERTS and STRATEGY POINTS being added to the site for greater political action and activism.
Brandon Turbeville,
Natural Health,
Truth on the Tracks,
Sunday, September 4, 2016
ACTION ALERT!!!: 9-4-16 - Help Stop The DEA's Attack On Kratom
September 4, 2016
The DEA has recently made an emergency decision to place Kratom on the Schedule I list of controlled substances.
Find more information about the issue here:
DEA Adds Kratom To Schedule I List Alongside Heroin
Kratom Now Schedule 1: Cartel Sex Scandal Shamed DEA Suppresses Herb Imports
What You Can And Need To Do:
1.) Support the American Kratom Association in their upcoming legal battle for civil liberties and health freedom.
From the AKA:
After talking with some high level D.C. political folks who put out some feelers for us today, I do have a glimmer of hope that we can challenge this. It's a glimmer but it's there, shining through all my pain and devastation. Are you ready to RAGE with us???
Please donate so that we can hire a well connected, experienced attorney in DEA matters, a federal lobbying firm AND a public relations firm. All 3 will be needed for us to have a chance. Plus all the great grassroots work that's already been started. We will have a more formal plan of action together shortly.
The DEA has recently made an emergency decision to place Kratom on the Schedule I list of controlled substances.
Find more information about the issue here:
DEA Adds Kratom To Schedule I List Alongside Heroin
Kratom Now Schedule 1: Cartel Sex Scandal Shamed DEA Suppresses Herb Imports
What You Can And Need To Do:
1.) Support the American Kratom Association in their upcoming legal battle for civil liberties and health freedom.
From the AKA:
After talking with some high level D.C. political folks who put out some feelers for us today, I do have a glimmer of hope that we can challenge this. It's a glimmer but it's there, shining through all my pain and devastation. Are you ready to RAGE with us???
Please donate so that we can hire a well connected, experienced attorney in DEA matters, a federal lobbying firm AND a public relations firm. All 3 will be needed for us to have a chance. Plus all the great grassroots work that's already been started. We will have a more formal plan of action together shortly.
DEA Plays Dumb After Eviscerating Criticism of Kratom Ban: Kratom March is September 13

September 4, 2016
The DEA extended its authority far past what this weary public will tolerate.
Trying to ban kratom is a futile death knell of the drug war, futile if only we continue standing up and flexing our rights.
Public outcry, an unrelenting bombardment of opposition is here to set the record straight: kratom cannot be overdosed on, is relatively innocuous and it is our natural right to consume kratom if we please. It hasn’t worked well for government, using force to try and stop people from ingesting substances in this drug war. We would clearly be foolish to continue tolerating this.
It looks like our efforts are already paying off: perhaps shocked by the uproar, DEA spokesman Melvin Patterson said“Shame on everyone who wasn’t researching it before. Now you start hearing the stories about how it’s benefiting someone suffering from arthritis.”
“If someone can find a medical use by it, by all means, we’re in favor of it,” he continued.
We already understand the medicinal value of kratom or lack thereof, and we’re fully capable of figuring that out for ourselves, DEA.
To see the full perspective, just look at what the FDA, DEA, and their armed agents do to people who produce natural supplements and nutritious, innocuous products: they crack down on them with thuggish, ruthless force to squeeze them out of business.
The DEA extended its authority far past what this weary public will tolerate.
Trying to ban kratom is a futile death knell of the drug war, futile if only we continue standing up and flexing our rights.
Public outcry, an unrelenting bombardment of opposition is here to set the record straight: kratom cannot be overdosed on, is relatively innocuous and it is our natural right to consume kratom if we please. It hasn’t worked well for government, using force to try and stop people from ingesting substances in this drug war. We would clearly be foolish to continue tolerating this.
It looks like our efforts are already paying off: perhaps shocked by the uproar, DEA spokesman Melvin Patterson said“Shame on everyone who wasn’t researching it before. Now you start hearing the stories about how it’s benefiting someone suffering from arthritis.”
“If someone can find a medical use by it, by all means, we’re in favor of it,” he continued.
We already understand the medicinal value of kratom or lack thereof, and we’re fully capable of figuring that out for ourselves, DEA.
To see the full perspective, just look at what the FDA, DEA, and their armed agents do to people who produce natural supplements and nutritious, innocuous products: they crack down on them with thuggish, ruthless force to squeeze them out of business.
Brandon Turbeville,
Cassius Kamarampi,
Drug War,
Health Freedom,
Natural Health,
War On Drugs
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Houthi Forces In Yemen Capture Territory in Asir, Saudi Arabia, Close In On Najran Provincial Capital

Activist Post
September 1, 2016
Backed by the Yemeni Republican forces and fighters loyal to former Yemeni President Saleh, Houthi fighters have once again struck a major blow to Saudi Arabia inside Saudi territory. After a string of territory and military bases inside Saudi Arabia being seized by the Houthis particularly in the Najran province, the fighters have now seized several Saudi military posts in the Asir Province.
In addition to the capture of these provinces, the Houthis have managed to capture with them a large cache of American and Canadian weapons that belonged to the Saudi military.
Not only that, but Houthi forces continue to march forward in the Najran valley, moving close toward the provincial capital.
In a story that went virtually unreported in the West, the Houthis managed to wrest control of three Saudi military bases in Saudi Arabia’s Jizan province, located near the Saudi-Yemen border in January of this year. The bases Jabal al-Doud, al-Aril, and Madba were all seized by Houthi forces and fighters with “allied Popular Committees.”
The Houthi forces along with Yemeni soldiers also launched retaliatory shelling strikes inside Saudi Arabia’s al-Makhrouq military base in the southern Najran region.
Brandon Turbeville,
Saudi Arabia,
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