August 31, 2016
The DEA has recently made an emergency decision to place Kratom on the Schedule I list of controlled substances.
Find more information about the issue here:
DEA Adds Kratom To Schedule I List Alongside Heroin
Kratom Now Schedule 1: Cartel Sex Scandal Shamed DEA Suppresses Herb Imports
What You Can And Need To Do:
1.) Support the American Kratom Association in their upcoming legal battle for civil liberties and health freedom. www.AmericanKratom.org
From the AKA:
After talking with some high level D.C. political folks who put out some feelers for us today, I do have a glimmer of hope that we can challenge this. It's a glimmer but it's there, shining through all my pain and devastation. Are you ready to RAGE with us???
Please donate so that we can hire a well connected, experienced attorney in DEA matters, a federal lobbying firm AND a public relations firm. All 3 will be needed for us to have a chance. Plus all the great grassroots work that's already been started. We will have a more formal plan of action together shortly.
Www.americankratom.org/donate. *Or if the site happens to be down (we've created problems for our host today due to the amount of traffic 😱), PayPal to akratomassociation@gmail.com