July 29, 2016
I grew up in Syria as a child. My childhood was filled with happy memories surrounded by my family in Damascus and Aleppo. They belong to the Christian minorities but never encountered any problems related to that. Of course, there was always some Islamist extremism that lurked into the country but a very wide majority of Sunni Muslims took it easy, enjoyed secular Syria, and took some pride in being part of a country that had managed to live peacefully and united for decades.
When I see the news about the "civil war," knowing that reality is different by being in touch with real Syrians in the country, I can only say that I have enough of this charade... It is a planned "uprising" engineered in order to further control the Middle East. This wasn’t just pushed by democracy-loving protestors. It is well-organized stratagem planned by foreign countries. Chemical weapons and attacks on hospitals have been used by chosen so-called "moderate" rebels to create more reasons for the West to fight Assad and the Syrian people who lived in secular conditions without religious struggle - including Christians, all sort of Muslims, and other religions.
Saudi Arabia is Syria’s enemy because the Saudi’s stand for Wahhabism and are not tolerant towards religious freedom or musical, artistic or female expression. If Assad fell, democracy would not be the alternative; it would be a Sharia government in its most primitive way!