Activist Post
January 29, 2016
For those who may be unaware, the Council on Foreign Relations is essentially a sister organization to the Royal Institute of International Affairs, one of the primary Anglo-American policy developers, and functions as one of the most effective direct control mechanisms in the world in regards to government-based decisions and governmental policy. It is from the RIIA and the CFR, as well as the other relevant sister organizations set up in nations all across the world, that the direction in which the world will go is decided and implemented through a number of other front organizations, conferences, publications, foundations, and NGOs.
Politicians – Senators, Congressmen, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Parliamentarians – all attend their relevant organization’s functions, participate in “discussions” and hold memberships in their CFR-related clubs for the purposes of receiving their “marching orders” from their bosses. As one might suspect, this is no different for Hillary Clinton.
While a list of members and participants of the CFR would be far too exhaustive a list to reproduce during the course of this study, it is nevertheless important to point out that not only is Dick Cheney a member of the organization, he was actually a director for a period of time.[1]
In fact, David Rockefeller was Chairman of the CFR until Peter G. Peterson, banker, hedge fund hyena, and Rothschild associate, took over the position.[2] [3] Robert Rubin later took the post but David Rockefeller has remained an honorary chairman ever since.[4]