Activist Post
November 26, 2015
As the situation in Syria heats up on the heels of the Turkish shoot down of a Russian military jet, the situation in Ukraine is doing the same as the Western-backed fascist Kiev regime is once again poking the Russian bear, presumably at the behest of the NATO powers.
After “mysterious” blasts that took place in the Kherson region of Ukraine over the weekend leaving nearly two million citizens without power in the recently annexed Russian territory, the Ukrainian government is now officially halting aid shipments as “activists” inside Crimea are blocking the repair of the power lines.
The Kherson region is located in Southeastern Ukraine and on the border with Crimea.
The blasts brought down electricity pylons that serve Crimea although the intended target was a currency exchange located in Kherson. A man apparently demanded cash before detonating the bomb in the building, with another bomb being found shortly thereafter outside. A separate explosion took place in Odessa, another city in the Southeastern Ukraine region. Explosives were later found near the power lines according to officials, preventing crews from being able to repair them.
Shortly thereafter, groups of “activists” made up of Crimean Tatars have taken to protest and have blocked the repair crews from restoring power to the areas currently suffering from the outage. The demands of the “activists” are that a tougher line be taken against Moscow. This “tougher line” essentially means doing more to “restore” Crimea to Ukraine and to “take it back” from Russia.
This is not the first political act groups of Tatars have committed in this regard. Ever since September, Tatar “activists” have stalked the border between Crimea and mainland Ukraine and have attempted to block commercial trucks from entering the peninsula.