Natural Blaze
October 6, 2015
Even though the effort to repeal S.B. 277 in California has officially failed, possibly due to what many suggest may have been a concerted act at sabotage, another “repeal” effort is taking place in the golden state. This time, however, it is not a bill that is the target, but a senator.
California Senator Pan, one of the main sponsors of S.B. 277, is now facing a recall effort begun at the grassroots level by a number of California citizens who find his corporate pandering, political corruption, and violation of parental rights to no longer be tolerable.
The website, RecallPan.com, as well as the movement, is made up of a number of diverse individuals and groups that oppose Pan for very diverse reasons, all united for the purpose of seeing the corporate Senator removed from the position that he has so blatantly abused.
RecallPan writes,
The Recall Pan Campaign is grassroots and non partisan, and is comprised of Californians from all walks of life. It is a diverse group, that spans many different political affiliations, religions, and professions. This diverse group came together to remove Senator Richard Pan, as we feel he is no longer qualified to represent this District, or the State of California.
The Recall Pan Campaign is not interested in waiting until 2018 to decide Richard Pan's political fate. We have watched his self serving politics for five years now, and there is zero indication that he will ever represent anyone other than himself, and those who sponsor his legislation.
We watched him take tax payer per diem money to drive around town. We watched him avoid carpetbagging charges, while similar politicians in southern California met a different fate. We watched him block constituents from raising concerns with his legislation. We watched him publicly discredit and mock anyone who opposed his legislation. Watched him lie at committee hearings. We have watched him long enough that we know it's not getting any better, only worse.
The mission of the movement is simple, as the website states,
The Recall Pan Campaign was formed to bring sensible and non intruisive government back to Senate District 6, the region, and the state. For too long we have watched Richard Pan maneuver his way around the law and around our constitution. We are here to bring a new direction to District 6. A direction that revolves around sensible and necessary legislation, that doesn't exclude any one group, or violate any constitutional law.
We intend to remove Senator Richard Pan, and replace him with someone who isn't solely focussed on their own personal ideology. Richard Pan is taking California down a very dangerous path. A path where the government tells its citizens what medical procedures are necessary for entry in school and the work place. We do not intend wait and find out what medical mandate is in store for California next. We intend to have Richard Pan removed before California is subjected to mandatory office visits, all in the name of public health and the greater good. We intend to keep our rights, not give them to the state.
Specifically related to vaccines, Pan was conveniently the top recipient of “Big Pharma” cash BEFORE the “vaccine debate” was ever launched by the Pharma cartel, its puppet vessels in government, and the media that it has so firmly purchased.
Catherine Frompovich of Natural Blaze, during the midst of the so-called “vaccine debate” called Pan out for his deceitfulness regarding the issue since Pan himself is a medical doctor. “Nothing is more disappointing, and even disgusting, than to see someone who obviously should know better, especially a duly-licensed professional, make a verifiable dumb ass out of himself. That’s one thing, but when it cascades back on to others, well that’s a totally different story,” she wrote.
Frompovich also added,
Personally, I think your either intentional fraud or actual stupidity need to be held accountable because your actions will negatively impact everyone’s health in California.
Furthermore, I strongly suggest that complaints against you be filed with the Medical Board of California for disseminating inaccurate medical information regarding vaccines. Here’s where readers should file their complaintshttp://www.mbc.ca.gov/Consumers/Complaints/.
. . . . .
Please, do Californians a favor and resign from the state legislature and become a street sweeper. At least there you can’t do too much harm, I hope.
If the Recall Pan Movement has anything to say about it, Frompovich and many other Californians will get their wish.
You can join the efforts at RecallPan.com.
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