Activist Post
June 30, 2015
Even worrying members of his own government, Turkish President Recep Erdogan is showing the world just how he earned his being shown the door in the last election. This is because Erdogan has recently announced plans to invade Syria, occupy a swath of land on the southern Turkey/Norther Syria border, and establish a buffer zone there.
In the past, Turkey has sent troops into Syria under the guise of protecting a Turkish enclave in Syrian territory but, in reality, the operation was an attempt to provide cover for Western-backed terrorists moving against the Syrian government. The Turks have also committed sizeable amounts of their intelligence agents and “special ops” crews to Syria.
This recent announcement, however, involves the commitment of Turkish Air Force and infantry which will then be used to not only establish a “buffer zone” in Northern Syria but also to occupy that zone.
Turkey’s plan, arranged by Erdogan through a series of rule changes to Turkish law, is being justified on the basis of the Syrian refugee crisis. Erdogan suggests that by creating a “buffer zone” in Syria, Syrian refugees will have a larger area in which to find shelter, particularly a larger area that is not Turkey. Yet Erdogan is not using the plan only for the benefit of Turkey’s humanitarian relief assistance programs or the Syrian refugees.
While Erdogan’s public presentation of the plan also involves combating ISIS in Syria, the truth is that the military operation will be a battle against the secular government of Bashar al-Assad and the Kurdish forces carving out their own independent country in the areas bordering and possibly encompassing Turkey.
Obviously, a military operation to combat ISIS would be counterproductive to Erdogan and the Turks since it has been Turkey that has been funding, arming, training, facilitating, and providing intelligence to ISIS and other related terrorist organizations since the beginning of the Syrian crisis. The real targets are clearly Assad and the Kurds.
As Erdogan stated over the weekend, “We will never allow the establishment of a state in Syria’s north and our south. We will continue our fight in this regard no matter what it costs.” Erdogan was not referring to ISIS but to the YPG, the Syrian Kurdish militia that has been gaining ground steadily in Syria’s northern regions in its fight against ISIS, helped somewhat by the United States due to a campaign of geopolitical intrigue, death squad herding, and intelligence maneuvering.
Turkey has long been a proponent of a buffer zone in Syria, as have other NATO countries. The establishment of a buffer zone, of course, would simply be a repeat of the Libyan tragedy, the very goal of NATO and the United States for Syria.
Still, Turkey has been hesitant to “go it alone” on the establishment of such a zone, partly because of the repercussions that would ensue from a direct confrontation with the Syrian military. That hesitancy appears to be changing, however, as the Turkish National Security council has already begun discussing the matter.
The Telegraph has also reported that Turkish media was briefed on the orders, suggesting that the military was preparing to send a force of about 18,000 soldiers across the border. Some reports suggested the attack could come as early as Friday. The goal would be to seize territory 60 miles across and 20 miles deep in Syria, as well as the border crossings of Aazaz and Jarablus.
Currently, the Kurdish fighters in Syria are working to unite the northern areas of Syria – from Afrin to Kobane and on to the Iraqi border - under their control. It remains to be seen whether or not this control is meant to be permanent or temporary but the permanent writing is certainly on the wall.
Such a zone would allow Turkey to prevent the PYG and the PKK from joining forces and subsequently threaten to destabilize Turkey in their quest for a Kurdistan.

Pro-Erdogan newspapers are reporting that the new rule changes – something Erdogan has become quite adept at doing during his disastrous tenure as President – will allow the Turkish military to use ISIS as a pretext for invasion of Syria. Sabah newspaper writes, “Isil, along with other armed groups that have the potential to jeopardize Turkey’s security, will be included as threats to Turkey in the amended rules and the Turkish armed forces could launch an operation against Isil once it approaches its borders.”
The Turkish military is apparently uneasy with the plan to invade Syria, instead suggesting that the Turks take part in the “international bombing coalition” allegedly established against ISIS. Rumors are that there are a number of “institutional reservations,” meaning offices of government, that are hesitant to take part in the operation. There is also the question of legality in terms of Turkish law and even the lack of a UN Security Council resolution, although the latter is almost meaningless when it comes to stopping foreign militaries from invading sovereign countries. There is also some opposition from opposing political parties in Turkey as well, particularly from the Republican People’s Party (CHP).
At the end of the day, it is important to remember that any attempts by Turkey to create a “buffer zone” inside Syria are nothing more than a farce. The death squads running amok in Syria are themselves entirely creatures of NATO and they remain under NATO’s command. The true enemy of ISIS, Khorasan, and the cannibals of the Levant has always been and continues to be Bashar al-Assad. Any attempt at weakening Assad is a clear reminder that NATO is providing direct support to ISIS and its related terror organizations.
Make no mistake, a buffer zone in Syria will have the same effect as the buffer zone in Libya. We must do everything we can to make sure there is no Libya 2.0.
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