Brandon discusses the history and role of ISIS in Syria, Iraq, and the Middle East, terrorism, Geopolitics, the Iran nuclear deal and the question of the possibility of war with Iran and Russia.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Brandon Turbeville on The Kate Dalley Show with Kate Dalley and Dave Doddridge KZNU Utah - May 29, 2015 (FOX Affiliate)
Brandon discusses the history and role of ISIS in Syria, Iraq, and the Middle East, terrorism, Geopolitics, the Iran nuclear deal and the question of the possibility of war with Iran and Russia.
Brandon Turbeville,
Dave Doddridge,
Kate Dalley,
Middle East,
Nuclear deal,
Brandon Turbeville on Before the First Cup with Jules - May 29, 2015

Brandon joins Jules in the first hour to discuss the latest developments in Syria, the ISIS narrative, Jeb Bush, Project For A New American Century, Vaccines, and more.
Before The First Cup,
Brandon Turbeville,
Jeb Bush,
Project For A New American Century,
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Senator Explodes When Confronted on Mandatory Vaccine Law - Linc Austin Video Report
Brandon Turbeville's article covered in this video along with the mandatory vaccine bill attempting to be passed in NC.
Friday, May 29, 2015
It's Ok, Everyone, Nusra Says Nusra Won't Hurt Us

Activist Post
May 29, 2015
Al-Nusra Front has taken to the airwaves with a message for all Westerners and Americans in particular – they really aren’t that bad. And there are no plans to attack Americans. They are just your friendly neighborhood terrorist organization, funded handsomely by the West and the GCC, raping and beheading their way across the Middle East. There’s nothing to worry about so long as the US allows them to continue to rape little girls, cut off heads, impose savage Sharia law, and eat the hearts and livers of the occasional dissident.
This message was brought to you by the feudal monarchy of Qatar and its mouthpiece organization, Al-Jazeera and conducted with a journalist whose past is checkered with a conviction of supporting al-Qaeda.
The alleged leader of al-Nusra Front, Abu Mohammed al-Julani, appeared on al-Jazeera with a setting fit for a king (or Emir *ahem*) to discuss Nusra’s plans for Syria and the West. The man alleging to be Julani and alleging to be the leader of Nusra, despite claiming to be “fearless,” sat with his face covered and his back to the camera. The set was ornately decorated and almost appeared to be some type of palace room or high government building.
Julani reassured Westerners that he had been ordered by another alleged leader, this time of al-Qaeda proper, Ayman al-Zawihiri, not to launch attacks against the West as this would jeopardize the mission in Syria.
A New York Times report cited a US intelligence official as saying that Julani’s statements were merely self-serving propaganda.
Activist Post,
Al-Nusra Front,
Brandon Turbeville,
Of Course Jeb Bush Would Have Invaded Iraq! He Signed On To PNAC Six Years Before!
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Activist Post
May 28, 2015
When Jeb Bush (Jon Ellis Bush – J.E.B.) announced that, like his dimwitted and bloodthirsty brother, he too would have invaded Iraq had he been president at the time, ire was drawn in virtually all corners of the American populace with the exception, of course, of the typical warmongering Neo-Con segments.
After all, how could anyone suggest that he would have also invaded Iraq despite the fact that there were never any weapons of mass destruction (a term that itself was created by Western governments and their media mouthpieces), that Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11 or al-Qaeda, and that the weakened country posed absolutely no threat to the US? How could anyone suggest that the Iraq invasion was legitimate 12 years on with American forces still involved and the situation on the ground millions of times worse?
The answer is simple – Jeb Bush had always wanted to invade Iraq. A staunch and longstanding member of the Neo-Con network, Jeb had taken his stand in favor of American imperialism when he signed on to the Project For A New American Century’s Statement of Principles in 1997.
Although the Statement of Principles did not specifically advocate for an attack on Iraq, it did argue against the perceived “cuts,” “inattention,” and bad “leadership” of the previous administration despite the fact that Bill Clinton acted as a complete tool of the very same network that encompasses the PNAC. This statement did, however, clearly state that America must “challenge regimes hostile to our interests and values,” a position that would become realized in an even more obvious and direct manner in the years following its publication.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Brandon Turbeville on Our Interesting Times with host Tim Kelly - May 25, 2015
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Our Interesting Times
May 27, 2015
Brandon Turbeville on Our Interesting Times with host Tim Kelly - May 25, 2015
Brandon and Tim discuss the recent DIA documents admitting that the US is supporting ISIS, the nature and history of ISIS, Geopolitical concerns in the Middle East, Ukraine, Macedonia, and the possibility of World War 3 as a result of these aims.
Brandon Turbeville,
Color Revolutions,
DIA Documents,
Middle East,
Our Interesting Times,
Tim Kelly,
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - May 25, 2015

Brandon discusses the March Against Monsanto, the March Against The March Against Monsanto, networking, protesting, Syria, Iraq, ISIS, War, Geopolitics, and Macedonian Color Revolutions
DOD Admits Supporting ISIS, Buffer Zones In Syria

Activist Post
May 25, 2015
While the Western mainstream media and even independent gatekeepers like Noam Chomsky for years spread the lie that any suggestion that the United States and NATO were supporting ISIS was a “conspiracy theory,” recently uncovered and declassified documents from the Defense Intelligence Agency have proven the Western press and the likes of Chomsky wrong and, yet again, the so-called “conspiracy theorists” right.
This is because, on May 18, Judicial Watch published a selection of recently declassified documents that were obtained from the US Department of Defense and the US State Department as a result of a lawsuit filed against the US government. The lawsuit and most of the documents contained within the release revolved around the Benghazi scandal but a deeper look into the documents dating back to 2012 reveal an even bigger story – that the US and NATO have admitted in their own documents to supporting al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
Docs Show Al-Qaeda Involvement From Beginning – No Moderates
The documents demolish the “official story” of Western governments promoted from the beginning of the Syrian crisis until the present day – that the “rebellion” was organic, grassroots, and made up of moderates and freedom-loving democracy proponents. The document states unequivocally that “The Salafist [sic] the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria.” It points out that “The West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support the opposition; while Russia, China, and Iran support the regime.” Tellingly, the report then states that “AQI supported the Syrian opposition from the beginning, both ideologically and through the media . . .”
Indeed, the documents clearly admit that the crisis unfolding in Syria was never a moderate rebellion fighting for democracy, it was made up of fighters from the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda (al-Qaeda In Iraq/Al-Nusra Front) from the very beginning.
Activist Post,
Brandon Turbeville,
Defense Intelligence Agency,
Department of Defense,
Ko je sve na SOROŠEVOM platnom spisku u Makedoniji? (When Everything Is In Soros' Payroll In Macedonia?)
NOTE: THIS ARTICLE WAS TRANSLATED INTO SERBIAN BY INTERMAGAZIN.RS. The original English version can be found here.
Tenzije između SAD i Rusije rastu sve više, povodom Ukrajine, BRICS-a, sankcija i opkoljavanja od strane NATO-a, a najnovija meta angloameričke destabilizacione kampanje jeste Makedonija.
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Džordž Soros, NATO i elementi Obojene revolucije će se postarati da uništi makedonsku vlast i osigura propast makedonskog naroda uvođenjem zapadne demokratije.
Džordž Soros je najpoznatiji po tome što je finansirao takozvanu „Buldožer revoluciju“ u Srbiji, kojom je svrgnut predsednik Slobodan Milošević 2000. godine, zatim po finansiranju „Revolucije ruža“ u Gruziji 2003. godine, finansiranju islamskog pokreta u Turskoj, ali i pokreta Okupiraj Vol Strit u SAD, a svaki od ovih događaja je doneo samo bedu i siromaštvo, opravdavajući delovanje policije protiv građana.
Takođe, Džordž Soros ima umešane prste u društvene nemire koji se trenutno odvijaju u SAD od Floride, preko Fergusona do Baltimora.
Soros svoje delovanje sakriva iza „levičarskih“ nevladinih organizacija, koje su u stvari revolucionarne organizacije osmišljene da prate političku agendu, da uvode marionetske režime i služe angloameričkoj oligarhiji.
Njegova poznata organizacija po imenu Open Socety Institute (OSI) je veoma aktivna u Makedoniji i deluje sa mnoštvom drugih „građanskih organizacija“, opkoljavajući Makedoniju sa svih strana.
OSI u Makedoniji deluje već skoro 20 godina, na čelu sa Vladimirom Milcinom, bivšim policijskim doslušnikom iz vremena komunizma. Milcin je bio ključan za ocrnjivanje glumca i disidenta Rista Siskova.
Džordž Soros je najpoznatiji po tome što je finansirao takozvanu „Buldožer revoluciju“ u Srbiji, kojom je svrgnut predsednik Slobodan Milošević 2000. godine, zatim po finansiranju „Revolucije ruža“ u Gruziji 2003. godine, finansiranju islamskog pokreta u Turskoj, ali i pokreta Okupiraj Vol Strit u SAD, a svaki od ovih događaja je doneo samo bedu i siromaštvo, opravdavajući delovanje policije protiv građana.
Takođe, Džordž Soros ima umešane prste u društvene nemire koji se trenutno odvijaju u SAD od Floride, preko Fergusona do Baltimora.
Soros svoje delovanje sakriva iza „levičarskih“ nevladinih organizacija, koje su u stvari revolucionarne organizacije osmišljene da prate političku agendu, da uvode marionetske režime i služe angloameričkoj oligarhiji.
Njegova poznata organizacija po imenu Open Socety Institute (OSI) je veoma aktivna u Makedoniji i deluje sa mnoštvom drugih „građanskih organizacija“, opkoljavajući Makedoniju sa svih strana.
OSI u Makedoniji deluje već skoro 20 godina, na čelu sa Vladimirom Milcinom, bivšim policijskim doslušnikom iz vremena komunizma. Milcin je bio ključan za ocrnjivanje glumca i disidenta Rista Siskova.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Senator Explodes When Questioned About His Vaccine Bill
Brandon Turbeville
Natural Blaze
Activist Post
May 23, 2015
By now, vaccine skeptics are generally familiar with the faces of Congressmen who are attempting to take away their natural rights to determine whether or not they and their children are vaccinated. Congressional parasites like Dianne Fienstein, as well as Presidential hopefuls like Hillary Clinton, and Ben Carson are now regular appearances in the “remove parents’ rights” theatre.
But how many people are familiar with the faces of the state level sycophants that are attempting to eliminate basic human rights? After all, there have been a number of state level attacks against parents and children in recent months. What about the State Senators and Representatives who have accepted money from Big Pharma at the expense of their constituents or are simply trendy fanatics by nature?
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you NC State Senator Jeff Tarte:
Natural Blaze
Activist Post
May 23, 2015
By now, vaccine skeptics are generally familiar with the faces of Congressmen who are attempting to take away their natural rights to determine whether or not they and their children are vaccinated. Congressional parasites like Dianne Fienstein, as well as Presidential hopefuls like Hillary Clinton, and Ben Carson are now regular appearances in the “remove parents’ rights” theatre.
But how many people are familiar with the faces of the state level sycophants that are attempting to eliminate basic human rights? After all, there have been a number of state level attacks against parents and children in recent months. What about the State Senators and Representatives who have accepted money from Big Pharma at the expense of their constituents or are simply trendy fanatics by nature?
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you NC State Senator Jeff Tarte:
Activist Post,
Brandon Turbeville,
Jeff Tarte,
Natural Blaze,
Natural Health,
Natural rights,
NC Senate,
NC Vaccine Bill,
Nicole Revels,
parental rights,
Pattie Curran,
Tamara Barringer,
Friday, May 22, 2015
Brandon Turbeville on Before the First Cup with Jules - May 22, 2015

Brandon and Jules discuss the color revolution taking place in Macedonia, Syria, ISIS, Iraq, and more. JJ of Against the Wall joins the show in the second half of the hour to continue the discussion.
Before The First Cup,
Brandon Turbeville,
Color Revolutions,
Brandon Turbeville on The Ochelli Effect with Chuck Ochelli - May 21, 2015

Brandon joins Chuck Ochelli on The Ochelli Effect in the second hour, May 21, 2015. Brandon and Chuck discuss Al-Qaeda, ISIS, geopolitics, World War 3, terrorism, Osama Bin Laden, and much more.
Brandon Turbeville,
Chuck Ochelli,
Middle East,
Osama Bin Laden,
The Ochelli Effect,
Thursday, May 21, 2015
What In The World Is Happening In Macedonia?
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Activist Post
May 21, 2015
In May 2015, protests began erupting in Skopje, Macedonia against the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and his government. The protests, led by Zoran Zaev, were allegedly in response to the massive spying and surveillance of Macedonian officials and other individuals as well as an alleged cover-up of a killing of a young man by police in 2011. The protests were largely focused on the issue of government corruption, with tens of thousands of people in the streets of Skopje, demanding the Prime Minister’s resignation as well as that of other members of his government.
A major protest occurred on May 5 and several other anti-government protests have taken place since then. While some protests have remained peaceful, there has been widespread violence from other demonstrations. On the May 5 protest alone, violent clashes took place between protesters and police with injuries taking place on both sides.
In the days that followed, several Macedonian ministers resigned from their posts, including the Interior Minister. Prime Minister Gruevski, however, has refused to resign, characterizing such a move as cowardly behavior.
On May 17, thousands of protesters once again descended upon the streets of Skopje to demand the ouster of the current government. On May 18, however, thousands more took to the streets to protest in support of the current government and Prime Minister Gruevski.
An anti-government, anti-Gruevski camp has been set up outside government offices and remains there indefinitely with several hundred inhabitants on average.
With such social unrest taking place in Macedonia, one need only look to the NATO/US and George Soros-funded networks to see the hidden hand of the Western Color Revolution apparatus at work.
George Soros, NATO, US Color Revolution Machine Behind Unrest in Macedonia
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Activist Post
May 20, 2015
With tensions heating up between the United States and Russia over a number of issues - Ukraine, BRICS, sanctions, and NATO encirclement to name a few - the West continues its move in toward Russia's borders. The latest target in the Anglo-American destabilization campaign has now come forward - Macedonia.
In the attempt to destroy the elected government of Macedonia, George Soros, NATO, and the Western Color Revolution apparatus have all come together to ensure that the will of the Macedonian people is denied as is the will of populations in all Western-style democracies.
As informed observers might well suspect, any color revolution taking place in Eastern Europe will involve the heavy hand of George Soros.
George Soros is most well-known for playing a major role in the funding and facilitating of the "Bulldozer Revolution" in Serbia that overthrew Slobodan Milosevic in 2000, Georgia’s "Rose Revolution" of 2003, the 2006 push to move Turkey toward a more Islamist governing structure, and even the Occupy movement in the United States among a great many others – none of which brought anything other than greater misery, impoverishment, and police state mechanisms to bear on the general public. The Occupy movement, being the only exception, still brought nothing to its participants except the opportunity to burn off excess anger and energy along with a few cracked protester skulls. It was otherwise an incredible waste of time.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - May 18, 2015

In the first half of the show, Brandon interviews Kimberly Roberts, the Columbia, S.C. organizer for the March Against Monsanto. The two discuss the march and the issues with Monsanto, Genetically Modified Food, Glyphosate, and American food supply. In the second half of the show, Brandon discusses the need for respect for individual liberties and differences as well as the witch hunt trial of Reverend Edward Pinkney in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Brandon also discusses the ongoing Western assault on Syria.
Visit the following websites to keep up with the March Against Monsanto:
Facebook: March Against Monsanto Columbia SC
Brandon Turbeville,
Genetically Modified Food,
Kimberly Roberts,
March Against Monsanto,
Rev. Edward Pinkney,
South Carolina,
Truth on the Tracks,
Questions Linger as US Special Ops Claims Credit for Killing Abu Sayyaf

Activist Post
May 17, 2015
With its latest phony narrative used to justify US military action inside Syria, the mainstream media and the US Government have now openly admitted that US forces are already active inside the country and that they are taking part in combat operations on the ground.
The US military, who is supposed to exist for the sole purpose of protecting and defending the nation from invasion and whom President Barack Obama promised would not be committed to “boots on the ground” in Syria, is now directly involved in initiating and participating in yet another foreign war for geopolitical standing and the benefit of international banks and corporations.
According to mainstream Western reports, US Special Operations Forces carried out a raid in Deir al-Zour in Syria, allegedly killing Abu Sayyaf (aka Mohammaed Shalabi), and capturing Sayyaf’s wife. The US has described Sayyaf as the equivalent of ISIS’ Chief Financial Officer and that he was responsible for directing ISIS’ financial operations related to oil and gas.
Abu Sayyaf,
Activist Post,
Brandon Turbeville,
US Special Ops,
Brandon Turbeville on Before the First Cup with Jules - May 15, 2015

Brandon and Jules discuss the SC joint law enforcement/military drills, Jade Helm, SC door-to-door "wellness checks" exercises, the TPP, war, Syria, Yemen, Iran, and more.
Eric Metts and Dylan Shelton of the TWSP And UFAA: "Bringing Jobs Back: Rebuilding the American Economy"
Brandon Turbeville
May 19, 2015
Eric Metts and Dylan Shelton of the TWSP/UFAA Wilmington, NC chapter discuss the platform of the Tax Wall Street Party and a method of returning jobs back to Mullins, South Carolina, and the United States as a whole. The two discuss a 1% Wall Street Sales Tax, Nationalization of the Federal Reserve, Parity Agriculture, Tariffs, and much more.
May 19, 2015
Eric Metts and Dylan Shelton of the TWSP/UFAA Wilmington, NC chapter discuss the platform of the Tax Wall Street Party and a method of returning jobs back to Mullins, South Carolina, and the United States as a whole. The two discuss a 1% Wall Street Sales Tax, Nationalization of the Federal Reserve, Parity Agriculture, Tariffs, and much more.
Visit the Tax Wall Street Party at
Visit the United Front Against Austerity at
Eileen Powell Speaking at Coffee Etc. In Mullins S.C.: "The Immune System"
Brandon Turbeville
May 19, 2015
In March, 2015, business owner, writer, educator, and author, Eileen Powell of Herbs n' Things located in Marion, S.C. gave a presentation entitled "The Immune System" at Coffee Etc. in Mullins, S.C.
Eileen discussed the immune system, chemicals and toxins that adversely affect the immune system, and a number of natural therapies and/or herbal/vitamin supplements that boost it.
May 19, 2015
In March, 2015, business owner, writer, educator, and author, Eileen Powell of Herbs n' Things located in Marion, S.C. gave a presentation entitled "The Immune System" at Coffee Etc. in Mullins, S.C.
Brandon Turbeville,
Coffee Etc. Immune System,
Eileen Powell,
Genetically Modified Food,
Herbs N' Things,
Natural Health,
South Carolina,
MSM Claims Assad Official Arrested For Coup, Proved Wrong Hours Later

Activist Post
May 15, 2015
Every week it seems the Western mainstream media devises yet another propaganda narrative to be launched at the Syrian government and Bashar al-Assad. As one can easily see, each attempt becomes more and more desperate.
After numerous attempts at portraying Assad as guilty of having committed atrocities against innocent civilians, using chemical weapons, and dropping barrel bombs, the media has since taken to narratives portraying the Syrian president as losing his grip on the Syrian government as well as suffering huge territorial losses.
The latest round of propaganda surrounded the alleged arrest of the head of the Syrian Intelligence Bureau, Ali Mamlouk, due to his also alleged participation in a coup attempt against Assad. Western media proudly boasted of the weakness of the Syrian state and the Syrian President with headlines like “Assad’s Intelligence Chief Ali Mamlouk Arrested For Coup Plot,” “Bashar al-Assad’s Spy Chief Arrested Over Syria Coup Plot,” and “Syria Intel Chief Under House Arrest For Coup Plot Against Assad.”
There was just one problem with this volley of headlines – none of them were true.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Why Do Bankers Wage War to Stop National Banks?

Activist Post
May 14, 2015
Earlier in May, 2015, I wrote an article detailing the fact that the fledgling Donetsk People’s Republic, under fire from Western-backed Kiev fascists and economic hardship resulting from warfare and blockade, has taken the extraordinary step of nationalizing its banks and beginning the process of using those nationalized banks for the benefit of the people of the DPR.
As one might suspect, such a move has drawn the ire of the Western banking cartels and NATO governments.
While the DPR was not faced with a privatized central bank such as the United States and other nations due to the fact that DPR is a breakaway bloc and a new nation separated from the Kiev central bank, it was nonetheless host to a number of larger banking institutions that not only parasitized the people of DPR and Ukraine but did nothing to improve the infrastructure of these areas or the living standards of the people there.
It is thus no surprise that the West has been so fanatical in its psychotic push to destroy the DPR and reunite it with fascists and Neo-Nazis submissively working under the umbrella of privatized international banks in Kiev. Like the DPR’s predecessors who have had the foresight to nationalize or operate national banks – Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Iran, Cuba, and North Korea – the DPR is now finding itself in the crosshairs of the NATO war machine.
Indeed, while vast oil reserves, oil pipelines, opium fields,[1] strategic positioning, no-bid contracts for the defense industry and military-industrial complex, mineral deposits, and geopolitical concerns are all known reasons for American military adventures overseas, the goal of total domination of the world by the privatized private banking cartel complete with central banks, cannot be overlooked.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - May 11, 2015

Brandon discusses the plans to invade Syria in the coming weeks, the media misrepresentation of the Assad regime and the facts on the ground and the ongoing joint SC military drills...
Bashar al-Assad,
Brandon Turbeville,
Martial Law,
Police State,
Saudi Arabia,
SC Sheriff/Military Drills,
South Carolina,
Truth on the Tracks,
Assad Chemical Weapons "Violation" A Propaganda Campaign Against Syria

Activist Post
May 11, 2015
With the recent attempts by the Western press and drumming up support for some type of military action against Syria, one could scarcely blame the casual observer for believing the narrative that Syria has lied about its chemical weapons stockpile and has been deploying the remnants of that stockpile on unsuspecting civilians.
Take, for instance, one sample of reporting about the “concerning” findings from the OPCW inspectors by Reuters, entitled “Exclusive: Weapons Inspectors Find Undeclared Sarin and VX Traces In Syria – Diplomats.” The article, while unable to match up to the hysterical article by The Times entitled “Assad goes back on pledge to destroy nerve gas,” reads:
International inspectors have found traces of sarin and VX nerve agent at a military research site in Syria that had not been declared to the global chemical weapons watchdog, diplomatic sources said on Friday.
Samples taken by experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition and Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in December and January tested positive for chemical precursors needed to make the toxic agents, the sources told Reuters on the condition of anonymity because the information is confidential.
"This is a pretty strong indication they have been lying about what they did with sarin," one diplomatic source said. "They have so far been unable to give a satisfactory explanation about this finding."From the title and tone of the article, one would be led to believe that OPCW inspectors had actually found Sarin gas that was being hidden by the Syrian government. But, while the article presents the material in such a way as to suggest that this is the case, the truth is that the article is forced to cover over its easily debunked propaganda with enough truth so as to be more of a distortion than a complete lie. It is, however, a lie nonetheless.
Activist Post,
Brandon Turbeville,
Chemical Weapons,
False Flag,
Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak Joins Board of Biometrics Firm

Activist Post
May 11, 2015
Former Israeli Prime Minister and Defense Minister, Ehud Barak has added another accomplishment to his bloody résumé now that he has accepted a new position with startup biometrics firm, FST Biometrics.
Barak recently joined the board of FST after the company received a $15 million investment from GMF Capital, which is headed by Gary Fegel, a well-known Swiss investor. Barak will now serve as FST’s representative to GMF Capital on GMF’s board.
FST products are a combination of facial recognition and behavioral analytics and its clients include corporations and governments.
The founder of FST is Aharon Zeevi Farkash, a former head of Israeli Military Intelligence.
Ehud Barak is obviously most well-known for his stint as Prime Minister and Defense Minister of Israel but was also able to achieve notoriety for his ability to pass as a woman during the midst of a military operation that allegedly saw him assassinating three PLO figures along with other Israeli terrorists assisting him.
Barak has long been a war hawk and a leader in the genocide of Palestinians.
Ehud Barak’s original name was Ehud Brog, a Lithuanian name held by his family who had emigrated to settle Palestine and drive out the local inhabitants in 1932.
Of course, that Barak would be appointed to a high-level position in a surveillance and biometrics company like FST is not surprising considering that Israel has been a large proponent of such technologies and given Barak's previous track record in the realm of freedom and human rights.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Ongoing: SC Sheriff's Dept Violates Posse Comitatus With Special Forces Joint Drill
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Activist Post
May 10, 2015
Only a year after the joint drills of the Richland County Sheriff’s Department and the US military raised eyebrows, the RCSD has once again announced that the department will be conducting drills that involve the joint training of civilian law enforcement and the US military.
On May 8, it was reported by WLTX that the Richland County Sheriff’s Department will be conducting drills in conjunction with the 3rd Special Forces Group out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The exercises will take place at late-night and pre-dawn and will run from May 8 until May 15.
Citizens have now been informed that Sheriff’s Department and Military vehicles will be traveling in the Lower Richland County community near Eastover and Hopkins as well as Elgin near Screaming Eagle Road. The vehicles will also be traveling in the North Richland County area near Monticello Rd.
The Sheriff’s Department has announced that residents in these areas may hear explosives being detonated and ordinance being set off as well as shots being fired.
Sheriff Leon Lott stated that the department’s Special Response Team, a SWAT-like team formulation that is becoming ever popular in South Carolina Sheriff’s Departments, with the 3rd Special Forces Group. Lott announced that the Sheriff’s department will “provide simulated scenarios for the military” and added that Richland County “an ideal location for training that cannot be replicated at Fort Bragg.”
Activist Post,
Brandon Turbeville,
Jade Helm,
Martial Law,
Military Drills,
Posse Comitatus,
Richland County,
Richland County Sheriff's Department,
South Carolina
NATO Puppets Plan to Invade Syria ... Soon

Activist Post
May 9, 2015
Reports are now filtering in that preparations for a direct military assault on Syria are being made by Turkey in concert with the Saudis and Qataris. These reports are suggesting that the military offensive will take place within the next few days. Some reports speculate that such action could take place further down the road in late June.
At this moment, Turkish forces are reportedly gathering at the nation’s southern border and Syria’s northern border in a fashion that can signify little except the posturing for military action.
While this article is in no way attempting to make predictions regarding possible military action, to provide dates, or even the hint that these possible attacks will definitively take place, the stage has clearly been set for some time for us to contemplate the possibility of such an attack.
Indeed, in the last few weeks, geopolitical alliances and talks have begun to coalesce so as to indicate that such an attack is not only possible but probable in the near future. After all, the US and NATO have attempted to gin up support for a direct assault on Syria since early on in the crisis when it became apparent that proxy armies of terrorists alone were not going to accomplish regime change.
The plans – at least from Turkey’s side of the fence – appear to be twofold. First, the plan to attack Syria has been part of the NATO agenda from the moment the death squads were routed by Assad’s forces and Turkey has always been a major playing in this regard.
Secondly, Prime Minister Recep Erdoğan’s own governing party has been suffering under a number of scandals, criticisms, and failures over the last several months and, as is the case in every country, a foreign war is more than helpful in diverting the attention of the local population away from domestic concerns. While certainly not the cause, plunging support from the Turkish public is certainly a stick used to prod Erdoğan into further action.
Activist Post,
Arab League,
Brandon Turbeville,
Saudi Arabia,
United States,
Friday, May 8, 2015
Reports Suggest That Turkey, GCC/Arab League Are Preparing To Invade Syria

Activist Post
May 8, 2015
Reports are now filtering in that preparations for a direct military assault on Syria are being made by Turkey in concert with the Saudis and Qataris. These reports are suggesting that the military offensive will take place within the next few days. Some reports speculate that such action could take place further down the road in late June.
At this moment, Turkish forces are reportedly gathering at the nation’s southern border and Syria’s northern border in a fashion that can signify little except the posturing for military action.
While this article is in no way attempting to make predictions regarding possible military action, to provide dates, or even the hint that these possible attacks will definitively take place, the stage has clearly been set for some time for us to contemplate the possibility of such an attack.
Indeed, in the last few weeks, geopolitical alliances and talks have begun to coalesce so as to indicate that such an attack is not only possible but probable in the near future. After all, the US and NATO have attempted to gin up support for a direct assault on Syria since early on in the crisis when it became apparent that proxy armies of terrorists alone were not going to accomplish regime change.
The plans – at least from Turkey’s side of the fence – appear to be twofold. First, the plan to attack Syria has been part of the NATO agenda from the moment the death squads were routed by Assad’s forces and Turkey has always been a major playing in this regard.
Activist Post,
Brandon Turbeville,
Middle East,
Saudi Arabia,
United States,
Judge Orders Activist To Pay For Mayor's Neck Pain
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Anthony Freda Art |
Activist Post
May 7, 2015
In 2015, outrageous arrests, nonsensical verdicts, and felonious rulings have become the norm in the US Justice system. In the case of Rev. Edward Pinkney, however, it appears that all three have coalesced to make up one open case of political imprisonment.
First arrested on charges of election fraud regarding a recall attempt that Pinkney led against Benton Harbor, Michigan Mayor James Hightower, Pinkney was sentenced to up to ten years in prison on felony charges although they should only have been prosecuted as a misdemeanor, according to those representing Pinkney.
The recall of Mayor Hightower was part of a larger battle being waged by Pinkney and his associates who were fighting for the people of Benton Harbor, a city that has been ravaged by decades of economic decline, austerity policies, and emergency managers as well as the corporate control of the Whirlpool Corporation.
The arrest and trial of Pinkney has been a political witch hunt and public circus since day one. A SWAT raid was launched in order to serve Pinkney a warrant, complete with the surrounding Pinkney’s home in full military regalia and closing off the street as if it were an armed standoff. Sherriff’s deputies then proceeded to raid the homes of petition signers in order to get them to testify that Pinkney had forged their signatures.
Pinkney’s trial was complete with a stacked jury including members who lied under oath regarding their connections to members of the prosecution or key witnesses in the case.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
NATO Attempt At 'Interim' Government in Syria Echoes Libya Model
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Activist Post
May 6, 2015
The immediate clamor from the Western mainstream press regarding the fall of Idlib to Western-backed al-Qaeda/ISIS forces revealed part of the NATO plan as much as it involved the simultaneous participation of a media campaign designed to weaken the morale of the Syrian people and present a sense of inevitability amongst Syrian and all other populations following the crisis that the Syrian government was on its way out.
Such media hysteria has been the norm in the West in regards to Syria. However, in terms of the recent media blitz over Idlib, the goal, which has been part of the NATO-Turkish plan since early on in the conflict was to enable the capture of a major Syrian city so as to provide a physical seat of what would then be presented as the “government in exile” in the form of an “interim” or “transitional” government.
While the GIE/interim government would be painted as a modern-day grouping of Founding Fathers and freedom lovers bravely standing up to a dictator, the reality would be a gaggle of terrorists and jihadists bent on imposing Sharia law and washing themselves in bathtubs full of Western money.
Such can be seen in the fact that, only a matter of days after taking the city, the death squads that can barely govern their interactions with one another announced that they were well on their way to establishing a “civilian government” in Idlib.
As the Wall Street Journal reported in its article, “Syrian Opposition Tries To Govern Newly Won Idlib City,”
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