
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Baltimore Riots And A Vision Of Things To Come

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
April 30, 2015

The recent death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray at the hands of police in Baltimore, MD has now been added to the long list of American citizens murdered by the law enforcement community. Video footage of Gray’s arrest alone is cause enough for anger but his subsequent death after wounds inflicted by police – while not on video – are an atrocious case of neglect at best and outright torture and murder at worst. Given the track record of the US law enforcement community and the history of Baltimore’s policing in general, the latter is the most likely scenario.

The subsequent protests and civil disobedience that erupted after the coverage of the incident were undoubtedly warranted as were many of the clashes between protesters and police. However, the subsequent descent into riots, race violence, burning, and looting have only served to galvanize many Americans into support for brutal policing, divide races against one another, and further destroy the neighborhoods and communities of the very people being oppressed by the police.

The result of the devolution of such a movement into racial components is threefold.

First, the racial nature of the riots – with hashtags proclaiming #blacklivesmatter and thus implying that other lives don’t, race-based violence in the streets, and an insistence that only one race is the victim of unfettered police brutality while other races are “privileged” - serves to galvanize those other races into perceiving the “movement” as a racial movement and thus separate from them and, indeed, even in opposition to them. For that reason, members of this “other” race, in this case whites, lose any sympathy with the alleged cause of the movement and begin to side with the police since the police are, at least, equal opportunity oppressors.

Presenting this movement of opposition to police and police brutality as a racial movement then singles out one race as the center of action, leaving that race to face the full consequences of any inevitable crackdown and, absent government or corporate intervention, ultimately going down to defeat as a result of its own isolation.

Baltimore Riots: A Product Of The Soros Machine

Image source
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
April 29, 2015

While Baltimore burns, the city has proven itself to be yet another staging ground in a long line of scenes involving “violent protests,” riots, and racial violence following an incident concerning police brutality, real or otherwise.

Although the issues that have set off the spark in most of these protests were entirely legitimate, government agencies, foundations, organizations, and NGOs immediately swooped in to divert the protests into racially charged fit throwing and often violent riots.

With a carefully orchestrated network that was capable of organizing large numbers of individuals on a moment’s notice, and a simultaneous media campaign that cleverly showed violence and riots but ignored peaceful or appropriately-directed violent acts, these organizations were able to turn what could and should have been a national movement into a racially-oriented hate-filled display of unrestrained destruction.

With this in mind, one might justifiably ask how these organizations might have such an effective network that operates in concert with a national corporate media apparatus in order to wreck legitimate movements and, out of those movements, create a counter-productive act of mindless fit-throwing?

The answer is the same as it has often been in Europe – the color revolution apparatus and George Soros.

Indeed, George Soros has been heavily involved in the social unrest and movement-wrecking activity that has taken place all across the United States in recent months. From Florida to Ferguson and now to Baltimore, George Soros’ Foundations have been involved in making sure that not only are American citizens unable to overcome racial divisions with mutual cooperation but that even the racially isolated participants are unable to accomplish anything of substance.

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - April 26, 2015

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - April 27, 2015

Brandon interviews Isabel Perkins - a Young Living distributor in the Columbia, South Carolina area, as well as an activist and organizer with Moms Across America and March Against Monsanto.

Brandon also discusses what the March Against Monsanto, anti-GMO movement needs to move forward and achieve a real effect in the way of demands. Brandon discusses Neil Young, vaccines, and more reasons not to stand with Rand.

Isabel Perkins' Young Living website can be found here :

Isabel Perkins: Moms Across America :

Young Living Essential Oils With Isabel Perkins Facebook Page:

March Against Monsanto Columbia SC facebook page:

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Neil Young Speaks About His New Album "Monsanto Years"

Neil Young 2008 Firenze 02
Brandon Turbeville
Natural Blaze
April 24, 2015

Neil Young appeared on stage in New York recently to address his much anticipated upcoming album that will focus on Monsanto and the threat the multinational corporation poses to the country’s food supply.

The album was recorded with the band Promise of the Real, led by Lukas Nelson, son of legendary country singer Willie Nelson as well as another of Willie’s sons, Micah.

The band and Young premiered material from the new album last weekend at a small club in California.

According to Uncut magazine, the set list was as follows:

Country Home

New Song 1 – People Want To Hear About Love??

New Song 2 – New Day For The Planet??

Down By The River

New Song 3 – Too Big Too Fail??

Friday, April 24, 2015

Al-Qaeda's Air Force: United States And Saudi Arabia

Anthony Freda Art
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
April 24, 2015

It was evident early on that the US bombing of alleged ISIS targets inside Syria was, in reality, an attempt to support the terrorist organization backed by NATO and the US as opposed to an attempt to defeat it. While such a suggestion has been repeatedly labeled as a “conspiracy theory” by the mainstream media and other gatekeepers in the “independent” media, the fruits of America’s labor in terms of the bombing campaign cannot be ignored. Likewise, neither can the world ignore the results of Saudi Arabia’s bombing of Yemen.

The truth is that the United States, NATO, and the GCC/Arab League are bombing in couched support of ISIS, increasing its gains and hold on power with every sortie fired. With this fact recognized, the NATO/GCC network of national governments can now officially be labeled as the Air Force of Al-Qaeda.

For instance, while the secular government of Bashar al-Assad remained the only force inside Syria actually fighting al-Qaeda and ISIS – terrorist organizations trained, funded, armed, and deployed by the United States, NATO, and the GCC – the brutality of these death squads was used by the Western propaganda machine to justify a bombing campaign that was actually directed at Syrian military and civilian infrastructure.

These strikes were launched against Syrian oil refineries (see here also), bridges, civilian neighborhoods, warehouses, agricultural centers, and grain silos. Others were made strategically against infrastructure that was set to soon be taken back by the Syrian military after long-fought battles with the terrorists.

Independent Study Finding No MMR Autism Link Not So Independent

Brandon Turbeville and Heather Callaghan
April 23, 2015

For those who may be critical of the process of vaccination, particularly its safety and effectiveness, it is a known fact that there has never been a study proving safety or effectiveness that was not linked to a pharmaceutical firm or vaccine maker.[1] Indeed, if vaccines were so easy to prove safe and effective, then certainly an entirely government-funded or independent agency would have done so by now.

With the recent mainstream media hype, however, one would be tempted to believe that such an independent study has finally taken place proving that the MMR vaccine is not linked to autism. However, brief research into the allegedly independent "review panel" of the new darling of the month "MMR is not related to autism study" reveals that this is not the case.

For instance, the organization that conducted the study is the Lewin Group, a corporate healthcare consulting firm based in Falls Church, Virginia. The Lewin Group works with a wide range of players in the medical establishment. Most notably major pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Novo Nordisk among others. It should be noted that at least two out of these three corporations are not only vaccine proponents, they are vaccine manufacturers. The Lewin Group also works with a number of major medical and pharmaceutical associations and organizations like the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America association.

In addition to working with the federal, state and local governments, the Lewin Group works with avariety of foundations such as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Heritage Foundation as well as a large number of hospitals, health systems, and healthcare providers. The Lewin Group is especially involved in major medical insurance programs like Blue Cross Blue Shield, Health Now New York, LA Care Health Plan, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and Wellcare among many others.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Coming ''Brain Chip''

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
April 22, 2015

Interestingly, a 2007 clip from NBC News has, for some reason, been making the rounds on the Internet once again as if it were being broadcast for the first time. This clip and the accompanying commentary has served to galvanize those reading and listening to it into one of two camps: one that is subject to overhype, “clickbait” titles and panic; and another that is firmly entrenched in the American sheep class for whom no bad news or reports of malfeasance is real or anything other than a conspiracy theory.

This is because the NBC clip is an issue that would affect each and every individual in the country on a deeply personal level. Entitled, “The Year 2017,” the report predicts a near future in which every American will be microchipped by the year 2017.

Yet, while such a report may have caused consternation amongst the general public even as recently as 2007, much has changed in the last seven or so years. The year 2015 brings a new kind of American, one that is largely unconcerned with anything other than the most basic needs of sustenance and entertainment. While, in 2007, Americans who were willing to engage the ruling class in the idea of microchipping humans were still a distinct minority, the seven years after the report has seen a major increase in the population of individuals who are indeed willing to consider the possibility.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - April 20, 2015,

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - April 20, 2015

In the first half of the show, Brandon discusses more reasons not to stand with Rand. In the second half, he discusses Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Israel, the status of women in Syria, and more with Afraa from Syria.



Thursday, April 16, 2015

Media Attacks Assad as Terrorists Attack Civilians

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
April 16, 2015

As the Syrian Easter celebration began to draw to a close, residents of Aleppo were met with rocket attacks that were apparently aimed at killing civilians. The attacks, which took place in government-held territory, were the result of Nusra/ISIS terrorists funded by the West to overthrow the secular government of Bashar al-Assad.

Syrian news reporters were on the ground shortly after the attacks so as to catch footage of victims being excavated from the rubble and others being treated for their wounds at the hospital.

Sources inside Syria have described the missiles that hit the Aleppo building as being much more advanced than those previously used by the terrorists, describing the result of their impact causing the building to “split in half.” This has led many to believe that the terrorists operating in Aleppo have been provided with weaponry that is much more sophisticated and powerful than that which they have been provided in the past.

Indeed, when one views the footage posted on Syrian media of the destroyed building, the description suggesting that the building was “split in half” is quite accurate. From the footage, what appears to be an apartment building has been cut in half from top to bottom with both sides still standing.

Many residents interviewed by Syrian media claimed that the death squad terrorists were targeting them for supporting the government or, at the very least, not supporting the jihadists.

The area in which the missile struck had been under terrorist bombardment leading up to the incident and resulted in the deaths of a number of people, estimated from 17 to upwards of 40 people.

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - April 13, 2015

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - April 13, 2015

Brandon discusses Syria and the narrative of "moderate rebels," the Walter Scott shooting, and Rand Paul.

'No Jab, No Pay' Australia Policy Ends Payouts To Citizens Who Refuse Vaccines

Anthony Freda art
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post 
April 13, 2015

In a stunning example of the disregard held toward the rights of individual Australians, the Australian government has not only passed measures to “tighten” guidelines on the ability to obtain religious exemptions to vaccinations but has also passed a “no jab no pay” policy ending government welfare payouts to those families who refuse to vaccinate.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott recently announced the new policy to eliminate the “conscientious objector” status for individuals who are morally, evidentially, or philosophically opposed to vaccination beginning in January, 2016.

Abbot and Social Services Minister Scott Morrison said in a joint statement that “The choice made by families not to immunize their children is not supported by public policy or medical research nor should such action be supported by taxpayers in the form of child care payments.”

For that reason, families that refuse to vaccinate their children will lose these child care benefits, costing many up to $11,000 per year.

As CNN reported, “Thousands of families could lose out on welfare payments, with the Australian government estimating more than 39,000 children under the age of seven have not been vaccinated because of their parents' objections.”

Monday, April 13, 2015

Brandon Turbeville And Afraa Discuss Recent Rebel Bombing of Aleppo, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Women in Syria, and More

Image result for afraa syriaBrandon Turbeville
April 13, 2015

Brandon Turbeville interviews Afraa from Syria. The two discuss the differences between the situation in Yemen vs the situation in Syria and how the two crises have been handled. They also discuss the Moscow conference, the infiltration of the Yarmouk camp by ISIS, and the status of women in Syria. The discussion takes place in the shadow of a horrific bombing that took place in Aleppo only a few hours earlier. The bombing was conducted by the jihadist "rebels" and killed tens of civilians.

NOTE: There were problems with the recording. In one video, Brandon cannot be seen except for the small box at the upper left hand corner. The second video was provided so that both participants could be seen.

Unfortunately, the video soon becomes "out of time" and there has been no way to remedy the situation. Please bear with us since the equipment being used is not of professional varieties and the conditions in which the video was recorded were dire to say the least. 

''Al-Qaeda Linked Rebels'' Are Al-Qaeda

Anthony Freda Art
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
April 10, 2015

Since the beginning of the Western-backed foreign invasion of jihadist terrorists into Syria in late 2010, the American and Western mainstream media has attempted to present the death squad fighters on the ground as two-sided – one group being Islamist extremists and the other being “moderate rebels.” As I have documented extensively, this characterization is entirely inaccurate as there is no such thing as a moderate rebel in Syria. Still, this information has not stopped major media outlets from producing presentations in stark contrast to the facts.

In recent months, however, as more and more evidence surfaces proving the official narrative of the existence of “moderate rebels” to be false, the corporate media outlets have taken to yet more propaganda-based name-changes and distortion surrounding the proxy forces fighting on the ground inside Syria.

For instance, al-Nusra Front forces are now being referred to as “Al-Qaeda-linked” fighters and being painted as if they are a mixture of moderate agents who are also willing to work with anyone that has similar objectives as themselves, even al-Qaeda.

The truth, however, is that al-Nusra is not merely “al-Qaeda-linked” but that it is al-Qaeda itself.

In the orbit of the “Levant” and the Syria/Iraq areas, al-Nusra was merely the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda while Al-Qaeda In Iraq was the Iraqi version. Later AQII was rebaptized The Islamic Emirate of Iraq and the Levant. All of these groups were subsidiaries of the same overarching terrorist organization, al-Qaeda proper.

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - April 6, 2015

Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - April 6, 2015

Brandon discusses Obama's plan for mandatory voting, Scott Walker's austerity and anti-labor measures, Austrian School Economics, US troops stationed in Ghana, the Syrian crisis, Russian/NATO military drills, Jade Helm, SC military drills, and the Yemeni crisis.

Door To Door 'Wellness Checks,' Iran, PSYOPs Mindwar, And More - Flow of Wisdom - Video

Image result for sean
April 10, 2015

This is the first hour of an interview with author/journalist Brandon Turbeville from

We discuss, the Operation Vigilant Guard exercises in South Carolina that involved “Door to Door ‘Wellness Checks,’ the nuclear deal with Iran, Paul E. Vallely, Michael Aquino, Satanism, Pedophilia, PYSOPs, Mindwar, Syria, and propaganda.

Brandon’s website is
Sean's website is 



Friday, April 10, 2015

US-Backed ''TechCamp'' Color Revolution Revealed By Ukraine Official

Oleg Tsarev
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
April 9, 2015

As NATO-backed protests were beginning to take off in Ukraine after then-president Viktor Yanukovich agreed to accept a financial deal with Russia as opposed to the greater integration/austerity package proposed by the European Union, evidence of US involvement in the Euromaidan color revolution began to surface in the Ukrainian Rada.

Indeed, early on, there were individuals in the Ukrainian government who recognized that there was an international and NATO-centered plot at work in their country designed to overthrow the President and other elected officials using “swarming adolescents” and other more violent elements of protest and destabilization.

While color revolutions are often manifested through a variety of channels -- the National Endowment for Democracy, USAID, IRI, NDI, are just a few examples, -- there were a number of relatively new participants in the game of national destabilization at play in Ukraine this time around.

For instance, even something as a seemingly innocuous “TechCamp” acted as a front for the color revolution apparatus in Ukraine. While the “TechCamp” concept is one that is presented as bringing influential and important members of the public together with members of the technology community for the purposes of greater training and understanding, the truth is that these “TechCamps” are actually operations used to disseminate methodologies for the implementation of color revolutions throughout the target country.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Brandon Turbeville on Reality Bytes with Neil Foster - April 5, 2015

Reality Bytes LogoBrandon Turbeville on Reality Bytes with Neil Foster - April 5, 2015

Brandon and Neil discuss Syria, Yemen, Iran, Michael Aquino, Paul E. Vallely, Smedley Butler, Coups, Pedophilia, and Satanism

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

20 Reasons I Will Not 'Stand With Rand'

Image result for fascist rand paul
image source
Brandon Turbeville
April 7, 2015

With the 2016 Presidential elections fast approaching, a number of names have been tossed around as potential candidates for the highest office in the land. One of these names that has been given more and more attention from the Republican party, mainstream media, and especially the alternative media is Rand Paul, the Republican Senator from Kentucky and son of the Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

It is not surprising that Paul is receiving so much attention for his expected 2016 campaign from the Republican Party. Paul, of course, is a Republican. In fact, it may even be safe to say that Rand Paul is a Neo-Con.

It is also not surprising that he has received attention from the mainstream media considering the fact that he has made many “principled” stands, understood by anyone with a shred of political judgment as nothing more than publicity stunts aimed at boosting his growing political career.

Yet it is quite unfortunate, though not entirely surprising, that Rand Paul would be receiving so much attention from the alternative media and many activists that claim to be fighting for the rights of the American people. One would have hoped that the alternative media and activist community would be much more discerning than this but their track record, sadly, shows that the opposite is the case.

The source of much of Rand Paul’s support comes from the Libertarian quarters, many of whom are drawn to Rand because of his father Ron. Others are drawn to Paul because of his free-market fetishism and pro-Wall Street, pro-Corporate stance that allows money to act as the god above all else in society. Others still, are simply Republicans who experimented with Marijuana and realized that it did not turn them into an ax murderer. It is for this reason that Paul appeals to more than the more traditional grey-headed drug war pimps of the Republican party.

Regardless, it is a sad fact that Rand Paul commands so much respect in the alternative media and activist community despite his best efforts to betray their trust, their values, and even their talking points. During the contest for the Republican nomination, there is no doubt that many in the activist community that have a right-leaning perspective will see Paul as a better option than the other Republican candidates.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Brandon Turbeville on Flow of Wisdom with Sean Anthony - April 5, 2015

Brandon Turbeville on Flow of Wisdom with Sean Anthony - April 5, 2015

Brandon and Sean discuss the Operation Vigilant Guard exercises in SC that involved "Door to Door 'Wellness Checks,'" the nuclear deal with Iran, Paul E. Vallely, Michael Aquino, Satanism, Pedophilia, PYSOPs, Mindwar, Syria, and propaganda.


Brandon's appearance is Hour 1 and Hour 2



Friday, April 3, 2015

Pacifying Iranian Atom

Red LineSergey Strokan and Andrew Korybko
Red Line
Sputnik News
April 3, 2015

World powers reached a framework deal with Tehran which should pave the way for the resolution of the major security crisis.

The P5+1 have passed their self-imposed March 31st deadline for reaching an agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, but they’re continuing to work on the issue in order to reach a long-awaited deal. The controversy over Iran’s nuclear program has carried on for over a decade already, and in the meantime, its drawn hysterical regional reactions from Israel and Saudi Arabia, the US’ closest Mideast allies, which publicly fear that Washington will reach an agreement with Tehran.

In an article entitled “Why Obama chose the Iran talks to take one of the biggest risks of his presidency”, Greg Jaffe from The Washington Post writes that:

“The president’s desire to keep negotiating reflects both the importance he has placed on the talks and his particular view of how American leadership, persistence and engagement with determined enemies can change the world. Obama often talks about moments in which American leadership can “bend the arc of human history.” An Iran accord represents exactly such an opportunity, as well as one of the most risky foreign policy gambles of his presidency.”

Brandon Turbeville on Red Line with Andrew Korybko and Sergey Strokan.

Red LineBrandon Turbeville
April 3, 2015

Brandon Turbeville on Red Line with Andrew Korybko and Sergey Strokan.

Brandon discusses the recent nuclear deal reached between the P5+1 and Iran.

Brandon's appearance begins shortly before the 8 min. mark.



Thursday, April 2, 2015

Key Facts to Understand Why Yemen Has Become a Political Flashpoint

Anthony Freda Art
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
April 2, 2015

With the recent military operations on the part of the Arab League against the Yemeni Houthi rebels, much has been made of the operation in the mainstream media outlets. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of information provided regarding this act of military aggression is inaccurate, skewed, or an outright falsehood.

The Western mainstream press is reporting the Arab League operation in precisely the manner in which the State Department and related government agencies prefer for the operation to be reported - as if it were an attempt by the Arab League to put down a violent rebellion that threatens “stability” and “democracy” in the Middle East and to combat a proxy war that was initiated and controlled by Iran.

While a detailed discussion of the situation in Yemen is beyond the scope of this article, there are nevertheless a number of facts that must be addressed.

The Houthis Are Not Iranian Proxy Forces

While the general representation of Houthi forces in the Western mainstream press is that they are proxy forces created and controlled by Iran in order to fight against the Sunni nations and the US-allied Gulf State monarchies, the truth is that the Houthis are not Iranian proxies at all. The Houthis are an entirely indigenous force made up of Yemenis who have been fighting government oppression since the so-called Arab Spring found its way into Yemen.