October 31, 2014
Below are a few of these individuals and ballot initiatives that bear closer consideration for support on November 4th.
Dan Buhrdorf - Candidate for US Senate – Nebraska – Write In Candidate – Tax Wall Street Party
Dan Buhrdorf is running against corrupt Republican Ben Sasse, an individual with a history that involves a number of sex scandals (involving underage victims) and Wall Street Democrat Dave Domina.
Dan’s platform involves imposing a 1% Wall Street Sales Tax to fully fund the social safety net and provide for truly universal healthcare in the form of Medicare For All. Buhrdorf also advocates for the Nationalization of the Federal Reserve and using the credit creating power of the Fed to initiate a program of infrastructure rebuilding and national economic recovery resulting in the creation of at least 30 million new productive jobs at high wages. Burhrdorf would also use the Fed to refinance student loan debt at very low interest. Buhrdorf seeks to end “free trade” by renegotiating existing “free trade” agreements and imposing a series of protective tariffs on goods entering the country.
Buhrdorf supports the replacement of both “free market” austerity and socialistic farm subsidies with parity agriculture.
Buhrdorf is pro-gun and fully supports the Second Amendment. He also advocates for an end to imperialist wars across the world and for the creation of a Global Peace Race.
Dan Buhrdorf is running as a write-in candidate so, if you are in Nebraska and would like to vote for him, you must write his name in using the correct spelling.
Visit Dan’s website here:
Hear Dan’s interview with Brandon Turbeville on the Truth on the Tracks radio program on UCY.TV.
James Hinton – Candidate For U.S. House – 5th District of California – Independent
Like Buhrdorf, James Hinton’s platform also involves imposing a 1% Wall Street Sales Tax to fully fund the social safety net and provide for truly universal healthcare in the form of Medicare For All. Hinton advocates for the Nationalization of the Federal Reserve and using the credit creating power of the Fed to initiate a program of infrastructure rebuilding and national economic recovery resulting in the creation of at least 30 million new productive jobs at high wages. Hinton would also use the Fed to refinance student loan debt at very low interest. Hinton seeks to end “free trade” by renegotiating existing “free trade” agreements and imposing a series of protective tariffs on goods entering the country.
Hinton is decidedly pro-gun, and has been endorsed by the NRA. Hinton is also an advocate for the legalization of Marijuana. Hinton seeks to roll back the prison industrial complex and eliminate the private prison system entirely. Hinton supports Net Neutrality and is a staunch anti-war candidate who opposes all US military involvement in the Middle East while supporting the warming of relations between the U.S., Russia, China, and Iran.
Hinton is also opposed to the proliferation of GMOs and supports a blanket ban on commercial cultivation of GM food.
Hinton has already won the jungle primary of California making the general election a two-way split between himself and Mike Thompson.
Visit James’ website here:
Also see this article about James Hinton and hear his interview with Brandon Turbeville on the Truth on the Tracks radio program on UCY.TV.
Rising Political Candidate Takes Firm Stance Against GMOs
Rick Strawcutter – Candidate for U.S. House – 7th District Michigan – U.S. Taxpayers Party
Strawcutter’s platform truly sets him apart from other candidates. Not only is Strawcutter vehemently pro-gun, he is also opposed to illegal immigration, abortion, and the war on drugs. Strawcutter advocates for the prosecution of the “real drug pushers in America like Merck and Eli Lilly who cripple millions of souls and bodies through their evil monopoly of so-called "healthcare.”
Yet what is truly unique about Strawcutter’s platform is that he also calls for a new and complete investigation of the 9/11 attacks and an end to geo-engineering, specifically chemtrails.
Visit Rick Strawcutter’s website here:
Also read this article about Rick Strawcutter
MI Congressional Candidate: ‘Investigate 9/11,Chemtrails’
Penny Sales Tax Referendum – Greenville, South Carolina
In regards to this referendum specifically, however, only a portion of the money raised by the new tax will go to fund road repair. Of this portion, much of that money will be used to repair State roads instead of County roads. This tax increase will be the largest tax ever proposed for Greenville County. Most of the money raised will be spent outside of the County.
This tax proposal is a regressive tax that adversely affects the poor, working class, elderly, and disabled. The tax will not only be applied to normally taxed retail items but also to necessities like food.
Vote NO on the proposal to raise the Greenville County Sales Tax.
Visit for more information.
Also read this series of article for an expose’ on the nefarious uses for the Penny Sales Tax.
As Above, So Below: The Globalist Agenda Reflected in Local Politics Through ‘Council of Governments
As Above, So Below: Local ‘Council Of Governments’ Implementing UN Directed Agenda 21
If you have any other candidates or ballot referendums/initiatives that you think merit further consideration, please feel free to email them to
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