October 31, 2014
Below are a few of these individuals and ballot initiatives that bear closer consideration for support on November 4th.
Dan Buhrdorf - Candidate for US Senate – Nebraska – Write In Candidate – Tax Wall Street Party
Dan Buhrdorf is running against corrupt Republican Ben Sasse, an individual with a history that involves a number of sex scandals (involving underage victims) and Wall Street Democrat Dave Domina.
Dan’s platform involves imposing a 1% Wall Street Sales Tax to fully fund the social safety net and provide for truly universal healthcare in the form of Medicare For All. Buhrdorf also advocates for the Nationalization of the Federal Reserve and using the credit creating power of the Fed to initiate a program of infrastructure rebuilding and national economic recovery resulting in the creation of at least 30 million new productive jobs at high wages. Burhrdorf would also use the Fed to refinance student loan debt at very low interest. Buhrdorf seeks to end “free trade” by renegotiating existing “free trade” agreements and imposing a series of protective tariffs on goods entering the country.
Buhrdorf supports the replacement of both “free market” austerity and socialistic farm subsidies with parity agriculture.
Buhrdorf is pro-gun and fully supports the Second Amendment. He also advocates for an end to imperialist wars across the world and for the creation of a Global Peace Race.
Dan Buhrdorf is running as a write-in candidate so, if you are in Nebraska and would like to vote for him, you must write his name in using the correct spelling.