
Monday, July 28, 2014

The CYP450 Connection: Monsanto and Mass Shootings

Brandon Turbeville
July 24, 2014
The Anti Media

In January, 2013, I wrote an article entitled, “Psychiatric Drugs, School Violence, And The Big Pharma Cover-up,” where I discussed the importance of the CYP450 enzymes on the metabolism of pharmaceutical drugs and the potential for adverse effects of those drugs if the CYP450 enzyme was not functioning properly.

Studies conducted over the last decade have clearly demonstrated the link between adverse reactions to Psycho-Pharmaceutical medications and underactive or underperforming CYP450 enzymes. This has caused some to wonder whether or not the recent uptick in mass shootings and the obvious link to many of the perpetrators and prescription drugs could be related to the performance of the CYP450 enzymes.

For those unfamiliar with the functions of the CYP450 enzymes, I first recommend reading my previous article as linked above.

Now, additional research is causing more questions to be asked in reference to the connections that chemicals like Glyphosate may have to the inhibition of proper CYP450 performance and, thus, in the uptick in mass shootings and general violent behavior.

The ability of Glyphosate to negatively affect the functioning of the CYP450 enzymes, of course, would have drastic implications for Monsanto since Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the company’s Roundup herbicide.

Indeed, Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the United States and the rest of the world. Its uses are largely focused in the agricultural sectors, particularly by Big-Agra operations and in the production of various Genetically Modified foods which have been engineered to resist its effects.

Glyphosate, besides an environmental toxin, is also well known to be toxic to humans and mammals in general. More importantly to this discussion, however, is the fact that Glyphosate also acts as a CYP450 enzyme disrupter.

For instance, in a study entitled “Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases,” and published in the scientific journal Entropy on April 18, 2013, authors Samsel and Seneff write

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup®, is the most popular herbicide used worldwide. The industry asserts it is minimally toxic to humans, but here we argue otherwise. Residues are found in the main foods of the Western diet, comprised primarily of sugar, corn, soy and wheat. Glyphosate’s inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes is an overlooked component of its toxicity to mammals. CYP enzymes play crucial roles in biology, one of which is to detoxify xenobiotics. Thus, glyphosate enhances the damaging effects of other food borne chemical residues and environmental toxins. Negative impact on the body is insidious and manifests slowly over time as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body. Here, we show how interference with CYP enzymes acts synergistically with disruption of the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids by gut bacteria, as well as impairment in serum sulfate transport. Consequences are most of the diseases and conditions associated with a Western diet, which include gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. We explain the documented effects of glyphosate and its ability to induce disease, and we show that glyphosate is the “textbook example” of exogenous semiotic entropy: the disruption of homeostasis by environmental toxins.[1] [emphasis added]

The authors also write,

Glyphosate from food sources or as a contaminant in water would be likely to reach the liver in high concentrations through direct transport from the digestive system via the hepatic portal vein. It could be anticipated that glyphosate would disrupt many of the diverse CYP enzymes that are bioactive in the liver, involved in cholesterol synthesis and metabolism, vitamin D3 synthesis and metabolism, the detoxification of xenobiotics, and regulation of retinoic acid. Glyphosate would also be expected to travel throughout the blood stream, disrupting any CYP enzymes it comes in contact with.[2] [emphasis added]

Consider also the study entitled “Differential Effects of Glyphosate and Roundup on Human Placental Cells and Aromatase” and published in Environmental Health Perspectives which found that

glyphosate acts as a disruptor of mammalian cytochrome P450 aromatase activity from concentrations 100 times lower than the recommended use in agriculture; this is noticeable on human placental cells after only 18 hr, and it can also affect aromatase gene expression. It also partially disrupts the ubiquitous reductase activity but at higher concentrations. Its effects are allowed and amplified by at least 0.02% of the adjuvants present in Roundup, known to facilitate cell penetration, and this should be carefully taken into account in pesticide evaluation. The dilution of glyphosate in Roundup formulation may multiply its endocrine effect. Roundup may be thus considered as a potential endocrine disruptor. Moreover, at higher doses still below the classical agricultural dilutions, its toxicity on placental cells could induce some reproduction problems.[3]

Yet, while the inhibition of CYP450 enzymes are an overlooked danger of Glyphosate, the increased propensity toward adverse effects of psycho-pharmaceutical drugs is an even more drastically underpublicized effect of the herbicide. Remember, as stated earlier in this article, it is well-known that that the disruption of CYP450 enzymes can lead directly to adverse effects of pharmaceuticals.

With this in mind, it is also important to note that, according to the Richard, Moslemi, et al. study, Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, is capable of disrupting CYP450 enzymes at concentrations 100 times lower than that which is recommended for agricultural uses.
Today, the majority of the American food supply is doused with Roundup (Glyphosate) at some point during growing season. In 2010, the New York Times reported that “90 percent of the soybeans and 70 percent of the corn and cotton grown in the United States” are “Roundup Ready” crops, meaning that the crops have been Genetically Engineered to resist the herbicidal effects of Glyphosate. This also means that the same percentage of these particular crops are sprayed with Roundup during the production process.

In fact, Roundup has been used so much that weeds have adapted themselves to the chemical and are becoming more and more resistant to its effects, thus requiring the use of more Roundup to achieve its intended effects.

With all of this information taken together, it thus justified to ask whether or not the preponderance of Glyphosate in the American food supply might be contributing to a vast increase in the occurrence of adverse effects of pharmaceuticals and pyscho-pharmaceuticals and, as a result, an increase in mass shootings and otherwise violent behavior.

In the end, Monsanto and companies like it should be held responsible for the environmental degradation theyhave caused over decades of predatory and greedy business practices. Monsanto should be help responsible for all of its corrupt lobbying efforts[4] and bribing of public officials. It should be held responsible for the countless health effects[5] caused by both its chemical products and its toxic tasteless food products. The relentless use and promotion of Glyphosate should be no exception.

With Monsanto’s global reputation, the possibility that the overuse of Glyphosate is contributing to an increase in adverse effects of medication and violent acts should seem far-fetched to no one.

[1] Samsel, Anthony; Seneff, Stephanie. “Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases.” Entropy. Volume 15. Issue 4. ISSN: 1099-4300. PP. 1416-1430.

[2] Samsel, Anthony; Seneff, Stephanie. “Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases.” Entropy. Volume 15. Issue 4. ISSN: 1099-4300. PP. 1431-1432.

[3] Richard, Sophie; Moslemi, Safa; Sipahutar, Herbert; Benachour, Nora; Seralini, Gilles-Eric. “Differential Effects of Glyphosate and Roundup on Human Placental Cells and Aromatase.” Environmental Health Perspectives. June 2005. (6). Pp. 716-720.

[4] Smith, Jeffrey. Seeds of Deception. Yes! Books. 2003.

[5] The World According To Monsanto. Marie-Monique Robin and Jeffrey Smith. Documentary. Yes! Books. 2009.

Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Francis Marion University and is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1and volume 2, and The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria. Turbeville has published over 300 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact .

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