Thursday, July 31, 2014
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - July 28, 2014 - Video
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - July 28, 2014
Brandon discusses the Israeli-Palestine crisis, the Malaysian Flight Over Ukraine, a Murrell's Inlet, SC man whose bees were killed, Homeowner's Associations, and Dan Buhrdorf's open letter.
UCY.TV is an investigative media platform, designed to give YOU a voice on the platform of your choice: Video, live radio, podcasts, written articles and more. UCY.TV's website offers visitors top-notch ORIGINAL alternative news from reputable journalists, investigative field reporters, insightful radio broadcasts, LIVE video streams, exclusive interviews, archives and an intelligent forum. To learn more about how to become a part of UCY and lend your voice to the growing alternative media movement, email: Real news, for the people, by the people.
Brandon Turbeville,,
Dan Buhrdorf,
Homeowner's Association,
Israeli-Palestinian conflict,
Malaysian Flight over Ukraine,
Murrell's Inlet,
Truth on the Tracks,
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - July 28, 2014
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - July 28, 2014
Brandon discusses the Israeli-Palestine crisis, the Malaysian Flight Over Ukraine, a Murrell's Inlet, SC man whose bees were killed, Homeowner's Associations, and Dan Buhrdorf's open letter.
Brandon discusses the Israeli-Palestine crisis, the Malaysian Flight Over Ukraine, a Murrell's Inlet, SC man whose bees were killed, Homeowner's Associations, and Dan Buhrdorf's open letter.

Russian Aggression Prevention Act Seems Designed to Provoke Russian Aggression
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Although there has yet to be any proof of “Russian Aggression” surrounding the Ukrainian situation in general and the Malaysian flight shoot down more specifically, the general public of the Western world (at least those that actually watch TV news) is consumed with paranoia over a new Russian threat to world democracy. In their minds, that threat is marching westward in the Stalinesque or Hitlerian model (depending on the mode of propaganda being pushed that day) with the ultimate goal of world domination.
Of course, this paranoia has been developed and crafted by the propaganda mill of Western media outlets and NATO governments designed to establish a new Cold War with Russia and, eventually, a much hotter one.
Thus, while “evidence” of Russia’s guilt surrounding the Malaysian flight, which is based entirely on YouTube and Twitter, is being repeated ad nauseum on Western media outlets, members of Congress are by no means going to be left out of the action. Indeed, before the drums of war can even begin to beat loudly enough to be heard by the general population, American Congressmen are seeking to craft legislation that will enable that war to take place as soon as possible.
Such is the case with Senate Bill 2277, also known as The Russian Aggression Prevention Act.
Many aspects of the bill, while unreasonable and provocative to say the very least, rank among relatively weak and ineffective platitudes such as the imposition of asset blocks and sanctions against Russian individuals and their family members of Russian government officials, "supporters" of the Russian government’s policies, and Russian corporations involved in some way in the implementation of the Russian government’s Ukraine policy.
Monday, July 28, 2014
The CYP450 Connection: Monsanto and Mass Shootings
Brandon Turbeville
July 24, 2014
The Anti Media
In January, 2013, I wrote an article entitled, “Psychiatric Drugs, School Violence, And The Big Pharma Cover-up,” where I discussed the importance of the CYP450 enzymes on the metabolism of pharmaceutical drugs and the potential for adverse effects of those drugs if the CYP450 enzyme was not functioning properly.
Studies conducted over the last decade have clearly demonstrated the link between adverse reactions to Psycho-Pharmaceutical medications and underactive or underperforming CYP450 enzymes. This has caused some to wonder whether or not the recent uptick in mass shootings and the obvious link to many of the perpetrators and prescription drugs could be related to the performance of the CYP450 enzymes.
For those unfamiliar with the functions of the CYP450 enzymes, I first recommend reading my previous article as linked above.
Now, additional research is causing more questions to be asked in reference to the connections that chemicals like Glyphosate may have to the inhibition of proper CYP450 performance and, thus, in the uptick in mass shootings and general violent behavior.
The ability of Glyphosate to negatively affect the functioning of the CYP450 enzymes, of course, would have drastic implications for Monsanto since Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the company’s Roundup herbicide.
Indeed, Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the United States and the rest of the world. Its uses are largely focused in the agricultural sectors, particularly by Big-Agra operations and in the production of various Genetically Modified foods which have been engineered to resist its effects.
July 24, 2014
The Anti Media
In January, 2013, I wrote an article entitled, “Psychiatric Drugs, School Violence, And The Big Pharma Cover-up,” where I discussed the importance of the CYP450 enzymes on the metabolism of pharmaceutical drugs and the potential for adverse effects of those drugs if the CYP450 enzyme was not functioning properly.
Studies conducted over the last decade have clearly demonstrated the link between adverse reactions to Psycho-Pharmaceutical medications and underactive or underperforming CYP450 enzymes. This has caused some to wonder whether or not the recent uptick in mass shootings and the obvious link to many of the perpetrators and prescription drugs could be related to the performance of the CYP450 enzymes.
For those unfamiliar with the functions of the CYP450 enzymes, I first recommend reading my previous article as linked above.
Now, additional research is causing more questions to be asked in reference to the connections that chemicals like Glyphosate may have to the inhibition of proper CYP450 performance and, thus, in the uptick in mass shootings and general violent behavior.
The ability of Glyphosate to negatively affect the functioning of the CYP450 enzymes, of course, would have drastic implications for Monsanto since Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the company’s Roundup herbicide.
Indeed, Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the United States and the rest of the world. Its uses are largely focused in the agricultural sectors, particularly by Big-Agra operations and in the production of various Genetically Modified foods which have been engineered to resist its effects.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Former Al-Qaeda Operative Claims Qaeda/ISIS Run By The CIA
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More evidence has been entered into the files of public record that terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda, ISIS, and the al-Nusra Front are completely controlled by the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies.
In fact, according to Nabil Na’eem, founding member of the Islamic Democratic Jihad Party and a former commander of al-Qaeda, all current al-Qaeda affiliates are nothing more than offshoots of an overarching CIA terror operation. He also claimed that these groups will eventually be turned against Saudi Arabia, despite the fact that Saudi Arabia has acted as a bankroller and facilitator for them for years on end.
Na’eem made his statements during the course of an interview with al-Maydeen , a Beirut-based news agency that serves a number of countries in the Middle East. The interview was translated by Arabi Souri of Syria News.
Na’eem first referenced the Project For A New American Century and the Bernard Lewis plan to break up the Middle East, re-establish national boundaries, and create a region made up of petty squabbling and weak “micro-states and mini-states” when he stated the following:
Activist Post,
Brandon Turbeville,,
Government-Sponsored Terror,
Saudi Arabia,
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Israeli Professor: Rape Palestinian Sisters and Mothers To Stop Terrorism
As bombs rain down upon Gaza and Israeli troops march forward with tanks and bulldozers, a recent radio interview conducted on Israeli radio is drawing some criticism from across the world as well as in Israel.
Although the interview was conducted nearly three weeks ago, shortly after the bodies of three Israeli teens were found after being kidnapped and murdered, Dr. Mordechai Kedar stated that the only way to force “terrorists” to think twice about their actions is the threat of the rape of their sisters and mothers.
A Middle East scholar from Bar-Ilan University in Israel, Dr. Kedar stated that “You have to understand the culture in which we live. The only thing that deters [Hamas leaders] is a threat to the connection between their heads and their shoulders.”
Hakol Diburim (It’s All Talk) host Yossi Hadar then asked if that consideration “could filter down” the ranks of Hamas, Kedar responded “No, because lower down the considerations are entirely different. Terrorists like those who kidnapped the children and killed them – the only thing that deters them is if they know that their sister or their mother will be raped in the event that they are caught. What can you do, that’s the culture in which we live.”
Hadar attempted to rein Kedar’s statement’s back somewhat by saying that “We can’t take such steps, of course….” However, Kedar reiterated his own statement by responding that “I’m not talking about what we should or shouldn’t do. I’m talking about the facts. The only thing that deters a suicide bomber is the knowledge that if he pulls the trigger or blows himself up, his sister will be raped. That’s all. That’s the only thing that will bring him back home, in order to preserve his sister’s honor.”
Brandon Turbeville on Before the First Cup with Wendy aka "Lady Pitbull" and Zorie.July 18, 2014 - Video
Brandon Turbeville on Before the First Cup with Wendy aka "Lady Pitbull" and Zorie.July 18, 2014
Brandon discusses the Malaysian flight over Ukraine, Secret Societies, cognitive infiltration, and solutions including the 1% Wall Street Sales Tax, Nationalization of the Federal Reserve, Import Tariffs, etc.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - July 21, 2014 - Video
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - July 21, 2014
Brandon discusses the Israeli-Palestinian crisis, the nature of Hamas, the immigration crisis, Monsanto and its connection to mass shootings.
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - July 21, 2014
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - July 21, 2014
Brandon discusses the Israeli-Palestinian crisis, the nature of Hamas, the immigration crisis, Monsanto and its connection to mass shootings.
Brandon discusses the Israeli-Palestinian crisis, the nature of Hamas, the immigration crisis, Monsanto and its connection to mass shootings.

Saturday, July 19, 2014
New Information Provides New Questions About Malaysian Flight
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Only yesterday, I wrote an article entitled “6
Reasons To Question The Official Story Of The Malaysian Flight Over Ukraine”
where, as the title suggests, I briefly discussed a number of reasons the story
presented by Western media outlets blaming Ukrainian separatists and even the
Russian government for shooting down the plane were both contradictory and
Now, on the day after the crash of the flight, more information has emerged regarding the details surrounding what actually brought the flight down. Yet, as is typical in international incidents, the Western press reports simply add more questions to the pile.
First, it is important to point out the deceptive nature of many of the Western reports so it can be demonstrated that the credibility of all future reports should be viewed as highly questionable.
For instance, in the late hours of the evening, a volley of reports emerged suggesting that a Ukrainian separatist leader had Tweeted a statement gloating over shooting down the Malaysian flight before subsequently deleting the Tweet. In reality, the Twitter statement suggested that the separatists had downed an AN-26, a much smaller cargo transport plane, not the Malaysian flight. If those controlling the Twitter account had fired upon the plane, it seems unlikely that they would have confused the aircraft since there is such a difference in their size.
It was subsequently revealed that the Twitter account being reported upon was not actually run by the commander but that it was a “fan page.” The latter has been curiously left out of later reports.
Now, on the day after the crash of the flight, more information has emerged regarding the details surrounding what actually brought the flight down. Yet, as is typical in international incidents, the Western press reports simply add more questions to the pile.
First, it is important to point out the deceptive nature of many of the Western reports so it can be demonstrated that the credibility of all future reports should be viewed as highly questionable.
For instance, in the late hours of the evening, a volley of reports emerged suggesting that a Ukrainian separatist leader had Tweeted a statement gloating over shooting down the Malaysian flight before subsequently deleting the Tweet. In reality, the Twitter statement suggested that the separatists had downed an AN-26, a much smaller cargo transport plane, not the Malaysian flight. If those controlling the Twitter account had fired upon the plane, it seems unlikely that they would have confused the aircraft since there is such a difference in their size.
It was subsequently revealed that the Twitter account being reported upon was not actually run by the commander but that it was a “fan page.” The latter has been curiously left out of later reports.
Even if the Tweet had been from the separatist leader,
however, it would only prove that the separatists had made a tragic mistake.
Still, it is important to remember that it would have been an entirely
justified mistake since civilian air traffic had been largely halted over the area for at leastthree months. Any pilot or aviation authority flying over
this area of Ukraine would indeed have to be acting in a provocative manner,
terribly lost, or clinically insane.
Netanyahu and Rahm Emmanuel Agree: Never Let a Crisis Go To Waste
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
July 18, 2014

While the world is focused on the questions surrounding the Malaysian flight that crashed in Ukraine on July 17 and the aftermath that will result from it, another campaign of genocide in a long list of campaigns of genocide is taking place in Gaza.
After days of both air and sea-based military strikes against Palestinians living Gaza, Israeli tanks have crossed the border and are now pushing even deeper into the tiny sliver of land.
According to Israeli military statements, Israel has called up 48,000 reserve troops as well as 18,000 additional soldiers which were called upon on Thursday, July 17.
So far, the death toll in Palestine has reached around 260. There has been only fatality on the Israeli side, a soldier who was killed in the northern part of Gaza.
Approximately one third of Palestinian casualties are women and children.
All of this occurs, of course, in the face of immense apathy on the part of the Western public or even unfortunately amidst fanatical, albeit misguided, support.
Yet even the activist communities who would have been focused on drawing attention to the slaughter taking place in Gaza have now been drawn off target as they follow the details of a downed plane in Ukraine, an apparent false flag designed to attract world attention and drum up support for a NATO confrontation with Russia.
Activist Post
July 18, 2014

While the world is focused on the questions surrounding the Malaysian flight that crashed in Ukraine on July 17 and the aftermath that will result from it, another campaign of genocide in a long list of campaigns of genocide is taking place in Gaza.
After days of both air and sea-based military strikes against Palestinians living Gaza, Israeli tanks have crossed the border and are now pushing even deeper into the tiny sliver of land.
According to Israeli military statements, Israel has called up 48,000 reserve troops as well as 18,000 additional soldiers which were called upon on Thursday, July 17.
So far, the death toll in Palestine has reached around 260. There has been only fatality on the Israeli side, a soldier who was killed in the northern part of Gaza.
Approximately one third of Palestinian casualties are women and children.
All of this occurs, of course, in the face of immense apathy on the part of the Western public or even unfortunately amidst fanatical, albeit misguided, support.
Yet even the activist communities who would have been focused on drawing attention to the slaughter taking place in Gaza have now been drawn off target as they follow the details of a downed plane in Ukraine, an apparent false flag designed to attract world attention and drum up support for a NATO confrontation with Russia.
Brandon Turbeville on Before the First Cup with Wendy aka "Lady Pitbull" and Zorie.July 18, 2014
Brandon Turbeville on Before the First Cup with Wendy aka "Lady Pitbull" and Zorie.July 18, 2014
Brandon discusses the Malaysian flight over Ukraine, Secret Societies, cognitive infiltration, and solutions including the 1% Wall Street Sales Tax, Nationalization of the Federal Reserve, Import Tariffs, etc.
NOTE: Brandon's appearance begins at or around the 58 minute mark.
Brandon discusses the Malaysian flight over Ukraine, Secret Societies, cognitive infiltration, and solutions including the 1% Wall Street Sales Tax, Nationalization of the Federal Reserve, Import Tariffs, etc.
NOTE: Brandon's appearance begins at or around the 58 minute mark.

Brandon Turbeville on Health Conspiracy Radio with Nick Brannigan. July 17, 2014.
Brandon Turbeville on Health Conspiracy Radio with Nick Brannigan. July 17, 2014.
Brandon and Nick discuss the connection between the CYP450 enzymes, Psycho-Pharmaceutical drugs, Monsanto and Mass Shootings/violence. The two also discuss the health conspiracy, vegetarianism, and animal rights.
Brandon and Nick discuss the connection between the CYP450 enzymes, Psycho-Pharmaceutical drugs, Monsanto and Mass Shootings/violence. The two also discuss the health conspiracy, vegetarianism, and animal rights.

Israel Launches Ground Offensive In Gaza
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
July 17, 2014
As much of the world focuses on the Malaysian flight that was allegedly shot down over Ukraine, Israel is preparing to launch a ground offensive against Palestinians living in Gaza.
Announcing the offensive on Twitter, the Israeli Defense Forces wrote "Our goal is to target Hamas' tunnels that enable terrorists to infiltrate Israel and carry out attacks.”
Although there was a brief ceasefire early Thursday so as to allow “residents to stock up on food and other supplies,” fighting resumed between the Israeli occupiers and Hamas when rockets were fired into Israeli occupied territory.
The Israelis responded by launching two airstrikes in the Gaza strip.
Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, an Israeli military spokesman, stated that the operation will be open-ended and that “We [Israel] will be striking the infrastructure. We will be striking the operatives in order to safeguard the civilians of the state of Israel especially issues to do with tunneling, that was exemplified earlier today."
The ground offensive comes as no surprise as thousands of Israeli soldiers had begun massing on the border of Gaza in recent days.
Israeli media have already reported the rumblings of Israeli tanks and D9 bulldozers that are now making their way across the border and signaling that the operation has both a military goal as well as a political agenda of ethnic cleansing.
Activist Post
July 17, 2014
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As much of the world focuses on the Malaysian flight that was allegedly shot down over Ukraine, Israel is preparing to launch a ground offensive against Palestinians living in Gaza.
Announcing the offensive on Twitter, the Israeli Defense Forces wrote "Our goal is to target Hamas' tunnels that enable terrorists to infiltrate Israel and carry out attacks.”
Although there was a brief ceasefire early Thursday so as to allow “residents to stock up on food and other supplies,” fighting resumed between the Israeli occupiers and Hamas when rockets were fired into Israeli occupied territory.
The Israelis responded by launching two airstrikes in the Gaza strip.
Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, an Israeli military spokesman, stated that the operation will be open-ended and that “We [Israel] will be striking the infrastructure. We will be striking the operatives in order to safeguard the civilians of the state of Israel especially issues to do with tunneling, that was exemplified earlier today."
The ground offensive comes as no surprise as thousands of Israeli soldiers had begun massing on the border of Gaza in recent days.
Israeli media have already reported the rumblings of Israeli tanks and D9 bulldozers that are now making their way across the border and signaling that the operation has both a military goal as well as a political agenda of ethnic cleansing.
Activist Post,
Brandon Turbeville,,
Thursday, July 17, 2014
6 Reasons To Question the Official Story of the Malaysian Flight Over Ukraine
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
July 17, 2014

With the recent shooting down of a Malaysian Boeing 777 over Ukraine, the Western media is aflame with fingerpointing at Russia and Ukrainian separatists. However, while NATO and its media mouthpieces attempt to rekindle the Cold War and ignite a confrontation with Russia, there exists a number of fundamental questions surrounding the events that have taken place in Eastern Ukraine.
Although not a detailed list, below are six reasons why one should question the official story of the Malaysian flight shot down over Ukraine.
1.) The Ukrainian separatists do not have the military hardware capable of shooting down an airplane at the height at which the Malaysian Boeing 777 was flying.
Ukrainian separatists are equipped with shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles which are capable of bringing down an airplane. This much is true. However, the systems believed to be possessed by the separatists are those such as the Igla missile system, which is incapable of hitting planes at the altitudes at which the Malaysian flight was flying. 33,000 feet is simply too high an altitude to be reached with the shoulder-fired missile delivery systems with which the Ukrainian separatists are currently outfitted.
There is no evidence to suggest that the separatists possess the BUK missile systems. At the time of the writing, this writer is not aware of any reports suggesting that separatists commandeered BUK missile launching systems from the Kiev fascist government forces; the only way they could have acquired them unless given the BUK by Russia, which itself is highly unlikely given Russian strategic concerns.
Activist Post
July 17, 2014

With the recent shooting down of a Malaysian Boeing 777 over Ukraine, the Western media is aflame with fingerpointing at Russia and Ukrainian separatists. However, while NATO and its media mouthpieces attempt to rekindle the Cold War and ignite a confrontation with Russia, there exists a number of fundamental questions surrounding the events that have taken place in Eastern Ukraine.
Although not a detailed list, below are six reasons why one should question the official story of the Malaysian flight shot down over Ukraine.
1.) The Ukrainian separatists do not have the military hardware capable of shooting down an airplane at the height at which the Malaysian Boeing 777 was flying.
Ukrainian separatists are equipped with shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles which are capable of bringing down an airplane. This much is true. However, the systems believed to be possessed by the separatists are those such as the Igla missile system, which is incapable of hitting planes at the altitudes at which the Malaysian flight was flying. 33,000 feet is simply too high an altitude to be reached with the shoulder-fired missile delivery systems with which the Ukrainian separatists are currently outfitted.
There is no evidence to suggest that the separatists possess the BUK missile systems. At the time of the writing, this writer is not aware of any reports suggesting that separatists commandeered BUK missile launching systems from the Kiev fascist government forces; the only way they could have acquired them unless given the BUK by Russia, which itself is highly unlikely given Russian strategic concerns.
Malaysian Flight Shot Down Over Ukraine - Kiev Gov't Implicated

In what is now the second curious incident involving a Malaysian airlines flight, a Malaysian airlines Boeing 777 has crashed over Ukraine. The flight was traveling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur with 295 people on board. The flight crashed in East Ukraine close to the Russian border.
The flight was allegedly downed by a missile.
According to USA Today “Anton Gerashenko, the adviser, says on his Facebook page the plane was flying at an altitude of 33,000 feet when it was hit Thursday by a missile fired from a BUK launcher, the Associated Press reports.”
AP Journalists are claiming to have seen a similar style missile in the eastern Ukrainian town of Snizhne on Thursday.
USA TODAY describes the BUK missile system, also known as the SA-17 GRIZZLY as “a mobile anti-aircraft system mounted usually on a tracked vehicle or truck that can simultaneously track and strike six targets flying from different directions and at different altitudes.”
Yet while the Western press is wasting no time to suggest that the plane was shot down either by Ukrainian separatists backed by Russia or even Russia itself, both the separatist leaders and the Russian government have denied any involvement in the downing of the plane.
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has also denied shooting down the plane.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - July 14, 2014 - Interview With Dr. Gabriel Batarseh - Video
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - July 14, 2014
Brandon interviews Dr. Gabriel Batarseh, an 82 year old Palestinian man who lived in Palestine BEFORE the Israelis established the state of Israel. Dr. Batarseh tells his life story, what life was like before 1948, how things changed with the creation of the Israeli state, and comments on the current situation. A Christian himself, Dr. Batarseh also speaks to Christians who support Israel.
UCY.TV is an investigative media platform, designed to give YOU a voice on the platform of your choice: Video, live radio, podcasts, written articles and more. UCY.TV's website offers visitors top-notch ORIGINAL alternative news from reputable journalists, investigative field reporters, insightful radio broadcasts, LIVE video streams, exclusive interviews, archives and an intelligent forum. To learn more about how to become a part of UCY and lend your voice to the growing alternative media movement, email: Real news, for the people, by the people.
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - July 14, 2014 - Interview With Dr. Gabriel Batarseh
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - July 14, 2014
Brandon interviews Dr. Gabriel Batarseh, an 82 year old Palestinian man who lived in Palestine BEFORE the Israelis established the state of Israel. Dr. Batarseh tells his life story, what life was like before 1948, how things changed with the creation of the Israeli state, and comments on the current situation. A Christian himself, Dr. Batarseh also speaks to Christians who support Israel.
Brandon interviews Dr. Gabriel Batarseh, an 82 year old Palestinian man who lived in Palestine BEFORE the Israelis established the state of Israel. Dr. Batarseh tells his life story, what life was like before 1948, how things changed with the creation of the Israeli state, and comments on the current situation. A Christian himself, Dr. Batarseh also speaks to Christians who support Israel.

Monday, July 14, 2014
Brandon Turbeville on Before the First Cup with Jules, Zorie, and Wendy aka "Lady Pitbull" - July 11, 2014.
Brandon Turbeville on Before the First Cup with Jules, Zorie, and Wendy aka "Lady Pitbull" - July 11, 2014.
Brandon discusses the Monsanto, Glyphosate, CYP450 enzyme, mass shooting connection. They also discuss ISIS in Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, the potential for a massive terror attack inside the United States. Brandon also discusses the illegal immigration controversy.
Click the link below in order to access the audio file link.
Before the First Cup July 11, 2014.
Brandon discusses the Monsanto, Glyphosate, CYP450 enzyme, mass shooting connection. They also discuss ISIS in Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, the potential for a massive terror attack inside the United States. Brandon also discusses the illegal immigration controversy.
Click the link below in order to access the audio file link.
Before the First Cup July 11, 2014.
Before The First Cup,
Brandon Turbeville,,
Illegal Immigration,
Mass Shootings,
Massive Terror Attack In The United States,
Brandon Turbeville on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley, Josh, and J.D. - July 11, 2014
Brandon Turbeville on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley, Josh, and J.D. - July 11, 2014
They discuss Monsanto, CYP450 enzymes, Glyphosate, and the school violence connection as well as ISIS in Iraq.
They discuss Monsanto, CYP450 enzymes, Glyphosate, and the school violence connection as well as ISIS in Iraq.
Brandon Turbeville,,
J.D. The Power Hour,
Joyce Riley,
Mass Shootings,
Massive Terror Attack In The United States,
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Brandon Turbeville's Breaking Story Discussed By Alex Jones - FBI Visiting Gun Shops
Alex discusses Brandon's breaking story beginning at about 3:00 minutes and then at about the 10 minute mark.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Is Monsanto Contributing To The Rise In Mass Shootings?
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
July 10, 2014
In January, 2013, I wrote an article entitled, “Psychiatric Drugs, School Violence, And The Big Pharma Cover-up,” where I discussed the importance of the CYP450 enzymes on the metabolism of pharmaceutical drugs and the potential for adverse effects of those drugs if the CYP450 enzyme was not functioning properly.
Studies conducted over the last decade have clearly demonstrated the link between adverse reactions to Psycho-Pharmaceutical medications and underactive or underperforming CYP450 enzymes. This has caused some to wonder whether or not the recent uptick in mass shootings and the obvious link to many of the perpetrators and prescription drugs could be related to the performance of the CYP450 enzymes. Additional research, however, is now causing more questions to be asked in reference to the connections that chemicals like Glyphosate may have in the inhibition of proper CYP450 performance and, thus, in the uptick in mass shootings.
For those unfamiliar with the functions of the CYP450 enzymes, CYP450 stands for the Cytochrome P450 enzymes. Scientists understand these enzymes to be responsible for metabolizing almost half of all drugs currently on the market. P450 gene variants (polymorphisms) are implicated in the variability in drug response among a wide range of individuals.
These polymorphisms, which are essentially structural
changes in the human DNA, might hold the key as to why some individuals do not
respond to high doses of medication and why other individuals may have toxic or
adverse effects to the same medication at very low doses. As the Mayo clinic
Communique, Cytochrome P450 Enzyme Genotyping: Optimizing Patient Care
Through Pharmacogenetics explains:
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Media Propaganda Foreshadows Massive False Flag Inside The United States
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As the stagnant and depressed United States economy teeters on the brink of yet another collapse and the Anglo-American ruling class court war with Russia and China, there exists a number of crises that run the risk of exploding into full-blown chaos and resulting in a tragic world of misery for the little people at the bottom.
While daily news reports have no shortage of potential catastrophes, when one considers the predictive programming being provided by mainstream media outlets in recent months, there exists yet another cataclysmic possibility for the United States – a massive false flag terror attack that takes place on American soil and dwarfing 9/11 in scale.
Before elaborating, it is important to point out that this writer is not attempting to “predict” the next “attack,” nor am I planting my flag and claiming that such an “attack” will definitely occur. I am, however, stating that the predictive programming and talking points coming from the mainstream media and government outlets are signaling just such an event.
This is because, much like the months leading up to 9/11, the American public is being assaulted with an onslaught of reports suggesting the possibility of another major terror attack inside the United States.
The narrative being inserted into news media reports and government statements no longer revolves around terrorists hijacking planes or blowing up specific buildings. This time, the narrative is that there is the very real possibility that terrorists who have traveled to Syria and Iraq in order to overthrow the governments in those countries are now travelling back to the United States and Europe with the intention of launching terror attacks at home.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - June 30, 2014 - Video
Brandon discusses ISIS in Iraq and the possibility of a massive false flag terror attack inside the United States.
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - June 30, 2014
Truth on the Tracks with Brandon Turbeville - June 30, 2014
Brandon discusses ISIS in Iraq and the possibility of a new massive terror attack in the United States.

Brandon discusses ISIS in Iraq and the possibility of a new massive terror attack in the United States.

Brandon Turbeville on Down The Rabbit Hole with Popeye - June 5, 2014 - Video
On this edition of DTRH Popeye welcomes to the broadcast author, investigative journalist, and radio show host Brandon Turbeville. Tonight the two of them cover a large variety of topics including: The ongoing war in Syria, and it's recent elections; The ongoing situation in the Ukraine; The Left-Right Political Paradigm; The NeoCon Faux Conservatives Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio; PNAC; Stolen American elections; The levels of division in this country, and the world; Culture Creation; The self destructive programming embedded in TV shows, movies, and music; The dumbing down of society as a whole; The Illuminati, and references to them becoming pop-culture; And real world solutions to all of this mess.
Brandon Turbeville,,
Culture Creation,
Down The Rabbit Hole,
Left-Right Paradigm,
Predictive Programming,
Truth Frequency Network,
Brandon Turbeville on Down The Rabbit Hole with Popeye - June 5, 2014.
Brandon Turbeville on Down The Rabbit Hole with Popeye - June 5, 2014.
(FEDERALJACK) On this edition of DTRH Popeye welcomes to the broadcast author, investigative journalist, and radio show host Brandon Turbeville. Tonight the two of them cover a large variety of topics including: The ongoing war in Syria, and it’s recent elections; The ongoing situation in the Ukraine; The Left-Right Political Paradigm; The NeoCon Faux Conservatives Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio; PNAC; Stolen American elections; The levels of division in this country, and the world; Culture Creation; The self destructive programming embedded in TV shows, movies, and music; The dumbing down of society as a whole; The Illuminati, and references to them becoming pop-culture; And real world solutions to all of this mess.
(FEDERALJACK) On this edition of DTRH Popeye welcomes to the broadcast author, investigative journalist, and radio show host Brandon Turbeville. Tonight the two of them cover a large variety of topics including: The ongoing war in Syria, and it’s recent elections; The ongoing situation in the Ukraine; The Left-Right Political Paradigm; The NeoCon Faux Conservatives Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio; PNAC; Stolen American elections; The levels of division in this country, and the world; Culture Creation; The self destructive programming embedded in TV shows, movies, and music; The dumbing down of society as a whole; The Illuminati, and references to them becoming pop-culture; And real world solutions to all of this mess.

Brandon Turbeville,,
Culture Creation,
Down The Rabbit Hole,
Left-Right Paradigm,
Predictive Programming,
Truth Frequency Network,
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