
Monday, May 5, 2014

New Video Evidence Points To al-Nusra Chemical Attack Against Syrian Soldiers

image source
Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post

With the constant concern over the use of chemical weapons in Syria, Western media outlets consistently seize on every opportunity available to lay the blame of any deployment of such weapons on the back of the Assad government.

Even when the evidence points to the death squads instead of the Syrian government, the West continues to prattle on about Assad’s crimes against humanity all the while ignoring that evidence incriminating the death squads.

Other cases pointing toward the use of chemical weapons by the death squads, however, are simply ignored in total.

Indeed, this is the situation regarding a video that recently surfaced from the Deraa province near the Syrian/Jordanian border where a number of dead Syrian soldiers can be seen strewn about a field in a manner that seems to indicate that they were killed by chemical weapons. More specifically, it appears that these soldiers may have been killed by a blistering agent.

The attack, which allegedly took place on April 25, was conducted by Jobhat al-Nusra.

Upon analyzing the video, it is apparent that the bodies of the soldiers are all intact and very few signs of blood can be seen on them.

Gas masks can also be seen next to the soldiers as if they had been trying to put them on but were unfortunately too late in doing so. As Mimi Al-Laham (aka Syrian Girl) has pointed out, every visible gas mask is seen lying next to a soldiers’ hands.

As one can deduce from watching the video, Laham states “There is no evidence of shockwave damage from the soldiers clothing or the surrounding area.”

What can be seen, however, is the apparent blistering of exposed skin, indicating the possibility of a blistering agent having been used.

Blistering agents are known to cause the burning and blistering of the skin as well as the esophagus, a most unpleasant way to die.

In her own video analysis available for viewing on YouTube and entitled “Evidence: Rebel Chemical Attack on Syrian Soldiers,” Laham posts a picture of the aftereffects of blistering agents on soldiers in other conflicts (like mustard gas in WWI) compared to the injuries seen on the Syrian soldiers found dead in Deraa.

Laham also compares the injuries sustained by the dead civilians in the Ghouta chemical attacks with those of the Syrian soldiers, with the two groups having many similarities.

Although the chemical used in Ghouta is largely thought to be Sarin, Laham states that “It’s clear that Jobhat al-Nusra have access to the same chemical that caused the Ghouta chemical attacks which caused the death of scores of civilians. Interestingly, sarin gas [the gas allegedly used in Ghouta] is a nerve agent, not a blistering agent. No media has made a point of this fact, nor has the OPCW explained the state of these bodies [in Ghouta].”

Although there is ample evidence that the death squads in Syria do indeed have access to Sarin, Laham states that “They were going to find evidence of sarin gas even if it wasn’t there because they wanted to get rid of Syria’s WMDs and leave her weakened for attack.”

In the end, while the video that has recently surfaced from Deraa seems to show evidence of chemical weapons use, the fact is that we simply do not know the true cause of the soldiers’ deaths. Since the culprit would have logically been the death squads, it is thus unlikely that the Western world and international humanitarian organizations that howl over the alleged crimes of Assad will do the same in this instance.

As Laham asks in her own video, “Where are the UN inspectors now? Where is the OPCW now? And where are the ‘red lines’ now?

Recently by Brandon Turbeville:
Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor's Degree from Francis Marion University and is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius -- The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real ConspiraciesFive Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, and The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria. Turbeville has published over 300 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville's podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV.  He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)

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