
Thursday, May 1, 2014

First Canadian Fired For Refusing Vaccine

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Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
April 30, 2014

While Ukraine, the NBA, and Cliven Bundy dominated the headlines in North America, the Canadian press reported on a major milestone that was quietly reached – the first firing of a Canadian healthcare worker for refusing a vaccine, and the public shaming effort that comes with the “option” of wearing a face mask which took place in December.

Although the few reports surrounding the firing were published only days ago, the Boundary Hospital employee from British Columbia, Canada, Arnold Hoekstra, was fired in December of 2013. His case was only announced by the Health Ministry on Wednesday in order to “wrap up the flu season.”

Hoekstra, who is 49, held a permanent part-time position at the hospital as an adult day program worker. However, when he was instructed to submit to a flu vaccination, he refused to be injected with the toxic cocktail of chemicals and viruses that have been demonstrated to cause a number of adverse health effects in both children and adults. Short of agreeing to be injected with a vaccine that has been shown to be ineffective at preventing the flu (at best), Hoekstra’s only other option was to wear a face mask at all times while at work.

In an interview with the Vancouver Sun, Hoekstra stated “I don’t believe you should do things just because somebody tells you. We should be able to think for ourselves, we should be able to make those decisions. I’ve worked in health care since the early '80s. You’d think we should be a little bit more enlightened but we’re not.”

According to the Vancouver Sun, Hoekstra stated that he and his wife have seven children and that he would rather die than force them to be vaccinated.

Hoekstra, like many others who have researched vaccinations, is not convinced that the injections provide any health benefits. He stated, “Vaccines in general, I believe, are a total lie and we’ve been sold this lie for years. I could have saved my job, I could have said yeah I’ll do it but I just did not believe.”

Hoekstra had previously went public with his story to the Grand Forks Gazette, his local newspaper. However, larger coverage of the issue did not take place until recently after Chief Provincial Health Officer Perry Kendall mentioned Hoekstra’s termination in his end-of-year press conference.

 The Health Ministry further stated that 1.4 million British Columbians had been vaccinated against the flu this season and Kendall stated that, within the next five years, he hopes to see “advances toward a universal flu vaccination that would help reduce the guesswork in identifying the coming year’s strain of influenza.”

As Rob Shaw wrote for The Province,
The government said Wednesday that 80 per cent of health care workers ultimately did get vaccinated, which was a 10-per-cent increase from the previous flu season.
The remaining workers chose to wear masks, but Hoekstra said he rejected that option because wearing a mask all day makes him feel like he’s suffocating.
Hoekstra, for his part, does not regret his decision. Indeed, he stated as much in an interview with this writer. “I do not regret my decision,” he said. “I regret that the powers that be made this awful choice.”

Ultimately, the firing of Hoekstra is just another example of how vaccine dogma has taken an even stronger hold in the medical industry and the community at large. It also speaks volumes to the level of control private corporations and governments now have over the private life and personal health decisions of individual citizens and employees.

For those who may be unaware, the last several months have seen a volley of mainstream media propaganda promoting vaccines and demonizing anyone who refuses to accept the faith-based science that support them. A clear propaganda effort has been launched to make vaccination trendy and refusal to vaccinate a social behavior that is frowned upon. Already, those individuals addicted to hip media outlets are using peer pressure to bully non-vaccinators into accepted the toxic shots out of fear of ostracism more so than the disease they allegedly prevent.

Hoekstra seems to recognize the coming confrontation between vaccinators and non-vaccinators as being foretold by the recent number of articles and propaganda pieces being produced by mainstream media outlets. He states,
I believe the screws will continue to tighten until the whole nation is on board. They have said in the media that they want the percentage of health care workers taking the shot to go much higher than 80 percent. As far as people losing their jobs, well, I hate to say it but most people tend to do what they’re told, regardless of the fact that they are putting their health at risk. Many I talked to disagreed with the policy but, because of fear of discipline and losing their jobs, they just complied. [Please note that my full interview with Arnold Hoekstra will be released very soon]
Social approval and disapproval is often used to enforce a number of tragic policies by using the force of the people who are further enslaved by them. The recent propaganda push by the pharmaceutical companies and their media mouthpieces is simply the gearing up for a major battle in the future that will inevitably lead to the universal mandate of vaccination applicable to all people with no exemptions.

For now, Arnold Hoekstra stands as one of the first victims of this quiet war.

Recently by Brandon Turbeville:
Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor's Degree from Francis Marion University and is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius -- The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real ConspiraciesFive Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, and The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria. Turbeville has published over 300 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville's podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV.  He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)

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