Activist Post
July 19, 2012
According to a report by Clare Peddie of Adelaide Now, the administration of two different vaccines to chickens in order to “control infectious disease” has resulted in the creation of an entirely new virus strain in the Melbourne and Sydney areas of Australia. The new strains were highly virulent and had a relatively high mortality rate according to researchers.
Chickens are routinely vaccinated in Australia for laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) which is itself an infectious disease. There are three available types of ILTV vaccines in Australia.
Recently, however, the application of two or more types of vaccines resulted in a recombination of the DNA of two virus strains which were administered in separate doses and thus an entirely new strain of the virus.
Asia-Pacific Centre for Animal Health researchers examined the DNA sequence of the virus against the DNA sequence of the existing strains contained within the three vaccines and were “surprised” to find that the new virus was an entirely new strain.
The fact that the virus is so highly communicable is also extremely concerning. But the mortality rate associated with the new virus is even more worrisome.
In this case, 17% of the chickens infected with the new virus were killed. The New York Daily News reports a mortality rate of 20%.
Indeed, University of Melbourne lecturer Dr. Joanne Devlin stated that it was “more virulent and never before seen in the field.”
Previously, many researchers were under the impression that such an occurrence was not possible, particularly as a result of vaccinations.
Researchers are claiming that the new viruses cannot be transmitted to humans and are thus no cause for concern in terms of human health or food safety. Of course, this is stated with a great deal of confidence considering the fact that the new virus strain is . . . well . . . new.
In fact, until recently, these researchers didn’t even believe that the creation of this virus was possible. So should they really be so reassuring over the effects of something they don’t fully understand?
Commenting on the research which was published in the journal Science, Professor Ian Gust stated that, although the recombined new virus as a result of multiple vaccination was an “interesting finding,” the administration of herpes vaccine in chickens is conducted via a much different process than it is in humans.
While Gust admitted that “live attenuated vaccines” are used in humans, he said “it would be extremely unusual for a doctor to use different strains of the same virus in succession.”
Of course, describing the application of two different strains of virus in human vaccines as “extremely unusual” is similar to how the description of the possibility of virus recombination and transmission via vaccine in chickens would have been described only a short time ago.

Regardless, this recent incident only demonstrates further that vaccines containing “attenuated” viruses are indeed capable of transmitting the virus it has allegedly been designed to prevent. It also goes to show that, in contrast to erroneous claims made by doctors and vaccine promoters the world over that “attenuated” means “dead,” the viruses contained in the vaccines are very much alive.
In fact, it has been well-established that vaccines are capable of transmitting disease by virtue of their infection to the individual who received it.
However, as this recent “surprising” case of new virus creation illustrates, the administration of vaccines may also cause side effects which may have even bigger consequences than the harm done to the unfortunate vaccine recipient.
Indeed, the knowledge that recombinant can recombine again and, as a result, form novel viruses, is not new at all. Because “recombination” is just another term for “genetic engineering,” it has been well-established that the modified DNA may act in an unpredictable fashion, with one of the possibilities being the creation of new viruses.[1]
While many in the medical industry may be surprised at this “new” development, the truth is that the myth of vaccine safety and effectiveness quickly falls apart once real science is applied. We can only hope that a sizeable portion of the general public begin to realize this fact.
Notes:[1] Smith, Jeffery M. Seeds of Deception. YES Books. 2003.
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Brandon Turbeville is an author out of Mullins, South Carolina. He has a Bachelor's Degree from Francis Marion University and is the author of three books, Codex Alimentarius -- The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, and Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident. Turbeville has published over one hundred articles dealing with a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville is available for podcast, radio, and TV interviews. Please contact us at activistpost (at)
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